# # example configuration file for tsk-rs suite # [data] path = "test_data" # if uncommented defaults to users data directory in the os e.g $HOME/.local/share/tsk-rs #createdir = true # if false data directory needs to exists or we exit with an error. if true directory is created #rotate = 3 # keep X occurances of all data files present as backups #[note] #description = true # if false does not add '# description' header to Markdown on edit #timestamp = true # if false does not add current date and time to Markdown on edit #[task] #autorelease = true # if false then if task has a special tag "hold" set it is left in place #starttag = true # if false then special tag "start" has no effect when new task is created #specialvisible = true # if false then special tags are not visible in task listings #stopondone = true # if false then when task is marked done possible time tracking is not stopped first #clearpsecialtags = true # if false then when task is marked done all special tags are left in place #[output] #colors = true # colorize task and note outputs #grid = true # draw a box around output #numbers = true # show line numbers in output #namespace = true # make namespace visible during execution #descriptionlength = 60 # maximum number of characters to show in listings for description before it is truncated #totals = true # show total number of entries in listings #scoremultiplier = 1.0 # to adjust the weight of internal score calculation result for each task to display # eof