use itertools::Itertools; use ratatui::{ crossterm::event::{self, Event, KeyCode, KeyEvent}, layout::Rect, style::{Color, Stylize}, widgets::Block, Frame, }; use strum::IntoEnumIterator; use tui_cards::{Card, Rank, Suit}; fn main() -> color_eyre::Result<()> { color_eyre::install()?; let mut terminal = ratatui::init(); // fix problem with skipping the wrong number of characters when drawing cards // This is probably a bug in ratatui terminal.draw(|frame| frame.render_widget(Block::new().bg(Color::White), frame.area()))?; loop { if terminal.draw(draw).is_err() { break; } if matches!( event::read()?, Event::Key(KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char('q'), .. }), ) { break; } } ratatui::restore(); Ok(()) } fn draw(frame: &mut Frame) { let width = frame.area().width / 15 * 15; let height = frame.area().height / 10 * 10; let cards = Suit::iter() .cartesian_product(Rank::iter()) .map(|(suit, rank)| Card::new(rank, suit)); let x_iter = (0..width).step_by(15); let y_iter = (0..height).step_by(10); for (card, (y, x)) in { let area = Rect::new(x, y, 15, 10); frame.render_widget(&card, area); } }