use tweak_shader::RenderContext; const TEST_RENDER_DIM: u32 = 256; const DEFAULT_VIEW: wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor = wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor { label: Some("Default View"), format: Some(wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb), dimension: Some(wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2), aspect: wgpu::TextureAspect::All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: Some(1), base_array_layer: 0, array_layer_count: Some(1), }; macro_rules! png_pixels { ($file_path:literal) => {{ // Load the PNG data using include_bytes! let png_bytes = include_bytes!($file_path); // Decode the PNG bytes into an image. let decoded_image = image::load_from_memory(png_bytes).expect("Failed to decode PNG image"); // Convert the decoded image to an ImageBuffer in Rgba format. let rgba_image: ImageBuffer, Vec> = decoded_image.to_rgba8(); // Convert the ImageBuffer to a vector of pixels (raw pixel values). rgba_image.into_raw() }}; } #[test] fn error_state() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); // this will panic if the pipeline can't be set up. RenderContext::error_state(&device, &queue, wgpu::TextureFormat::Bgra8UnormSrgb); } const BASIC_SRC: &str = r#" #version 450 #pragma tweak_shader(version=1.0) #pragma utility_block(ShaderInputs) layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform ShaderInputs { float time; float time_delta; float frame_rate; uint frame_index; vec4 mouse; vec4 date; vec3 resolution; uint pass_index; }; #pragma input(float, name="foo", default=0.0) layout(set = 1, binding = 0) uniform Ecco { float foo; }; layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; void main() { vec2 frag_flip = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x, resolution.y - gl_FragCoord.y); vec2 st = (frag_flip.xy / resolution.xy); out_color = vec4(foo, sin(time), st.x, 1.0); } "#; #[test] fn basic_frag() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); // this will panic if the pipeline can't be set up. let mut basic = RenderContext::new( BASIC_SRC, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); basic.update_resolution([TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32, TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32]); let time_0_bytes = basic.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); //write_texture_to_png(&time_0_bytes, "basic.png").unwrap(); assert!(approximately_equivalent( &time_0_bytes, &png_pixels!("./resources/basic.png") )); basic.update_time(1.0); let time_1_bytes = basic.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); assert!(approximately_equivalent( &time_1_bytes, &png_pixels!("./resources/basic_time_1.png") )); } #[test] fn basic_frag_target_tex() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); // this will panic if the pipeline can't be set up. let mut basic = RenderContext::new( BASIC_SRC, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); let out_tex = device.create_texture(&target_desc(TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM)); basic.update_resolution([TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32, TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32]); let mut enc = device.create_command_encoder(&Default::default()); basic.render( &queue, &device, &mut enc, out_tex.create_view(&Default::default()), TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM, ); queue.submit(Some(enc.finish())); let mut time_0_bytes = vec![0u8; TEST_RENDER_DIM as usize * TEST_RENDER_DIM as usize * 4_usize]; read_texture_contents_to_slice( &device, &queue, &out_tex, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM, &mut time_0_bytes, ); //write_texture_to_png(&time_0_bytes, "basic.png").unwrap(); assert!(approximately_equivalent( time_0_bytes.as_slice(), &png_pixels!("./resources/basic.png") )); basic.update_time(1.0); let mut enc = device.create_command_encoder(&Default::default()); basic.render( &queue, &device, &mut enc, out_tex.create_view(&Default::default()), TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM, ); queue.submit(Some(enc.finish())); read_texture_contents_to_slice( &device, &queue, &out_tex, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM, &mut time_0_bytes, ); assert!(approximately_equivalent( &time_0_bytes, &png_pixels!("./resources/basic_time_1.png") )); } // reading and writing to non256 aligned textures should not panic #[test] fn misaligned() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); let mut basic = RenderContext::new( BASIC_SRC, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); basic.update_resolution([TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32, TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32]); let _time_0_bytes = basic.