# `TVrank`: A Rust library and command-line utility for ranking movies and series [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/fredmorcos/tvrank?style=for-the-badge)](https://github.com/fredmorcos/tvrank/blob/main/LICENSE) [![Release (latest SemVer)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/fredmorcos/tvrank?sort=semver&style=for-the-badge)](https://github.com/fredmorcos/tvrank/releases) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/tvrank?style=for-the-badge)](https://crates.io/crates/tvrank) [![CI](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/fredmorcos/tvrank/build-test-publish.yml?label=Main&style=for-the-badge)](https://github.com/fredmorcos/tvrank/actions)
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It can be used to query a single title or scan media directories. Currently, `TVrank` only supports IMDB's TSV dumps which it automatically downloads, caches and periodically updates. More work is required to be able to support and cache live-query services like [TMDB](https://www.tmdb.org) and [TVDB](https://www.tvdb.org). The in-memory database is reasonably fast and its on-disk persistent cache format reasonably efficient. The library's documentation is badly lacking but there is an example on how to use it. For now, the command-line utility of `TVrank` works well and fast enough to be usable e.g. instead of searching for a title through [DuckDuckGo](https://www.duckduckgo.com) using something like `!imdb TITLE`. In case you still want to see the IMDB page for a title, `TVrank` will print out a direct link for each search result for direct access from the terminal. Note that `TVrank` depends on the `flate2` crate for decompression of IMDB TSV dumps. `flate2` is extremely slow when built in debug mode, so it is recommended to always run `TVrank` in release mode unless there are good reasons not to. By default, release mode is built with debugging information enabled for convenience during development. ## Usage For information on how to use the library, see below. The `TVrank` command-line interface has a few modes accessible through the use of sub-commands: - `search "KEYWORDS..."` to search by keywords. - `search "KEYWORDS... (YYYY)"` to search by keywords in a specific year. - `search "TITLE (YYYY)" --exact` to search for and exact title in a specific year. - `search "TITLE" --exact` to search for an exact title (`-e` also means exact). - `scan-movies` and `scan-series` to make batch queries based on directory scans. - `mark` to mark a directory with a title information file (`tvrank.json`). ### Examples To search for a specific title: ```sh $ tvrank search "the great gatsby (2013)" -e ``` To search for all titles containing "the", "great" and "gatsby" in the year 2013: ```sh $ tvrank search "the great gatsby (2013)" ``` To search based on keywords: ```sh $ tvrank search "the great gatsby" ``` To search based on an exact title: ```sh $ tvrank search "the great gatsby" -e ``` To query a series directory: ```sh $ tvrank scan-series ``` Also, by default `TVrank` will sort by rating, year and title. To instead sort by year, rating and title, `--sort-by-year` can be passed before any sub-command: ```sh $ tvrank --sort-by-year search "house of cards" ``` You can also limit the output of movies and series to the top N entries: ```sh $ tvrank search "the great gatsby" --top 2 ``` You can change the output format to `json` or `yaml`: ```sh $ tvrank search "the great gatsby" --output json ``` ### Batch Queries `TVrank` can recursively scan directories and print out information about titles it finds. This is achieved using the `scan-movies` and `scan-series` subcommands. #### Movie Batch Queries `TVrank` expects movie directories to be under a top-level movies media directory (herein called `movies`), as follows: ``` movies ├── ... ├── 127 Hours (2010) ├── 12 Mighty Orphans (2021) ├── 12 Monkeys (1995) ├── 12 Years a Slave (2013) ├── 13 Hours The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016) ├── ... ``` Movie sub-directories are expected to follow the `TITLE (YYYY)` format where the `TITLE` matches either the primary or original movie title. If a movie sub-directory does not adhere to this format, `TVrank` will recursively search it for more titles. An example of that is as follows: ``` movies ├── ... ├── The Naked Gun │ ├── The Naked Gun (1988) │ ├── The Naked Gun 2½ The Smell of Fear (1991) │ └── The Naked Gun 33 1-3 The Final Insult (1994) ├── ... ``` #### Series Batch Queries `TVrank` also expects series directories to be under a top-level series media directory (herein called `series`) following either `TITLE` or `TITLE (YYYY)` format. The `TITLE (YYYY)` format can be used to easily disambiguate similarly-titled series. Examples: ``` series ├── ... ├── House of Cards (1990) ├── Killing Eve ├── Kingdom (2019) ├── ... ``` #### Handling Ambiguity in Batch Queries Sometimes it is impossible to distinguish between