
Two Way Chain

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The blockchain that powers the AIBlock tech stack

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The Chain repo contains all the code needed to set up and interact with a local instance of the AIBlock chain. [简体中文](https://github.com/AIBlockOfficial/Chain/blob/develop/readmes/README.zhs.md) | [Español](https://github.com/AIBlockOfficial/Chain/blob/develop/readmes/README.es.md) | [عربي ](https://github.com/AIBlockOfficial/Chain/blob/develop/readmes/README.ar.md)| [Deutsch](https://github.com/AIBlockOfficial/Chain/blob/develop/readmes/README.de.md) | [Français](https://github.com/AIBlockOfficial/Chain/blob/develop/readmes/README.fr.md) .. ## Getting Started Running Chain assumes you have Rust installed and are using a Unix system. You can clone this repo and run the `Makefile` to set everything up for a development environment: ``` make cargo build cargo test ``` .. ## Use Blockchain can be added to your project as a dependency by adding the following to your `Cargo.toml` file: ```toml [dependencies] tw_chain = "1.1.2" ``` Or alternatively, via command line: ``` cargo add tw_chain ```