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM + 30, TEST_RENDER_DIM + 30); basic.update_time(1.0); let _time_1_bytes = basic.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM - 30, TEST_RENDER_DIM - 30); } const PUSH_CONSTANT_ALIGNMENT_SRC: &str = r#" #version 450 #pragma tweak_shader(version=1.0) #pragma input(float, name="time", default=0.0) #pragma input(float, name="foo", default=0.0) layout(push_constant) uniform ShaderInputs { vec3 mess_up; float time; float foo; mat4 brogan; }; layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; void main() { vec2 frag_flip = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x, 256.0 - gl_FragCoord.y); vec2 st = (frag_flip.xy / vec2(256.0)); out_color = vec4(foo, sin(time), st.x, 1.0); } "#; #[test] fn push_constant_alignment() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); let mut basic = RenderContext::new( PUSH_CONSTANT_ALIGNMENT_SRC, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); let time_0_bytes = basic.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); //write_texture_to_png(&time_0_bytes, "basic.png").unwrap(); assert!(approximately_equivalent( &time_0_bytes, &png_pixels!("./resources/basic.png") )); basic .get_input_mut("time") .unwrap() .as_float() .unwrap() .current = 1.0; let time_1_bytes = basic.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); //write_texture_to_png(&time_1_bytes, "basic_time_1.png").unwrap(); assert!(approximately_equivalent( &time_1_bytes, &png_pixels!("./resources/basic_time_1.png") )); } const PUSH_CONSTANTS: &str = r#" #version 450 #pragma tweak_shader(version=1.0) #pragma utility_block(ShaderInputs) layout(push_constant) uniform ShaderInputs { float time; float time_delta; float frame_rate; uint frame_index; vec4 mouse; vec4 date; vec3 resolution; uint pass_index; }; #pragma input(float, name="foo", default=0.0) layout(set = 1, binding = 0) uniform Ecco { float foo; }; layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; void main() { vec2 frag_flip = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x, resolution.y - gl_FragCoord.y); vec2 st = (frag_flip.xy / resolution.xy); out_color = vec4(foo, sin(time), st.x, 1.0); } "#; #[test] fn push_constants() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); // this will panic if the pipeline can't be set up. let mut basic = RenderContext::new( PUSH_CONSTANTS, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); basic.update_resolution([TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32, TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32]); let time_0_bytes = basic.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); //write_texture_to_png(&time_0_bytes, "basic.png").unwrap(); assert!(approximately_equivalent( &time_0_bytes, &png_pixels!("./resources/basic.png") )); basic.update_time(1.0); let time_1_bytes = basic.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); //write_texture_to_png(time_1_bytes, "basic_time_1.png"); assert!(approximately_equivalent( &time_1_bytes, &png_pixels!("./resources/basic_time_1.png") )); } const TOO_MANY_PUSH_CONSTANTS: &str = r#" #version 450 #pragma tweak_shader(version=1.0) #pragma utility_block(ShaderInputs) layout(push_constant) uniform ShaderInputs { float time; float time_delta; float frame_rate; uint frame_index; vec4 mouse; vec4 date; vec3 resolution; uint pass_index; }; layout(push_constant) uniform Doofus { uint no; }; layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; void main() { out_color = vec4(1.0, sin(time), 1.0, 1.0); } "#; #[test] fn too_many_push_constants() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); let basic = RenderContext::new( TOO_MANY_PUSH_CONSTANTS, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ); assert!(matches!(basic, Err(tweak_shader::Error::UniformError(_)))) } const PERSISTENT_SRC: &str = r#" #version 450 #pragma tweak_shader(version="1.0") #pragma utility_block(ShaderInputs) layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform ShaderInputs { float time; float time_delta; float frame_rate; uint frame_index; vec4 mouse; vec4 date; vec3 resolution; uint pass_index; }; #pragma input(color, name=data, default = [0.95, 0.25, 0, 1]) layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform Data { vec4 data; }; #pragma pass(0, persistent, target="dataHistory", height=1) layout(set=0, binding=1) uniform sampler default_sampler; layout(set=0, binding=2) uniform texture2D dataHistory; layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; void