use flate2::write::ZlibDecoder; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use myutil::{err::*, *}; use nix::unistd::getuid; use serde::Serialize; use std::{ collections::HashMap, io::Write, net::{SocketAddr, UdpSocket}, thread, time::Duration, }; use ttserver::cfg::Cfg; use ttserver_def::*; pub(super) const CPU_TOTAL: u32 = 48; pub(super) const MEM_TOTAL: u32 = 64 * 1024; pub(super) const DISK_TOTAL: u32 = 1000 * 1024; lazy_static! { static ref CLI_SOCK: UdpSocket = pnk!(gen_sock(1)); static ref SERV_ADDR: SocketAddr = pnk!("".parse::()); static ref OPS_MAP: HashMap<&'static str, u8> = map! { "register_client_id" => 0, "get_server_info" => 1, "get_env_list" => 2, "get_env_info" => 3, "add_env" => 4, "del_env" => 5, "update_env_lifetime" => 6, "update_env_kick_vm" => 7, }; } pub(super) fn get_uid() -> u32 { getuid().as_raw() } // 异步启动 Server pub(super) fn start_server() { assert_eq!( 0, get_uid(), "\x1b[31;1mMust be root to run this test!\x1b[0m" ); thread::spawn(|| { pnk!(ttserver::start(mock_cfg())); }); thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); } fn mock_cfg() -> Cfg { Cfg { log_path: None, serv_ip: "".to_owned(), serv_at: "".to_owned(), image_path: "/tmp/".to_owned(), cpu_total: CPU_TOTAL, mem_total: MEM_TOTAL, disk_total: DISK_TOTAL, } } /// 发送请求信息 pub(super) fn send_req(ops: &str, req: Req) -> Result { let ops_id = OPS_MAP .get(ops) .copied() .ok_or(eg!(format!("Unknown request: {}", ops)))?; let mut body = format!("{id:>0width$}", id = ops_id, width = OPS_ID_LEN).into_bytes(); body.append(&mut serde_json::to_vec(&req).c(d!())?); CLI_SOCK.send_to(&body, *SERV_ADDR).c(d!()).and_then(|_| { let mut buf = vct![0; 8 * 4096]; let size = CLI_SOCK.recv(&mut buf).c(d!())?; let mut d = ZlibDecoder::new(vct![]); d.write_all(&buf[..size]) .c(d!()) .and_then(|_| d.finish().c(d!())) .and_then(|resp_decompressed| { serde_json::from_slice(&resp_decompressed).c(d!()) }) }) } fn gen_sock(timeout: u64) -> Result { let mut addr; for port in (40_000 + ts!() % 10_000)..60_000 { addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], port as u16)); if let Ok(sock) = UdpSocket::bind(addr) { sock.set_read_timeout(Some(Duration::from_secs(timeout))) .c(d!())?; return Ok(sock); } } Err(eg!()) }