{ "data": [ { "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1328399838128467969", "text": "As planned, the Labs v2 endpoints referenced below have now been retired. Please let us know in the forums if you have questions or need help with the Twitter API v2! https://t.co/JaxttUMmjX", "referenced_tweets": [ { "type": "quoted", "id": "1327011423252144128" } ], "possibly_sensitive": false, "entities": { "annotations": [ { "start": 151, "end": 157, "probability": 0.8115, "type": "Product", "normalized_text": "Twitter" } ], "urls": [ { "start": 167, "end": 190, "url": "https://t.co/JaxttUMmjX", "expanded_url": "https://twitter.com/TwitterDev/status/1327011423252144128", "display_url": "twitter.com/TwitterDev/sta…" } ] }, "id": "1328399838128467969", "public_metrics": { "retweet_count": 7, "reply_count": 4, "like_count": 29, "quote_count": 1 }, "author_id": "2244994945", "context_annotations": [ { "domain": { "id": "46", "name": "Brand Category", "description": "Categories within Brand Verticals that narrow down the scope of Brands" }, "entity": { "id": "781974596752842752", "name": "Services" } }, { "domain": { "id": "47", "name": "Brand", "description": "Brands and Companies" }, "entity": { "id": "10045225402", "name": "Twitter" } }, { "domain": { "id": "65", "name": "Interests and Hobbies Vertical", "description": "Top level interests and hobbies groupings, like Food or Travel" }, "entity": { "id": "848920371311001600", "name": "Technology", "description": "Technology and computing" } }, { "domain": { "id": "66", "name": "Interests and Hobbies Category", "description": "A grouping of interests and hobbies entities, like Novelty Food or Destinations" }, "entity": { "id": "848921413196984320", "name": "Computer programming", "description": "Computer programming" } } ], "source": "Twitter Web App", "created_at": "2020-11-16T18:09:36Z" } ], "includes": { "users": [ { "created_at": "2013-12-14T04:35:55Z", "id": "2244994945", "protected": false, "username": "TwitterDev", "verified": true, "entities": { "url": { "urls": [ { "start": 0, "end": 23, "url": "https://t.co/3ZX3TNiZCY", "expanded_url": "https://developer.twitter.com/en/community", "display_url": "developer.twitter.com/en/community" } ] }, "description": { "hashtags": [ { "start": 17, "end": 28, "tag": "TwitterDev" }, { "start": 105, "end": 116, "tag": "TwitterAPI" } ] } }, "description": "The voice of the #TwitterDev team and your official source for updates, news, and events, related to the #TwitterAPI.", "pinned_tweet_id": "1293593516040269825", "public_metrics": { "followers_count": 513962, "following_count": 2039, "tweet_count": 3635, "listed_count": 1672 }, "location": "", "name": "Twitter Dev", "profile_image_url": "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1283786620521652229/lEODkLTh_normal.jpg", "url": "https://t.co/3ZX3TNiZCY" } ], "tweets": [ { "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1327011423252144128", "text": "👋 Friendly reminder that Twitter Developer Labs v2 hide replies and recent search will be retired next Monday, November 16! We encourage you to migrate to the new hide replies and recent search endpoints now available in the v2 #TwitterAPI. Details: https://t.co/r6z6CI7kEy", "possibly_sensitive": false, "entities": { "annotations": [ { "start": 26, "end": 50, "probability": 0.4387, "type": "Product", "normalized_text": "Twitter Developer Labs v2" } ], "hashtags": [ { "start": 228, "end": 239, "tag": "TwitterAPI" } ], "urls": [ { "start": 250, "end": 273, "url": "https://t.co/r6z6CI7kEy", "expanded_url": "https://twittercommunity.com/t/retiring-labs-v2-recent-search-and-hide-replies/145795", "display_url": "twittercommunity.com/t/retiring-lab…", "images": [ { "url": "https://pbs.twimg.com/news_img/1327011425240313856/PkurOyu1?format=jpg&name=orig", "width": 1200, "height": 630 }, { "url": "https://pbs.twimg.com/news_img/1327011425240313856/PkurOyu1?format=jpg&name=150x150", "width": 150, "height": 150 } ], "status": 200, "title": "Retiring Labs v2 recent search and hide replies", "description": "As we said in our Early Access and hide replies announcements, the following Twitter Developer Labs v2 endpoints will be retired on November 16th. Labs v2 recent search Labs v2 hide replies If called, these endpoints will respond with an HTTP 410 status and return no data. Based on your feedback from Labs, we incorporated corresponding functionality into the Twitter API v2. The relevant documentation can be found using the links below. Click here to enroll in v2 access if you haven’t already...", "unwound_url": "https://twittercommunity.com/t/retiring-labs-v2-recent-search-and-hide-replies/145795" } ] }, "id": "1327011423252144128", "public_metrics": { "retweet_count": 8, "reply_count": 2, "like_count": 33, "quote_count": 4 }, "author_id": "2244994945", "context_annotations": [ { "domain": { "id": "46", "name": "Brand Category", "description": "Categories within Brand Verticals that narrow down the scope of Brands" }, "entity": { "id": "781974596752842752", "name": "Services" } }, { "domain": { "id": "47", "name": "Brand", "description": "Brands and Companies" }, "entity": { "id": "10045225402", "name": "Twitter" } }, { "domain": { "id": "65", "name": "Interests and Hobbies Vertical", "description": "Top level interests and hobbies groupings, like Food or Travel" }, "entity": { "id": "848920371311001600", "name": "Technology", "description": "Technology and computing" } }, { "domain": { "id": "66", "name": "Interests and Hobbies Category", "description": "A grouping of interests and hobbies entities, like Novelty Food or Destinations" }, "entity": { "id": "848921413196984320", "name": "Computer programming", "description": "Computer programming" } } ], "source": "Twitter Web App", "created_at": "2020-11-12T22:12:32Z" } ] } }