use two_face::theme::EmbeddedThemeName; const SAMPLE_ELIXIR: &str = r#"# There currently is no ternary operator like true ? "yes" : "no" # So the following is suggested "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no" "#; fn sample_html(name: EmbeddedThemeName) -> String { let syn_set = two_face::syntax::extra_newlines(); let theme_set = two_face::theme::extra(); let syn_ref = syn_set.find_syntax_by_extension("ex").unwrap(); let theme = theme_set.get(name); syntect::html::highlighted_html_for_string(SAMPLE_ELIXIR, &syn_set, syn_ref, theme).unwrap() } #[test] fn ansi() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::Ansi), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn base16() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::Base16), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn base16_eighties_dark() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::Base16EightiesDark), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn base16_mocha_dark() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::Base16MochaDark), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn base16_ocean_dark() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::Base16OceanDark), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn base16_ocean_light() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::Base16OceanLight), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn base16_256() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::Base16_256), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn coldark_cold() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::ColdarkCold), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn coldark_dark() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::ColdarkDark), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn dark_neon() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::DarkNeon), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn dracula() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::Dracula), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn github() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::Github), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn gruvbox_dark() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::GruvboxDark), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn gruvbox_light() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::GruvboxLight), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn inspired_github() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::InspiredGithub), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn leet() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::Leet), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn monokai_extended() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::MonokaiExtended), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn monokai_extended_bright() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::MonokaiExtendedBright), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn monokai_extended_light() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::MonokaiExtendedLight), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn monokai_extended_origin() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::MonokaiExtendedOrigin), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn nord() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::Nord), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn one_half_dark() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::OneHalfDark), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn one_half_light() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::OneHalfLight), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn solarized_dark() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::SolarizedDark), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn solarized_light() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::SolarizedLight), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn sublime_snazzy() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::SublimeSnazzy), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn two_dark() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::TwoDark), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn visual_studio_dark_plus() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::VisualStudioDarkPlus), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); } #[test] fn zenburn() { insta::assert_snapshot!( sample_html(EmbeddedThemeName::Zenburn), @r###"
    # There currently is no ternary operator like  true ? "yes" : "no"
    # So the following is suggested
    "no" = if 1 == 0, do: "yes", else: "no"
"### ); }