use std::collections::HashMap; use std::time::Duration; use clap::Parser; use simple_logger::SimpleLogger; use futures::StreamExt; fn uri_cli_parser(s: &str) -> Result { let uri: hyper::Uri = match s.parse() { Ok(uri) => uri, Err(e) => return Err(format!("Error parsing URI: {:?}", e)), }; let mut uri_parts = uri.into_parts(); if let None = uri_parts.scheme { uri_parts.scheme = Some(hyper::http::uri::Scheme::HTTPS); } if let None = uri_parts.path_and_query { uri_parts.path_and_query = Some(hyper::http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/")); } let uri = hyper::Uri::from_parts(uri_parts).unwrap(); Ok(uri.into()) } #[derive(Parser)] struct CLIArgs { #[clap(value_parser = uri_cli_parser)] server_uri: hyper::Uri, } #[tokio::main(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 10)] async fn main() { SimpleLogger::new() .init() .expect("Error initializing logger"); let cli_args = CLIArgs::parse(); println!("Creating client..."); let mut client = tubez::Client::new(cli_args.server_uri); println!("Creating channel..."); let channel_headers = HashMap::new(); let mut channel = client.make_tube_channel(channel_headers).await.expect( "Channel creation error" ); println!("Channel created!"); println!("Waiting 3secs"); tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(3)).await; println!("Creating tube1..."); let tube1_headers = HashMap::new(); let mut tube1 = channel.make_tube(tube1_headers).await.expect( "Tube1 creation error" ); println!("tube1 created!"); println!("Waiting 3secs"); tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(3)).await; println!("Sending some data..."); tube1.send("tube1 data!".into(), Duration::from_secs(3)).await.unwrap(); println!("received ack for data sent on tube1!"); println!("client has finished..."); tube1.has_finished_sending().await.expect("Tube1 failed sending ClientHasFinished"); println!("Waiting 3 secs before creating 2nd tube..."); // TODO: Deleting this kills the transport... Probably need to gracefully // kill/end/await all the Channels in a destructor or something? tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(3000)).await; let tube2_headers = HashMap::new(); let tube2 = channel.make_tube(tube2_headers).await.expect( "Tube2 creation error" ); println!("Waiting on tube events..."); while let Some(tube_event) = { println!("Tubeevent: {:?}", tube_event); } std::mem::drop(tube1); std::mem::drop(tube2); println!("No more tube events! Dropping channel in 3 seconds..."); tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(3000)).await; std::mem::drop(channel); println!("Channel now dropped!"); println!("Waiting a bit before exiting..."); // TODO: Deleting this kills the transport... Probably need to gracefully // kill/end/await all the Channels in a destructor or something? tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(5000)).await; }