Feature: Others Scenario: Build nothing Given a file named "build.ninja" with: """ """ When I successfully run `turtle` Then the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Use a custom build file location Given a file named "foo.ninja" with: """ rule echo command = echo hello build foo: echo """ When I successfully run `turtle -f foo.ninja` Then the stdout should contain exactly "hello" Scenario: Change a directory first Given a directory named "foo" And I cd to "foo" And a file named "build.ninja" with: """ rule cp command = cp $in $out build foo: cp bar """ And a file named "bar" with "" And I cd to ".." When I successfully run `turtle -C foo` Then a file named "foo/foo" should exist Scenario: Prepare an output directory Given a file named "build.ninja" with: """ rule touch command = touch $out build foo/bar: touch """ When I successfully run `turtle` Then the file named "foo/bar" should exist Scenario: Skip comments Given a file named "build.ninja" with: """ # foo """ When I successfully run `turtle` Then the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Specify an output Given a file named "build.ninja" with: """ rule echo command = echo hello build foo: echo build bar: echo default foo bar """ When I successfully run `turtle foo` Then the stdout should contain exactly "hello"