titles just from their original/primary title and release year, this is due to multiple movies or series being released during the same year using the same exact title. To handle this issue, `TVrank` supports the ability to explicitly provide title information files (called `tvrank.json`) under the corresponding title directory. These files are detected when using the `scan-movies` and `scan-series` sub-commands and are used for exact identification using the title's unique ID. A `tvrank.json` file looks like this: ```json { "imdb": { "id": "ttXXXXXXXX" } } ``` where "ttXXXXXXXX" is the IMDB title id shown under the `IMDB ID` column or available as part of the IMDB URL of a title. You can ask `TVrank` to write the title information (`tvrank.json`) file for you by using the `mark` sub-command and passing it the title's directory and ID that you would like to write. ```sh tvrank mark "movies/The Great Gatsby (2013)" tt1343092 ``` This will results in a file called `movies/The Great Gatsby (2013)/tvrank.json` containing the following information: ```json { "imdb": { "id": "tt1343092" } } ``` If a `tvrank.json` file already exists, `TVrank` will refuse to overwrite it. To force overwriting it, the `--force` flag can be used. ### Verbosity To print out more information about what the application is doing, use `-v` before any sub-command. Multiple occurrences of `-v` on the command-line will increase the verbosity level: ```sh $ tvrank -vvv --sort-by-year search "city of god" ``` The following options can come before or after the sub-command. The latter have precedence over the former. ```sh --verbose --sort-by-year --force-update --top --color --output [table|json|yaml] ``` To find help, see the `help` sub-command: ```sh $ tvrank help $ tvrank help search $ tvrank help scan-series $ tvrank help scan-movies ``` ### Screencast Please note that the screencast is slightly outdated. Please use the sub-commands described above instead of what is shown in the screencast.

### Disabling Colors By default, `TVrank` displays some of the content with color. However, it supports the `NO_COLOR` environment variable. When `NO_COLOR` is set, `TVrank` will not use color in its output. This can also be overridden by passing the `--color` argument on the command-line: ```sh NO_COLOR=1 tvrank search "the great gatsby" # Without colors NO_COLOR=1 tvrank search "the great gatsby" --color # With colors ``` ## Installation It is recommended to use the [pre-built releases](https://github.com/fredmorcos/tvrank/releases). ### From source Installing `TVrank` from this repository's sources requires Cargo, a Rust compiler and a toolchain to be available. Once those are ready and the repository's contents are cloned, a simple build and install through cargo should suffice: ```sh $ git clone https://github.com/fredmorcos/tvrank $ cd tvrank $ cargo install --path cli ``` ### From Crates.io Installing `TVrank` from [Crates.io](https://crates.io) also requires Cargo, a Rust compiler and a toolchain to be available. Once those are ready, a simple build and install using cargo should suffice: ```sh $ cargo install tvrank-cli` ``` ## Using the library Add the dependency to your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] tvrank = "0.8" ``` Or, using `cargo add`: ```sh $ cargo add tvrank ``` Include the `Imdb` type: ```rust use tvrank::imdb::{Imdb, ImdbQuery}; use tvrank::utils::search::SearchString; ``` Create a directory for the cache using the `tempfile` crate then create the database service. The closure passed to the service constructor is a callback for progress updates and is a `FnMut` to be able to e.g. mutate a progress bar object. ```rust let cache_dir = tempfile::Builder::new().prefix("tvrank_").tempdir()?; let imdb = Imdb::new(cache_dir.path(), false, |_, _| {})?; ``` Afterwards, one can query the database using either `imdb.by_id(...)`, `imdb.by_title(...)`, `imdb.by_title_and_year(...)` or `imdb.by_keywords(...)`, and print out some information about the results. ```rust let title = "city of god"; let year = 2002; println!("Matches for {} and {:?}:", title, year); let search_string = SearchString::try_from(title)?; for title in imdb.by_title_and_year(&search_string, year, ImdbQuery::Movies)? { let id = title.title_id(); println!("ID: {}", id); println!("Primary name: {}", title.primary_title()); if let Some(original_title) = title.original_title() { println!("Original name: {}", original_title); } else { println!("Original name: N/A"); } if let Some((rating, votes)) = title.rating() { println!("Rating: {}/100 ({} votes)", rating, votes); } else { println!("Rating: N/A"); } if let Some(runtime) = title.runtime() { println!("Runtime: {}", humantime::format_duration(runtime)); } else { println!("Runtime: N/A"); } println!("Genres: {}", title.genres()); println!("--"); } ``` See the `query.rs` example under the `lib/examples/query` directory for a fully-functioning version of the above.