#namespace Help #description Provides a set of methods for the wrapper of GET help. endpoint Configurations Configuration : Get help/configuration { description { Returns the current configuration used by Twitter including twitter.com slugs which are not usernames, maximum photo resolutions, and t.co URL lengths. } returns { Configurations. } } endpoint Listed Languages : Get help/languages { description { Returns the list of languages supported by Twitter along with the language code supported by Twitter. } returns { Languages. } } endpoint StringResponse Privacy : Get help/privacy { description { Returns Twitter’s Privacy Policy. } returns { The sentense. } } endpoint StringResponse Tos : Get help/tos { description { Returns the Twitter Terms of Service. } returns { The sentense. } } endpoint Dictionary> RateLimitStatus : Get application/rate_limit_status { with { JsonPath=resources [Obsolete]=Use Application.RateLimitStatus. } description { Returns the current rate limits for methods belonging to the specified resource families. } params { either either string resources either IEnumerable resources } }