# This file is auto-generated by Turbosql. # It is used to create and apply automatic schema migrations. # It should be checked into source control. # Modifying it by hand may be dangerous; see the docs. migrations_append_only = [ 'CREATE TABLE person (rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY) STRICT', 'ALTER TABLE person ADD COLUMN name TEXT', 'ALTER TABLE person ADD COLUMN age INTEGER', 'ALTER TABLE person ADD COLUMN image_jpg BLOB', ] output_generated_schema_for_your_information_do_not_edit = ''' CREATE TABLE _turbosql_migrations ( rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, migration TEXT NOT NULL ) STRICT CREATE TABLE person ( rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INTEGER, image_jpg BLOB ) STRICT ''' [output_generated_tables_do_not_edit.person] name = 'person' [[output_generated_tables_do_not_edit.person.columns]] name = 'rowid' rust_type = 'Option < i64 >' sql_type = 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY' [[output_generated_tables_do_not_edit.person.columns]] name = 'name' rust_type = 'Option < String >' sql_type = 'TEXT' [[output_generated_tables_do_not_edit.person.columns]] name = 'age' rust_type = 'Option < i64 >' sql_type = 'INTEGER' [[output_generated_tables_do_not_edit.person.columns]] name = 'image_jpg' rust_type = 'Option < Blob >' sql_type = 'BLOB'