use std::{ io::{self, Stdout}, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use color_eyre::{ eyre::{bail, Context}, Result, }; use crossterm::{ event::{self, KeyCode}, execute, terminal::{disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode, EnterAlternateScreen, LeaveAlternateScreen}, }; use futures::{FutureExt, StreamExt}; // use futures::{select, FutureExt, StreamExt}; use itertools::Itertools; use ratatui::{prelude::*, widgets::Paragraph}; use strum::EnumIs; use tokio::select; use tui_big_text::BigText; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { let mut app = StopwatchApp::default(); } #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, EnumIs)] enum AppState { #[default] Stopped, Running, Quitting, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Message { StartOrSplit, Stop, Tick, Quit, } #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq)] struct StopwatchApp { state: AppState, splits: Vec, fps_counter: FpsCounter, } impl StopwatchApp { async fn run(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let mut tui = Tui::init()?; let mut events = EventHandler::new(60.0); while !self.state.is_quitting() { self.draw(&mut tui)?; let message =; self.handle_message(message)?; } Ok(()) } fn handle_message(&mut self, message: Message) -> Result<()> { match message { Message::StartOrSplit => self.start_or_split(), Message::Stop => self.stop(), Message::Tick => self.tick(), Message::Quit => self.quit(), } Ok(()) } fn start_or_split(&mut self) { if self.state.is_stopped() { self.start(); } else { self.record_split(); } } fn stop(&mut self) { self.record_split(); self.state = AppState::Stopped; } fn tick(&mut self) { self.fps_counter.tick() } fn quit(&mut self) { self.state = AppState::Quitting } fn start(&mut self) { self.splits.clear(); self.state = AppState::Running; self.record_split(); } fn record_split(&mut self) { if !self.state.is_running() { return; } self.splits.push(Instant::now()); } fn elapsed(&mut self) -> Duration { if self.state.is_running() { self.splits.first().map_or(Duration::ZERO, Instant::elapsed) } else { // last - first or 0 if there are no splits let now = Instant::now(); let first = *self.splits.first().unwrap_or(&now); let last = *self.splits.last().unwrap_or(&now); last - first } } fn draw(&mut self, tui: &mut Tui) -> Result<()> { tui.draw(|frame| { let layout = layout(frame.area()); frame.render_widget(Paragraph::new("Stopwatch Example"), layout[0]); frame.render_widget(self.fps_paragraph(), layout[1]); frame.render_widget(self.timer_paragraph(), layout[2]); frame.render_widget(Paragraph::new("Splits:"), layout[3]); frame.render_widget(self.splits_paragraph(), layout[4]); frame.render_widget(self.help_paragraph(), layout[5]); }) } fn fps_paragraph(&mut self) -> Paragraph<'_> { let fps = format!("{:.2} fps", self.fps_counter.fps); Paragraph::new(fps).dim().right_aligned() } fn timer_paragraph(&mut self) -> BigText<'_> { let style = if self.state.is_running() { Style::new().green() } else { Style::new().red() }; let duration = format_duration(self.elapsed()); let lines = vec![duration.into()]; BigText::builder().lines(lines).style(style).build() } /// Renders the splits as a list of lines. /// /// ```text /// #01 -- 00:00.693 -- 00:00.693 /// #02 -- 00:00.719 -- 00:01.413 /// ``` fn splits_paragraph(&mut self) -> Paragraph<'_> { let start = *self.splits.first().unwrap_or(&Instant::now()); let mut splits = self .splits .iter() .copied() .tuple_windows() .enumerate() .map(|(index, (prev, current))| format_split(index, start, prev, current)) .collect::>(); splits.reverse(); Paragraph::new(splits) } fn help_paragraph(&mut self) -> Paragraph<'_> { let space_action = if self.state.is_stopped() { "start" } else { "split" }; let help_text = Line::from(vec![ "space ".into(), space_action.dim(), " enter ".into(), "stop".dim(), " q ".into(), "quit".dim(), ]); Paragraph::new(help_text).gray() } } fn layout(area: Rect) -> Vec { let layout = Layout::vertical(vec![ Constraint::Length(2), // top bar Constraint::Length(8), // timer Constraint::Length(1), // splits header Constraint::Min(0), // splits Constraint::Length(1), // help ]) .split(area); let top_layout = Layout::horizontal(vec![ Constraint::Length(20), // title Constraint::Min(0), // fps counter ]) .split(layout[0]); // return a new vec with the top_layout rects and then rest of layout top_layout[..] .iter() .chain(layout[1..].iter()) .copied() .collect() } fn format_split<'a>(index: usize, start: Instant, previous: Instant, current: Instant) -> Line<'a> { let split = format_duration(current - previous); let elapsed = format_duration(current - start); Line::from(vec![ format!("#{:02} -- ", index + 1).into(), Span::styled(split, Style::new().yellow()), " -- ".into(), Span::styled(elapsed, Style::new()), ]) } fn format_duration(duration: Duration) -> String { format!( "{:02}:{:02}.{:03}", duration.as_secs() / 60, duration.as_secs() % 60, duration.subsec_millis() ) } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] struct FpsCounter { start_time: Instant, frames: u32, pub fps: f64, } impl Default for FpsCounter { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl FpsCounter { fn new() -> Self { Self { start_time: Instant::now(), frames: 0, fps: 0.0, } } fn tick(&mut self) { self.frames += 1; let now = Instant::now(); let elapsed = (now - self.start_time).as_secs_f64(); if elapsed >= 1.0 { self.fps = self.frames as f64 / elapsed; self.start_time = now; self.frames = 0; } } } /// Handles events from crossterm and emits `Message`s. struct EventHandler { crossterm_events: event::EventStream, interval: tokio::time::Interval, } impl EventHandler { /// Creates a new event handler that emits a `Message::Tick` every `1.0 / max_fps` seconds. fn new(max_fps: f32) -> Self { let period = Duration::from_secs_f32(1.0 / max_fps); Self { crossterm_events: event::EventStream::new(), interval: tokio::time::interval(period), } } async fn next(&mut self) -> Result { select! { event = => Self::handle_crossterm_event(event), _ = self.interval.tick().fuse() => Ok(Message::Tick), } } fn handle_crossterm_event( event: Option>, ) -> Result { match event { Some(Ok(event::Event::Key(key))) => Ok(match key.code { KeyCode::Char('q') => Message::Quit, KeyCode::Char(' ') => Message::StartOrSplit, KeyCode::Char('s') | KeyCode::Enter => Message::Stop, _ => Message::Tick, }), Some(Err(err)) => bail!(err), None => bail!("event stream ended unexpectedly"), _ => Ok(Message::Tick), } } } struct Tui { terminal: Terminal>, } impl Tui { fn init() -> Result { let mut stdout = io::stdout(); execute!(stdout, EnterAlternateScreen).wrap_err("failed to enter alternate screen")?; let backend = CrosstermBackend::new(stdout); let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend).wrap_err("failed to create terminal")?; enable_raw_mode().wrap_err("failed to enable raw mode")?; terminal.hide_cursor().wrap_err("failed to hide cursor")?; terminal.clear().wrap_err("failed to clear console")?; Ok(Self { terminal }) } fn draw(&mut self, frame: impl FnOnce(&mut Frame)) -> Result<()> { self.terminal.draw(frame).wrap_err("failed to draw frame")?; Ok(()) } } impl Drop for Tui { fn drop(&mut self) { disable_raw_mode().expect("failed to disable raw mode"); execute!(self.terminal.backend_mut(), LeaveAlternateScreen) .expect("failed to switch to main screen"); self.terminal.show_cursor().expect("failed to show cursor"); self.terminal.clear().expect("failed to clear console"); } }