#!/usr/bin/env -S just --justfile alias d := dev alias r := run alias f := fmt alias l := lint alias t := test # List available commands. _default: just --list --unsorted # Develop the app. dev: cargo watch -x 'clippy --locked --all-targets --all-features' # Develop the app. run: touch qml/qml.qrc && cargo run # Format the codebase. fmt: cargo fmt --all -- --config-path ~/.config/rustfmt/rustfmt.toml # Check if the codebase is properly formatted. fmt-check: cargo fmt --all -- --check # Lint the codebase. lint: cargo clippy --locked --all-targets --all-features # Test the codebase. test: cargo test run --all-targets udeps: cargo +nightly udeps --all-targets fix: cargo fix --all-targets --allow-no-vcs # Tasks to make the code base comply with the rules. Mostly used in git hooks. comply: fmt lint test # Check if the repository complies with the rules and is ready to be pushed. check: fmt-check lint test