main() { ivec2 size = textureSize(sampler2D(dataHistory, default_sampler), 0); vec2 fsize = vec2(float(size.x), float(size.y)); vec2 loc = gl_FragCoord.xy; vec4 inputPixelColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); if (pass_index == 0) { inputPixelColor = texture(sampler2D(dataHistory, default_sampler), vec2(loc.x - 1.0, 0.0) / fsize); if (floor(loc.x) == 0.0) { inputPixelColor = data; } } else { vec4 val = texture(sampler2D(dataHistory, default_sampler), loc / fsize); inputPixelColor = val; } out_color = inputPixelColor; } "#; #[test] fn persistent_frag() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); // this will panic if the pipeline can't be set up. let mut persistent = RenderContext::new( PERSISTENT_SRC, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); let mut stripe_1 = vec![]; for _ in 0..4 { stripe_1 = persistent.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); } //write_texture_to_png(stripe_1.as_slice(), "persistent_1.png").unwrap(); assert!(approximately_equivalent( &stripe_1, &png_pixels!("./resources/persistent_1.png") )); let mut stripe_2 = vec![]; let mut data = persistent.get_input_mut("data").unwrap(); let color = data.as_color().unwrap(); color.current = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]; for _ in 0..4 { stripe_2 = persistent.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); } //write_texture_to_png(stripe_2, "persistent_2.png").unwrap(); assert!(approximately_equivalent( &stripe_2, &png_pixels!("./resources/persistent_2.png") )); let mut stripe_3 = vec![]; let mut data = persistent.get_input_mut("data").unwrap(); let color = data.as_color().unwrap(); color.current = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]; for _ in 0..4 { stripe_3 = persistent.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); } //write_texture_to_png(stripe_3, "persistent_3.png").unwrap(); assert!(stripe_3 == png_pixels!("./resources/persistent_3.png")); } const SHRIMPLE_TEXTURE_LOAD: &str = r#" #version 450 #pragma tweak_shader(version=1.0) #pragma utility_block(ShaderInputs) layout(set = 1, binding = 0) uniform ShaderInputs { float time; float time_delta; float frame_rate; uint frame_index; vec4 mouse; vec4 date; vec3 resolution; uint pass_index; }; #pragma input(image, name="input_image") layout(set=1, binding=1) uniform sampler default_sampler; layout(set=1, binding=2) uniform texture2D input_image; layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; void main() { vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy; out_color = texture(sampler2D(input_image, default_sampler), uv); } "#; #[test] // test a texture identity shader fn shrimple_texture_direct() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); // this will panic if the pipeline can't be set up. let mut tx_load = RenderContext::new( SHRIMPLE_TEXTURE_LOAD, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); let shrimple_bytes = png_pixels!("./resources/shrimple_tex.png"); let tex = device.create_texture_with_data( &queue, &target_desc(TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM), Default::default(), &shrimple_bytes, ); tx_load.load_shared_texture(&tex, "input_image"); tx_load.update_resolution([TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32, TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32]); let output = tx_load.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); assert!(approximately_equivalent(&shrimple_bytes, &output)); } #[test] // test a texture identity shader fn shrimple_texture_load_view() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); // this will panic if the pipeline can't be set up. let mut tx_load = RenderContext::new( SHRIMPLE_TEXTURE_LOAD, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); let shrimple_bytes = png_pixels!("./resources/shrimple_tex.png"); let tex = device.create_texture_with_data( &queue, &target_desc(TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM), Default::default(), &shrimple_bytes, ); tx_load.load_shared_texture(&tex, "input_image"); tx_load.update_resolution([TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32, TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32]); let desc = tweak_shader::TextureDesc { width: TEST_RENDER_DIM, height: TEST_RENDER_DIM, data: &shrimple_bytes, format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, stride: None, }; tx_load.load_texture("input_image", desc, &device, &queue); let output = tx_load.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); assert!