# Tuc**key** An evolution of [tuck5](https://github.com/mondobe.tuck5)'s basic architecture as a more traditional lexer-parser generator (removing the tags and iterative processing in favor of something closer to traditional pattern matching). You are meant to interact with Tuckey through the `meta` system - you provide a string from which Tuckey builds a set of rules which is used to process some characters into tokens. So: ``` | Text | Rule Text => Ruleset => | \/ | | Tokens | ``` For example, to process only positive integers without leading zeroes, you can use these rules: ``` nonzero = 1..9 digit = 0..9 posInt = nonzero:first & digit* ``` Which transforms the string `120` into these tokens: ``` { first: "1", { "2", "3", "4", } } ``` From there, the token containing the first digit can be accessed with `token.get_first_child("first").unwrap()`. ## TODO: Add meta syntax guide