#namespace Account #description Provides a set of methods for the wrapper of GET/POST account. endpoint UserResponse VerifyCredentials : Get account/verify_credentials { description { Returns a representation of the requesting user if authentication was successful. } returns { The user object. } params { optional bool include_entities optional bool skip_status optional bool include_email optional bool include_ext_alt_text optional TweetMode tweet_mode } } endpoint Setting Settings : Impl { description { Returns settings (including current trend, geo and sleep time information) for the authenticating user or updates the authenticating user's settings. } returns { The settings of the user. } params { optional int trend_location_woeid optional bool sleep_time_enabled optional int start_sleep_time optional int end_sleep_time optional string time_zone optional string lang optional string allow_contributor_request optional string current_password optional string allow_dms_from } } #raw #if SYNC private Setting SettingsImpl(IEnumerable> parameters) { var param = parameters.ToArray(); return this.Tokens.AccessApiImpl(param.Any() ? MethodType.Post : MethodType.Get, "account/settings", param, ""); } #endif #if ASYNC private Task SettingsAsyncImpl(IEnumerable> parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var param = parameters.ToArray(); return this.Tokens.AccessApiAsyncImpl(param.Any() ? MethodType.Post : MethodType.Get, "account/settings", param, cancellationToken, ""); } #endif #endraw endpoint UserResponse UpdateProfile : Post account/update_profile { description { Sets values that users are able to set under the "Account" tab of their settings page. } params { optional string name optional string url optional string location optional string description optional string profile_link_color optional bool include_entities optional bool skip_status optional bool include_ext_alt_text optional TweetMode tweet_mode } returns { The user object. } } endpoint UserResponse UpdateProfileBackgroundImage : Post account/update_profile_background_image { description { Updates the authenticating user’s profile background image. Although each parameter is marked as optional, at least one of image or media_id must be provided when making this request. } params { either Stream image either IEnumerable image either FileInfo image when FILEINFO either long media_id either optional bool tile optional bool include_entities optional bool skip_status optional bool include_ext_alt_text optional TweetMode tweet_mode } returns { The user object. } } endpoint void UpdateProfileBanner : Post account/update_profile_banner { description { Uploads a profile banner on behalf of the authenticating user. } params { either Stream image either IEnumerable image either FileInfo image when FILEINFO either string banner optional string width optional string height optional string offset_left optional string offset_top } } endpoint void RemoveProfileBanner : Post account/remove_profile_banner { description { Removes the uploaded profile banner for the authenticating user. } } endpoint UserResponse UpdateProfileImage : Post account/update_profile_image { description { Updates the authenticating user's profile image. } params { either Stream image either IEnumerable image either FileInfo image when FILEINFO optional bool include_entities optional bool skip_status optional bool include_ext_alt_text optional TweetMode tweet_mode } returns { The user object. } }