(approximately_equivalent(&shrimple_bytes, &output)); } #[test] // test a texture identity shader fn shrimple_texture_load() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); // this will panic if the pipeline can't be set up. let mut tx_load = RenderContext::new( SHRIMPLE_TEXTURE_LOAD, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); let shrimple_bytes = png_pixels!("./resources/shrimple_tex.png"); tx_load.update_resolution([TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32, TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32]); let desc = tweak_shader::TextureDesc { width: TEST_RENDER_DIM, height: TEST_RENDER_DIM, data: &shrimple_bytes, format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, stride: None, }; tx_load.load_texture("input_image", desc, &device, &queue); let output = tx_load.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); assert!(approximately_equivalent(&shrimple_bytes, &output)); } #[test] // test a texture identity shader fn float_texture_load() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); // this will panic if the pipeline can't be set up. let mut tx_load = RenderContext::new( SHRIMPLE_TEXTURE_LOAD, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba32Float, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); let shrimple_bytes = png_pixels!("./resources/shrimple_tex.png"); tx_load.update_resolution([TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32, TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32]); let desc = tweak_shader::TextureDesc { width: TEST_RENDER_DIM, height: TEST_RENDER_DIM, data: &shrimple_bytes, format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, stride: None, }; tx_load.load_texture("input_image", desc, &device, &queue); let _ = tx_load.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); } #[test] fn unaligned_texture() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); // this will panic if the pipeline can't be set up. let mut tx_load = RenderContext::new( SHRIMPLE_TEXTURE_LOAD, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); // know from file. let width = 500; let height = 350; let zac_bytes = png_pixels!("./resources/zac.png"); tx_load.update_resolution([width as f32, height as f32]); let desc = tweak_shader::TextureDesc { width, height, data: &zac_bytes, format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, stride: None, }; tx_load.load_texture("input_image", desc, &device, &queue); let output = tx_load.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, width, height); assert!(approximately_equivalent(&zac_bytes, &output)); } #[test] fn unaligned_texture_from_slice() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); // this will panic if the pipeline can't be set up. let mut tx_load = RenderContext::new( SHRIMPLE_TEXTURE_LOAD, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); // know from file. let width = 500; let height = 350; let zac_bytes = png_pixels!("./resources/zac.png"); tx_load.update_resolution([width as f32, height as f32]); let desc = tweak_shader::TextureDesc { width, height, data: &zac_bytes, format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, stride: None, }; tx_load.load_texture("input_image", desc, &device, &queue); let mut vec = vec![0u8; (width * height * 4) as usize]; tx_load.render_to_slice( &queue, &device, width, height, vec.as_mut_slice(), Some(500 * 4), ); assert!(approximately_equivalent(&zac_bytes, vec.as_slice())); } const INPUTS_ITER: &str = r#" #version 450 #pragma tweak_shader(version=1.0) layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; #pragma input(color, name=topColor, default=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) #pragma input(color, name=bottomColor, default=[0.0, 0.5, 0.8999, 1.0]) #pragma input(color, name=strokeColor, default=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0]) #pragma input(float, name=minRange, min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.1) #pragma input(float, name=maxRange, min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.50) #pragma input(float, name=gain, min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.13) #pragma input(float, name=strokeSize, min=0.0, max=0.25, default=0.050) layout(set=0, binding=0) uniform CustomInput { vec4 topColor; vec4 bottomColor; vec4 strokeColor; float minRange; float maxRange; float strokeSize; float gain; }; #pragma input(color, name=pushtopColor, default=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) #pragma input(color, name=pushbottomColor, default=[0.0, 0.5, 0.8999, 1.0]) #pragma input(color, name=pushstrokeColor, default=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0]) #pragma input(float, name=pushminRange, min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.1) #pragma