[twitch] # Your username from Twitch. username = "" # The streamer's username. channel = "" # The IRC server to connect to. server = "irc.chat.twitch.tv" # The authentication token for the IRC. # Can be received here for default scopes: https://twitchapps.com/tmi/ # ["channel:moderate", "channel_editor", "chat:edit", "chat:read", "whispers:edit", "whispers:read"] # And here for custom scopes: https://twitchtokengenerator.com/ # "user:read:follows" to see who you are following token = "" [terminal] # The delay in milliseconds between terminal updates. delay = 30 # The maximum amount of messages that can be rendered. maximum_messages = 500 # The file to put logs in. log_file = "" # if verbose (debug) logging should be enabled. verbose = false # What state the application should start in. # Options: dashboard, normal, and help. first_state = "dashboard" [storage] # If previous channels switched to should be tracked. # If enabled, the channel switcher search the user's previously switched to channels. channels = false # If previous username mentions should be tracked. # If enabled, the chat input box will search previously mentioned users, given that # the first character in the input box is `@`. mentions = false [filters] # If filters should be enabled. # Filters can be configured by placing a `filters.txt` file in the same directory # as the config file. # Each new filter is to be put on a new line. # Regex can be used, where as keywords will also try to match anything in a message. enabled = false # If the regex filters should be reversed. # This means that everything in the filters file will be accepted. reversed = false [frontend] # If the time and date is to be shown in the chat window. show_datetimes = true # The format of string that will show up in the terminal. # Specification of formatting datetime strings can be found here: https://strftime.org/ datetime_format = "%a %b %e %T %Y" # If usernames should be shown in the chat window. username_shown = true # The color palette for usernames. # Options: pastel, vibrant, warm, and cool. palette = "pastel" # Show the title values at the top of the terminal. title_shown = true # The amount of space between the chat window and the terminal border. margin = 0 # Show twitch badges next to usernames. badges = false # Color theme, being either light or dark. theme = "dark" # If your username should be highlighted when it appears in chat. username_highlight = true # If there should be state tabs shown on the bottom of the terminal. state_tabs = false # The shape of the cursor in insert boxes. # Options: user (current terminal cursor), line, underscore, and block. cursor_shape = "block" # If the cursor should be blinking. blinking_cursor = false # If mouse scrolling should be inverted. inverted_scrolling = false # If scroll offset integer should be shown. show_scroll_offset = true # If Twitch emotes should be displayed (requires kitty terminal). twitch_emotes = false # If BetterTTV emotes should be displayed (requires kitty terminal). betterttv_emotes = false # If 7TV emotes should be displayed (requires kitty terminal). seventv_emotes = false # If FrankerFaceZ emotes should be displayed (requires kitty terminal). frankerfacez_emotes = false # Channel names to always be displayed in the start screen (dashboard). # Example: ["Xithrius", "RocketLeague", "AntVenom"] favorite_channels = [] # The amount of recently connected to channels shown on the start screen. recent_channel_count = 5 # What style the border of the terminal should have. # Options: plain, rounded, double, and thick. border_type = "plain" # If chat border should be hidden hide_chat_border = false # If the usernames should be aligned to the right. # They will be shown to the left if this is disabled. right_align_usernames = false # Do not display the window size warning. show_unsupported_screen_size = true