#namespace Geo #description Provides a set of methods for the wrapper of GET/POST geo. endpoint PlaceResponse Id : Get geo/id/{place_id} { description { Returns all the information about a known place. } returns { The place. } params { required string place_id } } endpoint GeoResult SimilarPlaces : Get geo/similar_places { with { JsonPath=result } description { Locates places near the given coordinates which are similar in name. } returns { Places and the token } params { required double lat required double @long required string name optional string contained_within optional string street_address } } endpoint GeoResult Search : Get geo/search { with { JsonPath=result } description { Search for places that can be attached to a statuses/update. Note: At least one of the following parameters must be provided to this resource: lat, long, ip, or query } returns { Places. } params { optional double lat optional double @long optional string query optional string ip optional string granularity optional string accuracy optional int max_results optional string contained_within // optional string attribute:street_address } } endpoint GeoResult ReverseGeocode : Get geo/reverse_geocode { with { JsonPath=result } description { Given a latitude and a longitude, searches for up to 20 places that can be used as a place_id when updating a status. This request is an informative call and will deliver generalized results about geography. } returns { Places. } params { required double lat required double @long optional string accuracy optional string granularity optional int max_results } }