use std::fs;
use anyhow::{Result, Context as _};
use clap::clap_app;
use turbojpeg::{Compressor, Image, PixelFormat};
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let args = clap_app!(cjpeg =>
(about: "Compresses an image to JPEG")
(@arg INPUT: "Input image file")
(@arg OUTPUT: "Output JPEG file")
(@arg QUALITY: -q --quality
"Quality of the output JPEG file (1 is worst, 100 is best)")
let image = image::io::Reader::open(args.value_of("INPUT").unwrap())?
let image_flat = image.as_flat_samples();
let strides = image_flat.strides_cwh();
let extents = image_flat.extents();
assert_eq!(strides.0, 1);
assert_eq!(strides.1, 3);
assert_eq!(extents.0, 3);
let mut compressor = Compressor::new()?;
if let Some(quality) = args.value_of("QUALITY") {
let quality = quality.parse().context("could not parse value of --quality")?;
let image_jpeg = compressor.compress_to_owned(Image {
pixels: image_flat.as_slice(),
width: extents.1,
pitch: strides.2,
height: extents.2,
format: PixelFormat::RGB,
fs::write(args.value_of("OUTPUT").unwrap(), &image_jpeg)?;