import argparse import pathlib from PIL import Image from os import path import numpy as np images_06 = [ "bg_cloud1", "bg_cloud2", "bg_cloud3", "desert_doodads", "desert_main", "desert_mountains", "desert_mountains2", "desert_sun", "generic_deathtiles", "generic_unhookable", "grass_doodads", "grass_main", "jungle_background", "jungle_deathtiles", "jungle_doodads", "jungle_main", "jungle_midground", "jungle_unhookables", "moon", "mountains", "snow", "stars", "sun", "winter_doodads", "winter_main", "winter_mountains", "winter_mountains2", "winter_mountains3" ] images_07 = [ "bg_cloud1", "bg_cloud2", "bg_cloud3", "desert_doodads", "desert_main", "desert_mountains", "desert_mountains2", "desert_sun", "easter", "generic_deathtiles", "generic_lamps", "generic_shadows", "generic_unhookable", "grass_doodads", "grass_main", "jungle_background", "jungle_deathtiles", "jungle_doodads", "jungle_main", "jungle_midground", "jungle_unhookables", "light", "moon", "mountains", "snow", "stars", "sun", "winter_doodads", "winter_main", "winter_mountains", "winter_mountains2", "winter_mountains3", ] if __name__ == "__main__": arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="script to generate the external constants in src/constants/") arg_parser.add_argument("mapres_version", help="mapres version, '6' for 0.6, '7' for 0.7", choices=["6", "7"]) arg_parser.add_argument("image_directory", help="directory where the external images can be read from", type=pathlib.Path) arg_parser.add_argument("output_file", type=pathlib.Path) args = arg_parser.parse_args() if args.mapres_version == "6": image_names = images_06 elif args.mapres_version == "7": image_names = images_07 opaque_tables = [] image_dimensions = [] for name in image_names: file_path = path.join(args.image_directory, name + ".png") with as image: if image.format != "PNG": print(f"{file_path} is not a png image") if len(image.getbands()) != 4: print(f"{file_path} is not a rgba image") width, height = image.size image_dimensions.append((width, height)) tile_width, tile_height = width // 16, height // 16 if width % 16 != 0 or height % 16 != 0 or tile_width != tile_height: opaque_tables.append(None) continue pixels = np.frombuffer(image.tobytes()[3::4], dtype=np.uint8) alpha_values = pixels.reshape((height, width)) opaque_table = [[False for i in range(16)] for j in range(16)] for y in range(16): for x in range(16): opaque_table[y][x] = np.all(alpha_values[y * tile_height:(y + 1) * tile_height, x * tile_width:(x + 1) * tile_width] >= 250) opaque_tables.append(opaque_table) const_image_names = [name.upper() for name in image_names] with open(args.output_file, "w") as file: file.write("use vek::Extent2;\n\n") file.write("/// Returns `true` if all clients of that version should have that mapres shipped with their client.\n") file.write("pub fn is_external_name(name: &str) -> bool {\n") file.write(" matches!(\n") file.write(" name,\n") file.write(" \"") file.write("\"\n | \"".join(image_names)) file.write("\"\n )\n") file.write("}\n\n") file.write("/// Returns the opaque table for external images.\n") file.write("/// None, if the given name is not a valid external image name, or if the image not square.\n") file.write("/// The latter restriction is taken from the client source, don't ask me.\n") file.write("pub fn external_opaque_table(name: &str) -> Option<[[bool; 16]; 16]> {\n") file.write(" Some(match name {\n") for name, const_name, table in zip(image_names, const_image_names, opaque_tables): if table is None: continue file.write(f" \"{name}\" => {const_name},\n") file.write(" _ => return None,\n") file.write(" })\n") file.write("}\n\n") file.write("/// Returns the (width, height) of external images.\n") file.write("/// None, if the given name is not a valid external image name.\n") file.write("pub fn external_dimensions(name: &str) -> Option> {\n") file.write(" Some(match name {\n") for name, (width, height) in zip(image_names, image_dimensions): file.write(f" \"{name}\" => Extent2::new({width}, {height}),\n") file.write(" _ => return None,\n") file.write(" })\n") file.write("}\n") for const_name, opaque_table in zip(const_image_names, opaque_tables): if opaque_table is None: continue file.write("\n#[rustfmt::skip]\n") file.write(f"const {const_name}: [[bool; 16]; 16] = [\n") for line in opaque_table: array = [" true" if boolean else "false" for boolean in line] array = ", ".join(array) file.write(f" [{array}],\n") file.write("];\n")