use std::thread; use tuig_iosys::{cell, fmt::Cell, text, Action, IoSystem, Key, Screen}; use tuig_ui::{ attachments::{Button, TextInput, TextInputResult, Textbox}, cols, rows, Region, ScreenView, }; fn char_for_input(action: &Action) -> Cell { match action { Action::KeyPress { .. } => cell!(green 'K'), Action::KeyRelease { .. } => cell!(blue 'K'), Action::MouseMove { .. } => cell!(red 'm'), Action::MousePress { .. } => cell!(green 'M'), Action::MouseRelease { .. } => cell!(blue 'M'), _ => cell!(white on_black '~'), } } fn run(mut iosys: Box) { let mut ti = TextInput::new("> ", 5); let mut clicks = 0; let mut tui = |region: Region| { let [l, m, r] = region.split(cols!(20 "| |" * "#" 11)).unwrap(); let [lt, lb] = l.split(rows!(* "=" 1)).unwrap(); let [rt, rb] = r.split(rows!(1 "=" *)).unwrap(); lt.attach(|i, sv| { let txt = text![ "Hello! Your most recent ", red "action", " was: ", bold green "{:?}"(i), ]; Textbox::new(txt).render_to(sv) }); match lb.attach(&mut ti) { TextInputResult::Autocomplete { res, .. } => *res = "mlem!".into(), TextInputResult::Submit(line) =>, _ => (), } m.attach(|i, mut sv: ScreenView| sv.fill(char_for_input(&i))); if rt.attach(Button("click me!").hotkey('4')) { clicks += 1; } rb.attach(Textbox::new(text!("{} clicks"(clicks)))); true }; let mut screen = Screen::new(iosys.size()); let mut input = Action::Redraw; loop { screen.resize(iosys.size()); let root = Region::new(&mut screen, input); if !tui(root) { break; } iosys.draw(&screen).expect("failed to render output"); input = iosys.input().expect("failed to get input"); if matches!( input, Action::Closed | Action::KeyPress { key: Key::Escape } ) { break; } } iosys.stop(); } fn main() { println!("loading..."); let (iosys, mut iorun) = tuig_iosys::load().expect("failed to load any IO system(s)"); let handle = thread::spawn(move || run(iosys));; handle.join().expect("failed to run thread"); println!("done!"); }