[[enum]] name = "PermissionType" #type = "u32" #doc = "" variants = [ { name="ServerGroup", doc="Server group permission. (id1: ServerGroupId, id2: 0)" }, { name="GlobalClient", doc="Client specific permission. (id1: ClientDbId, id2: 0)" }, { name="Channel", doc="Channel specific permission. (id1: ChannelId, id2: 0)" }, { name="ChannelGroup", doc="Channel group permission. (id1: ChannelId, id2: ChannelGroupId)" }, { name="ChannelClient", doc="Channel-client specific permission. (id1: ChannelId, id2: ClientDbId)" }, ] [[enum]] name = "TextMessageTargetMode" variants = [ { name="Unknown", doc="Maybe to all servers?" }, { name="Client", doc="Send to specific client" }, { name="Channel", doc="Send to current channel" }, { name="Server", doc="Send to server chat" }, ] [[enum]] name = "HostMessageMode" variants = [ { name="None", doc="Dont display anything" }, { name="Log", doc="Display message inside log" }, { name="Modal", doc="Display message inside a modal dialog" }, { name="Modalquit", doc="Display message inside a modal dialog and quit/close server/connection" }, ] [[enum]] name = "HostBannerMode" variants = [ { name="NoAdjust", doc="Do not adjust" }, { name="AdjustIgnoreAspect", doc="Adjust and ignore aspect ratio" }, { name="AdjustKeepAspect", doc="Adjust and keep aspect ratio" }, ] [[enum]] name = "Codec" variants = [ { name="SpeexNarrowband", doc="Mono, 16bit, 8kHz, bitrate dependent on the quality setting" }, { name="SpeexWideband", doc="Mono, 16bit, 16kHz, bitrate dependent on the quality setting" }, { name="SpeexUltrawideband", doc="Mono, 16bit, 32kHz, bitrate dependent on the quality setting" }, { name="CeltMono", doc="Mono, 16bit, 48kHz, bitrate dependent on the quality setting" }, { name="OpusVoice", doc="Mono, 16bit, 48kHz, bitrate dependent on the quality setting, optimized for voice" }, { name="OpusMusic", doc="Stereo, 16bit, 48kHz, bitrate dependent on the quality setting, optimized for music" }, ] [[enum]] name = "CodecEncryptionMode" variants = [ { name="PerChannel", doc="Voice encryption is configured per channel" }, { name="ForcedOff", doc="Voice encryption is globally off" }, { name="ForcedOn", doc="Voice encryption is globally on" }, ] [[enum]] name = "Reason" variants = [ { name="None", doc="No reason data" }, { name="Moved", doc="Has invoker" }, { name="Subscription", doc="No reason data" }, { name="LostConnection", doc="Timeout" }, { name="KickChannel", doc="Has invoker" }, { name="KickServer", doc="Has invoker" }, { name="KickServerBan", doc="Has invoker, bantime" }, { name="Serverstop", doc="" }, { name="Clientdisconnect", doc="" }, { name="Channelupdate", doc="No reason data" }, { name="Channeledit", doc="Has invoker" }, { name="ClientdisconnectServerShutdown", doc="" }, ] [[enum]] name = "GroupNamingMode" variants = [ { name="None", doc="No group name is displayed." }, { name="Before", doc="Group name is displayed before the client name." }, { name="After", doc="Group name is displayed after the client name." }, ] [[enum]] name = "GroupType" variants = [ { name="Template", doc="Template group (used for new virtual servers)." }, { name="Regular", doc="Regular group (used for regular clients)." }, { name="Query", doc="Global query group (used for server query clients)." }, ] [[enum]] name = "LicenseType" variants = [ { name="NoLicense", doc="No licence" }, { name="Offline", doc="Offline/LAN license" }, { name="Sdk", doc="TeamSpeak SDK license" }, { name="SdkOffline", doc="TeamSpeak SDK offline license" }, { name="Npl", doc="Non-Profit License (NPL)" }, { name="Athp", doc="Authorised TeamSpeak Host Provider License (ATHP)" }, { name="Aal", doc="Annual activation license (AAL)" }, { name="Default", doc="Default license with 32 slots" }, { name="Gamer", doc="Gamer license" }, { name="Sponsorship", doc="Licenses sponsored by TeamSpeak" }, { name="Commercial", doc="For use inside corporates" }, ] [[enum]] name = "ChannelType" variants = [ { name="Permanent", doc="Normal channel" }, { name="SemiPermanent", doc="Deleted when the server restarts" }, { name="Temporary", doc="Deleted when empty" }, ] [[enum]] name = "TokenType" variants = [ { name="ServerGroup", doc="Server group token (`id1={groupId}, id2=0`)" }, { name="ChannelGroup", doc="Channel group token (`id1={groupId}, id2={channelId}`)" }, ] [[enum]] name = "PluginTargetMode" variants = [ { name="CurrentChannel", doc="Send to all clients in the current channel." }, { name="Server", doc="Send to all clients on the server." }, { name="Client", doc="Send to all given clients ids." }, { name="CurrentChannelSubsribedClients", doc="Send to all given clients which are subscribed to the current channel (i.e. which see the this client)." }, ] [[enum]] name = "LogLevel" variants = [ { name="Error", doc="Everything that is really bad.", value=1 }, { name="Warning", doc="Everything that might be bad." }, { name="Debug", doc="Output that might help find a problem." }, { name="Info", doc="Informational output." }, ] [[bitflag]] name = "ChannelPermissionHint" doc = "Hints if the client has the permission to make specific actions." variants = [ { name="Join", doc="b_channel_join_*", value=1 }, { name="Modify", doc="i_channel_modify_power", value=2 }, { name="ForceDelete", doc="b_channel_delete_flag_force", value=4 }, { name="Delete", doc="b_channel_delete_*", value=8 }, { name="Subscribe", doc="i_channel_subscribe_power", value=16 }, { name="ViewDescription", doc="i_channel_description_view_power", value=32 }, { name="FileUpload", doc="i_ft_file_upload_power", value=64 }, { name="FileDownload", doc="i_ft_needed_file_download_power", value=128 }, { name="FileDelete", doc="i_ft_file_delete_power", value=256 }, { name="FileRename", doc="i_ft_file_rename_power", value=512 }, { name="FileBrowse", doc="i_ft_file_browse_power", value=1024 }, { name="FileDirectoryCreate", doc="i_ft_directory_create_power", value=2048 }, { name="ModifyPermissions", doc="i_channel_permission_modify_power", value=4096 }, ] [[bitflag]] name = "ClientPermissionHint" doc = "Hints if the client has the permission to make specific actions." variants = [ { name="KickServer", doc="i_client_kick_from_server_power", value=1 }, { name="KickChannel", doc="i_client_kick_from_channel_power", value=2 }, { name="Ban", doc="i_client_ban_power", value=4 }, { name="MoveClient", doc="i_client_move_power", value=8 }, { name="PrivateMessage", doc="i_client_private_textmessage_power", value=16 }, { name="Poke", doc="i_client_poke_power", value=32 }, { name="Whisper", doc="i_client_whisper_power", value=64 }, { name="Complain", doc="i_client_complain_power", value=128 }, { name="ModifyPermissions", doc="i_client_permission_modify_power", value=256 }, ]