input(float, name=pushmaxRange, min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.50) #pragma input(float, name=pushgain, min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.13) #pragma input(float, name=pushstrokeSize, min=0.0, max=0.25, default=0.050) layout(push_constant) uniform PushCustomInput { vec4 pushtopColor; vec4 pushbottomColor; vec4 pushstrokeColor; float pushminRange; float pushmaxRange; float pushstrokeSize; float pushgain; }; layout(set=0, binding=1) uniform sampler default_sampler; void main() {} "#; #[test] fn inputs_iter() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); // this will panic if the pipeline can't be set up. let mut inputs_test = RenderContext::new( INPUTS_ITER, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); inputs_test.get_input_as::<[f32; 4]>("topColor").unwrap(); inputs_test.get_input_as::<[f32; 4]>("bottomColor").unwrap(); inputs_test .get_input_mut("strokeColor") .unwrap() .as_color() .unwrap(); assert!(inputs_test .get_input_mut("minRange") .unwrap() .as_color() .is_none()); let names = [ "topColor", "bottomColor", "strokeColor", "minRange", "maxRange", "gain", "pushtopColor", "pushbottomColor", "pushstrokeColor", "pushminRange", "pushmaxRange", "pushgain", ]; let refs = inputs_test.iter_inputs_mut().collect::>(); for name in names { dbg!(name); assert!(refs.iter().any(|(s, _)| name == *s)) } let im_refs = inputs_test.iter_inputs().collect::>(); for name in names { assert!(im_refs.iter().any(|(s, _)| name == *s)) } } const COMPUTE_TARGETS: &str = r#" #version 450 #pragma tweak_shader(version=1.0) #pragma stage(compute) layout(set=0, binding=1) uniform sampler default_sampler; #pragma target(name=output_image) layout(rgba8, set=0, binding=2) uniform writeonly image2D output_image; #pragma target(name=scratch_buffer, persistent, width=20) layout(rgba8, set=0, binding=3) uniform writeonly image2D scratch_buffer; layout(local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16) in; void main() { ivec2 pixel_coords = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); } "#; #[test] fn compute_targets() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); let inputs_test = RenderContext::new( COMPUTE_TARGETS, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8Unorm, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); assert!(inputs_test.is_compute()); let inputs_test = RenderContext::new( COMPUTE_TARGETS, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba16Float, &device, &queue, ); assert!(inputs_test.is_err()); } const COMPUTE_BASIC: &str = r#" #version 450 #pragma tweak_shader(version="1.0") #pragma stage(compute) #pragma input(float, name=blue, default=0.0, min=0.0, max=1.0) layout(set=1, binding=0) uniform custom_inputs { float blue; }; #pragma target(name="output_image") layout(rgba8, set=0, binding=1) uniform writeonly image2D output_image; #pragma target(name="screen_two") layout(rgba8, set=0, binding=2) uniform writeonly image2D screen_two; layout(local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16) in; void main() { ivec2 pixel_coords = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); ivec2 image_size = imageSize(output_image); vec2 normalized_coords = vec2(pixel_coords) / vec2(image_size); vec4 color = vec4(normalized_coords.x, normalized_coords.y, blue, 1.0); vec4 inverse = vec4(vec3(1.0) -, 1.0); imageStore(output_image, pixel_coords, color); imageStore(screen_two, pixel_coords, inverse); } "#; #[test] fn compute_basic() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); let mut basic = RenderContext::new( COMPUTE_BASIC, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8Unorm, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); let grad_1 = basic.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); basic.set_compute_target("screen_two").unwrap(); let grad_2 = basic.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); assert!(approximately_equivalent( &grad_1, &png_pixels!("./resources/basic_compute.png") )); assert!(approximately_equivalent( &grad_2, &png_pixels!