# turbojpeg-sys Raw Rust bindings for the [`turbojpeg`][libjpeg-turbo] library. If you want to work with JPEG files in Rust, you should use the high-level bindings from the `turbojpeg` crate. [libjpeg-turbo]: https://libjpeg-turbo.org/ These bindings are for TurboJPEG version 3.0 and use the new API (prefixed with `tj3`). Note that most package managers for Linux have only TurboJPEG 2.0 or 2.1. ## Building We support multiple options for building the native TurboJPEG library and linking to it. There are three aspects that you can control: - **Source:** should we build the library ourselves, or should we use a compiled version from your system? - **Linking** should we use static or dynamic linking? - **Binding:** should we use pregenerated Rust bindings, or should we generate them at build time? ### Source TurboJPEG is written in C, so we must either compile it ourselves, or look up a compiled library on your system. You can control what we do using `TURBOJPEG_SOURCE` environment variable: - `TURBOJPEG_SOURCE=vendor` (**recommended**, default if the `cmake` feature is enabled): we build TurboJPEG from source using the [`cmake`][cmake-crate] crate and link it to your Rust executable. We use TurboJPEG sources that are bundled with the crate (version 3.0.1). This option requires a C compiler, and if you want to compile the SIMD code that actually makes TurboJPEG fast, you will also [need NASM or Yasm][turbojpeg-building]. By default, if TurboJPEG does not find NASM, you will receive a compilation error. However, you can disable the default feature `require-simd` and TurboJPEG will just skip the SIMD code when NASM is not found (but performance will suffer). - `TURBOJPEG_SOURCE=pkg-config` (default if the `cmake` feature is disabled and `pkg-config` is enabled): we look up the library using [`pkg-config`][pkgconf-crate]. - `TURBOJPEG_SOURCE=explicit` (default if `cmake` and `pkg-config` features are disabled): we look up the library in `TURBOJPEG_LIB_DIR`. If you want to generate the bindings at build time (see below), then you should also set `TURBOJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR` to point to the directory with the `turbojpeg.h` header. [cmake-crate]: https://docs.rs/cmake/latest/cmake/ [pkgconf-crate]: https://docs.rs/pkg-config/latest/pkg_config/ [turbojpeg-building]: https://github.com/libjpeg-turbo/libjpeg-turbo/blob/main/BUILDING.md ### Linking We can link the compiled library from the previous step to your Rust executable either statically (the library becomes part of the executable) or dynamically (the library is looked up at runtime). You can control this using environment variables: - `TURBOJPEG_STATIC=1` configures static linking. - `TURBOJPEG_DYNAMIC=1` (or `TURBOJPEG_SHARED=1`) configures dynamic linking. If you don't specify any of these variables, the default behavior depends on `TURBOJPEG_SOURCE`. If `TURBOJPEG_SOURCE` is `vendor` or `explicit`, we link statically by default. However, if you use `pkg-config`, we [let the `pkg-config` crate decide][pkgconf-crate]; it typically uses dynamic linking by default. ### Binding To use the C library in Rust, we need some boilerplate "binding" code that exports C symbols (functions and variables) into Rust. We have two options and you control the decision with the `TURBOJPEG_BINDING` environment variable: - `TURBOJPEG_BINDING=pregenerated` (default unless the `bindgen` feature is enabled): use a binding code that is shipped with this crate. This should work most of the time and it is the recommended option. - `TURBOJPEG_BINDING=bindgen` (default if the `bindgen` feature is enabled): generate the binding during build using [bindgen][bindgen-crate]. This is normally not necessary, but it might save your day if your TurboJPEG is somehow incompatible with our pregenerated binding code. [bindgen-crate]: https://docs.rs/bindgen/latest/bindgen/ ## Features This crate supports multiple features: - `cmake` (default): allows us to build TurboJPEG from source (`TURBOJPEG_SOURCE=vendor`). - `require-simd` (default): when building TurboJPEG from source, aborts the compilation when NASM is not found and the fast SIMD code would be skipped. - `pkg-config` (default): allows us to find TurboJPEG using `pkg-config` (`TURBOJPEG_SOURCE=pkg-config`). - `bindgen`: allows us to generate the bindings at build time using `bindgen`. Note that the `turbojpeg` crate "reexports" these features.