tuple_key ========= A serialization format for lexicographically sorted tuples. The keys have the property that any TypedTupleKey that implements lexicographically sorted Ord, PartialOrd traits in field declaration order will serialize to a valid byte string that sorts in the same way. Status ------ Active development. This library has seen recent changes to match the types of keys supported by protobuf maps. Version 0.4 reset the serialization in backwards-incompatible ways. Scope ----- This crate provides everything necessary to convert a struct to and from a tuple key. Warts ----- - The documentation is lacking. Documentation ------------- The latest documentation is always available at [docs.rs](https://docs.rs/tuple_key/latest/tuple_key/). Updating -------- - 0.2.0 -> 0.3.0: Add schema support. Changed the encoding format in a backwards-incompatible way. - 0.1.1 -> 0.2.0: Added support for empty tuples in named structs. Backwards-compatible otherwise.