("./resources/basic_compute_grad_2.png") )); } const COMPUTE_MULTIPASS: &str = r#" #version 450 #pragma tweak_shader(version=1.0) #pragma stage(compute) #pragma utility_block(ShaderInputs) layout(push_constant) uniform ShaderInputs { float time; float time_delta; float frame_rate; uint frame_index; vec4 mouse; vec4 date; vec3 resolution; uint pass_index; }; #pragma target(name="output_image", screen) layout(rgba8, set=0, binding=1) uniform writeonly image2D output_image; #pragma pass(0) #pragma relay(name="relay", target="relay_target") layout(rgba8, set=0, binding=2) uniform writeonly image2D relay; layout(set=0, binding=3) uniform texture2D relay_target; layout(local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16) in; void main() { ivec2 pixel_coords = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); ivec2 image_size = imageSize(output_image); vec2 normalized_coords = vec2(pixel_coords) / vec2(image_size); vec4 color = vec4(normalized_coords.x, normalized_coords.y, 1.0, 1.0); vec4 mask = texelFetch(relay_target, pixel_coords, 0); float center_circle = step(length(normalized_coords - vec2(0.5)), 0.2); if (pass_index == 0) { imageStore(relay, pixel_coords, vec4(center_circle)); } else { imageStore(output_image, pixel_coords, mask * color); } } "#; #[test] fn compute_multipass() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); let mut multipass = RenderContext::new( COMPUTE_MULTIPASS, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8Unorm, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); let img = multipass.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); assert!(approximately_equivalent( &img, &png_pixels!("./resources/multipass_compute.png") )); } const NO_EXCESS: &str = r#" #version 450 #pragma tweak_shader(version=1.0) #pragma utility_block(ShaderInputs) layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform ShaderInputs { float time; float time_delta; float frame_rate; uint frame_index; vec4 mouse; vec4 date; vec3 resolution; uint pass_index; }; #pragma input(float, name="foo", default=0.0) layout(set = 1, binding = 0) uniform Ecco { // unmapped float bar; float bar; float bar; float bar; float foo; }; layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; void main() { vec2 frag_flip = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x, resolution.y - gl_FragCoord.y); vec2 st = (frag_flip.xy / resolution.xy); out_color = vec4(foo, sin(time), st.x, 1.0); } "#; #[test] fn unmapped_bindings() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); let mut unmapped = RenderContext::new( NO_EXCESS, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, unmapped.iter_inputs().count()); assert!(unmapped.get_input("nope").is_none()); assert!(matches!( unmapped.get_input("bar").unwrap(), tweak_shader::input_type::InputType::RawBytes(_) )); assert_eq!(1, unmapped.iter_inputs_mut().count()); assert!(unmapped.get_input_mut("nope").is_none()); assert!(matches!( unmapped.get_input_mut("bar").unwrap().variant(), tweak_shader::input_type::InputVariant::Bytes )); } const LETTERBOX: &str = " #version 450 #pragma input(image, name=image) layout(set=0, binding=1) uniform sampler default_sampler; layout(set=0, binding=2) uniform texture2D image; layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; void main() { vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / vec2(256.0, 256.0); float targetAspectRatio = 16.0 / 9.0; // Letterbox on the top and bottom. float scaledHeight = 1.0 / targetAspectRatio; vec2 new_uv = vec2(uv.x, (uv.y - (1.0 - scaledHeight) / 2.0) / scaledHeight); out_color = texture(sampler2D(image, default_sampler), new_uv); bool in_bounds = new_uv.x >= 0.0 && new_uv.x <= 1.0 && new_uv.y >= 0.0 && new_uv.y <= 1.0; if (!in_bounds) { out_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Color the out-of-bounds pixels black } } "; #[test] fn letterboxed_shrimple_texture_load() { let (device, queue) = set_up_wgpu(); let mut tx_load = RenderContext::new( SHRIMPLE_TEXTURE_LOAD, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); let mut letterbox = RenderContext::new( LETTERBOX, wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, &device, &queue, ) .unwrap(); let shrimple_bytes = png_pixels!("./resources/shrimple_tex.png"); tx_load.update_resolution([TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32, TEST_RENDER_DIM as f32]); let desc = tweak_shader::TextureDesc { width: TEST_RENDER_DIM, height: TEST_RENDER_DIM, data: &shrimple_bytes, format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, stride: None, }; tx_load.load_texture("input_image", desc, &device, &queue); // create 256 x 256 rgba texture, load into letter box, render to it with shrimp // render output again with letterbox let shared_tex = device.create_texture(&target_desc(TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM)); let mut desc = DEFAULT_VIEW; desc.format = Some(shared_tex.format()); if !letterbox.load_shared_texture(&shared_tex, "image") { panic!("Texture Missing!"); } if letterbox.load_shared_texture(&shared_tex, "shrimp") { panic!