use criterion::criterion_group; use criterion::criterion_main; use criterion::BenchmarkId; use criterion::Criterion; use twenty_first::math::ntt::intt; use twenty_first::math::other::random_elements; use twenty_first::math::zerofier_tree::ZerofierTree; use twenty_first::prelude::*; criterion_main!(benches); criterion_group!( name = benches; config = Criterion::default().sample_size(10); targets = extrapolation<{ 1 << 18 }, { 1 << 6 }>, extrapolation<{ 1 << 18 }, { 1 << 7 }>, extrapolation<{ 1 << 18 }, { 1 << 8 }>, extrapolation<{ 1 << 19 }, { 1 << 6 }>, extrapolation<{ 1 << 19 }, { 1 << 7 }>, extrapolation<{ 1 << 19 }, { 1 << 8 }>, extrapolation<{ 1 << 20 }, { 1 << 6 }>, extrapolation<{ 1 << 20 }, { 1 << 7 }>, extrapolation<{ 1 << 20 }, { 1 << 8 }>, ); fn intt_then_evaluate( codeword: &[BFieldElement], offset: BFieldElement, zerofier_tree: &ZerofierTree, shift_coefficients: &[BFieldElement], tail_length: usize, ) -> Vec { let mut coefficients = codeword.to_vec(); intt(&mut coefficients); let polynomial: Polynomial = Polynomial::new(coefficients) .scale(offset.inverse()) .reduce_by_ntt_friendly_modulus(shift_coefficients, tail_length); polynomial.divide_and_conquer_batch_evaluate(zerofier_tree) } fn extrapolation(c: &mut Criterion) { let log2_of_size = SIZE.ilog2(); let mut group = c.benchmark_group(format!( "Extrapolation of length-{SIZE} codeword in {NUM_POINTS} Points" )); let codeword = random_elements(SIZE); let offset = BFieldElement::new(7); let eval_points: Vec = random_elements(NUM_POINTS); let zerofier_tree = ZerofierTree::new_from_domain(&eval_points); let modulus = zerofier_tree.zerofier(); let preprocessing_data = Polynomial::fast_modular_coset_interpolate_preprocess(SIZE, offset, &modulus); let id = BenchmarkId::new("INTT-then-Evaluate", log2_of_size); group.bench_function(id, |b| { b.iter(|| { intt_then_evaluate( &codeword, offset, &zerofier_tree, &preprocessing_data.shift_coefficients, preprocessing_data.tail_length, ) }) }); // We used to have another benchmark here that used barycentric evaluation // (from `` in repo triton-vm) inside of a loop over all points. It // was never close to faster. let id = BenchmarkId::new("Fast Codeword Extrapolation", log2_of_size); group.bench_function(id, |b| { b.iter(|| { let minimal_interpolant = Polynomial::::fast_modular_coset_interpolate_with_zerofiers_and_ntt_friendly_multiple( &codeword, offset, &modulus, &preprocessing_data ); minimal_interpolant.divide_and_conquer_batch_evaluate(&zerofier_tree) }) }); let id = BenchmarkId::new("Dispatcher (includes preprocessing)", log2_of_size); group.bench_function(id, |b| { b.iter(|| Polynomial::coset_extrapolate(offset, &codeword, &eval_points)) }); group.finish(); }