# twists Example WebSocket echo server implemented with [twist](https://github.com/rustyhorde/twist) based on [tokio](https://tokio.rs) ## TODO The base library twist does not **yet** implement all of [RFC 6455](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455). For example, protocols and exntension passed in the client header are ignored. This will come in time. ## Install Install twists with cargo `cargo install twists` ## Running By default twists will listen for incoming connections at `twists` You can test with the wscat utility `wscat ws:// -k 5` The above will send a ping frame every 5 seconds. You should see pongs back. Also text frames will be echoed back. ## Help Command line help `twists --help` ## Examples Enable trace output `twist -vvv` Change the unsecure address and port `twist -a -p 12345` ### TLS Support twists has support for listen for TLS connections. To enable, you need a valid .pfx file. twists uses [native-tls](https://github.com/sfackler/rust-native-tls), and native-tls requires a valid pfx file with password. By default, twists will run on port 32276. This can be changed via the tlsport command line argument. export PFX_PWD='the password for the pfx file' twists -a 10.x.x.x --with-tls -f path/to/pfx I use fish shell, so set -lx PFX_PWD 'the password for the pfx file' twists -a 10.x.x.x --with-tls -f path/to/pfx ### Autobahn Test Suite Results [Results](https://rustyhorde.github.io/twist/autobahn/reports/servers/index.html) Notes: The secure results reflect a connection out over the internet and back. This is due to the hostname requirements of TLS and the need for a valid (read: not self-signed) certificate.