("Texture FOUND?"); } let mut enc = device.create_command_encoder(&Default::default()); tx_load.render( &queue, &device, &mut enc, shared_tex.create_view(&Default::default()), TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM, ); queue.submit(Some(enc.finish())); let out = letterbox.render_to_vec(&queue, &device, TEST_RENDER_DIM, TEST_RENDER_DIM); //write_texture_to_png(out.as_slice(), "letterbox.png").unwrap(); let png_bytes = png_pixels!("./resources/letterbox.png"); assert!(approximately_equivalent(&out, &png_bytes)); } fn set_up_wgpu() -> (wgpu::Device, wgpu::Queue) { let instance = if cfg!(windows) { let desc = wgpu::InstanceDescriptor { backends: wgpu::Backends::DX12, ..Default::default() }; wgpu::Instance::new(desc) } else { wgpu::Instance::default() }; let adapter = pollster::block_on(async { instance .request_adapter(&wgpu::RequestAdapterOptions { power_preference: wgpu::PowerPreference::default(), force_fallback_adapter: false, compatible_surface: None, }) .await .expect("Failed to find an appropriate adapter") }); let mut required_limits = wgpu::Limits::default().using_resolution(adapter.limits()); required_limits.max_push_constant_size = 128; let (d, q) = pollster::block_on(async { adapter .request_device( &wgpu::DeviceDescriptor { label: None, required_features: wgpu::Features::PUSH_CONSTANTS | wgpu::Features::TEXTURE_ADAPTER_SPECIFIC_FORMAT_FEATURES | wgpu::Features::CLEAR_TEXTURE, required_limits, }, None, ) .await .expect("Failed to create device") }); d.on_uncaptured_error(Box::new(|e| match e { wgpu::Error::Internal { source, description, } => { panic!("internal error: {source}, {description}"); } wgpu::Error::OutOfMemory { .. } => { panic!("Out Of GPU Memory! bailing"); } wgpu::Error::Validation { description, source, } => { panic!("{description} : {source}"); } })); (d, q) } use image::{ImageBuffer, ImageFormat, Rgba}; use wgpu::util::DeviceExt; fn approximately_equivalent(a: &[u8], b: &[u8]) -> bool { a.len() == b.len() && a.iter() .zip(b.iter()) .map(|(a, b)| if a < b { b - a } else { a - b }) .enumerate() .all(|(idx, abs_diff)| { let pixel = idx / 4; if abs_diff > 3 { panic!("images differ at pixel {pixel}") } else { true } }) } fn target_desc(width: u32, height: u32) -> wgpu::TextureDescriptor<'static> { wgpu::TextureDescriptor { label: None, size: wgpu::Extent3d { width, height, depth_or_array_layers: 1, }, mip_level_count: 1, sample_count: 1, // crunch crunch dimension: wgpu::TextureDimension::D2, format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb, usage: wgpu::TextureUsages::COPY_DST | wgpu::TextureUsages::RENDER_ATTACHMENT | wgpu::TextureUsages::COPY_SRC | wgpu::TextureUsages::TEXTURE_BINDING, view_formats: &[], } } #[allow(dead_code)] // use this function when adding validation tests fn write_texture_to_png( data: &[u8], file_path: &str, width: u32, height: u32, ) -> Result<(), Box> { let texture: ImageBuffer, _> = ImageBuffer::from_vec(width, height, data.to_owned()) .ok_or("Failed to create ImageBuffer")?; // Write the texture to a PNG file. texture.save_with_format(file_path, ImageFormat::Png)?; Ok(()) } fn read_texture_contents_to_slice( device: &wgpu::Device, queue: &wgpu::Queue, texture: &wgpu::Texture, height: u32, width: u32, slice: &mut [u8], ) { let block_size = texture .format() .block_copy_size(Some(wgpu::TextureAspect::All)) .expect("It seems like you are trying to render to a Depth Stencil. Stop that."); let row_byte_ct = block_size * width; let padded_row_byte_ct = (row_byte_ct + 255) & !255; // Create a buffer to store the texture data let buffer = device.create_buffer(&wgpu::BufferDescriptor { label: Some("Texture Read Buffer"), size: (height * padded_row_byte_ct) as u64, usage: wgpu::BufferUsages::MAP_READ | wgpu::BufferUsages::COPY_DST, mapped_at_creation: false, }); // Create a command encoder let mut encoder = device.create_command_encoder(&wgpu::CommandEncoderDescriptor { label: Some("Texture Read Encoder"), }); // Copy the texture contents to the buffer encoder.copy_texture_to_buffer( texture.as_image_copy(), wgpu::ImageCopyBuffer { buffer: &buffer, layout: wgpu::ImageDataLayout { offset: 0, bytes_per_row: Some(padded_row_byte_ct), rows_per_image: None, }, }, wgpu::Extent3d { width, height, depth_or_array_layers: 1, }, ); queue.submit(Some(encoder.finish())); { let buffer_slice = buffer.slice(..); buffer_slice.map_async(wgpu::MapMode::Read, move |r| r.unwrap()); device.poll(wgpu::Maintain::Wait); let gpu_slice = buffer_slice.get_mapped_range(); let gpu_chunks = gpu_slice.chunks(padded_row_byte_ct as usize); let slice_chunks = slice.chunks_mut(row_byte_ct as usize); let iter =; for (output_chunk, gpu_chunk) in iter { output_chunk.copy_from_slice(&gpu_chunk[..row_byte_ct as usize]); } }; buffer.unmap(); }