use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use crossterm::{ event::{self, Event, KeyCode}, execute, terminal::{disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode, EnterAlternateScreen, LeaveAlternateScreen}, }; use ratatui::{ backend::CrosstermBackend, layout::{Constraint, Direction, Layout}, widgets::{Block, Borders, Cell, Paragraph, Row, Table}, Terminal, }; use std::io::{self, Stdout}; use twothousand_forty_eight::{unified::game::GameState, v2::recording::SeededRecording}; struct State { gamestate: GameState, history: SeededRecording, message: String, hiscore: usize, } impl State { pub fn new(message: Option<&str>) -> Self { let random_seed = rand::random(); let history = SeededRecording::empty(random_seed, 4, 4); let gamestate = GameState::from_reconstructable_ruleset(&history).unwrap(); Self { gamestate, history, message: message.unwrap_or_default().to_string(), hiscore: 0, } } pub fn save(&self) { let history_string: String = (&self.history).into(); let stats = format!( "------- STATS -------\nScore: {}\nRNG state: {}\nBreaks: {}\nMoves: {}\nAllowed moves: {:?}\nOver: {}\nWon: {}\n------- BOARD -------\n{}\n---------------------", self.gamestate.score_max, self.gamestate.board.rng_state, self.gamestate.breaks, self.history.moves.len(), self.gamestate.allowed_moves, self.gamestate.over, self.gamestate.won, self.gamestate.board, ); std::fs::write("savegame.txt", format!("{history_string}\n{stats}")).unwrap(); } pub fn load(path: &str) -> Self { let file_str = std::fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap(); // We only take the first line to allow comments & other cool stuff let history_string = file_str.lines().next().unwrap(); let history: SeededRecording = match history_string.parse() { Ok(history) => history, Err(e) => { return Self::new(Some(&format!("Error parsing history: {:?}", e))); } }; let gamestate = match GameState::from_reconstructable_ruleset(&history) { Ok(gamestate) => gamestate, Err(e) => { return Self::new(Some(&format!("Error reconstructing game: {:?}", e))); } }; let hiscore = gamestate.score_max; Self { history, message: format!("Loaded game from {path}"), gamestate, hiscore, } } } impl Default for State { fn default() -> Self { const SAVE_PATH: &str = "savegame.txt"; // check if savegame.txt exists // if it does, load it // if it doesn't, create a new game if std::path::Path::new(SAVE_PATH).exists() { return Self::load(SAVE_PATH); } Self::new(None) } } /// This is a bare minimum example. There are many approaches to running an application loop, so /// this is not meant to be prescriptive. It is only meant to demonstrate the basic setup and /// teardown of a terminal application. /// /// A more robust application would probably want to handle errors and ensure that the terminal is /// restored to a sane state before exiting. This example does not do that. It also does not handle /// events or update the application state. It just draws a greeting and exits when the user /// presses 'q'. fn main() -> Result<()> { let mut terminal = setup_terminal().context("setup failed")?; run(&mut terminal, State::default()).context("app loop failed")?; restore_terminal(&mut terminal).context("restore terminal failed")?; Ok(()) } /// Setup the terminal. This is where you would enable raw mode, enter the alternate screen, and /// hide the cursor. This example does not handle errors. A more robust application would probably /// want to handle errors and ensure that the terminal is restored to a sane state before exiting. fn setup_terminal() -> Result>> { let mut stdout = io::stdout(); enable_raw_mode().context("failed to enable raw mode")?; execute!(stdout, EnterAlternateScreen).context("unable to enter alternate screen")?; Terminal::new(CrosstermBackend::new(stdout)).context("creating terminal failed") } /// Restore the terminal. This is where you disable raw mode, leave the alternate screen, and show /// the cursor. fn restore_terminal(terminal: &mut Terminal>) -> Result<()> { disable_raw_mode().context("failed to disable raw mode")?; execute!(terminal.backend_mut(), LeaveAlternateScreen) .context("unable to switch to main screen")?; terminal.show_cursor().context("unable to show cursor") } /// Run the application loop. This is where you would handle events and update the application /// state. This example exits when the user presses 'q'. Other styles of application loops are /// possible, for example, you could have multiple application states and switch between them based /// on events, or you could have a single application state and update it based on events. fn run(terminal: &mut Terminal>, mut gamestate: State) -> Result<()> { loop { terminal.draw(|f| crate::render_app(f, &gamestate))?; if let Event::Key(key) = event::read()? { match key.code { KeyCode::Char('q') => { // save game to savegame.txt; return Ok(()); } KeyCode::Char('w') => { move_in_direction( &mut gamestate, twothousand_forty_eight::direction::Direction::UP, ); } KeyCode::Char('a') => { move_in_direction( &mut gamestate, twothousand_forty_eight::direction::Direction::LEFT, ); } KeyCode::Char('d') => { move_in_direction( &mut gamestate, twothousand_forty_eight::direction::Direction::RIGHT, ); } KeyCode::Char('s') => { move_in_direction( &mut gamestate, twothousand_forty_eight::direction::Direction::DOWN, ); } KeyCode::Char('e') => { revert_move(&mut gamestate); } KeyCode::Char('r') => { let hiscore = gamestate.hiscore; gamestate = State::new(None); gamestate.hiscore = hiscore; } KeyCode::Char('b') => { move_in_direction( &mut gamestate, twothousand_forty_eight::direction::Direction::BREAK, ); } KeyCode::Char('o') => { // save game to savegame.txt; gamestate.message = "Saved game to savegame.txt".to_string(); } _ => {} } } } } fn move_in_direction(state: &mut State, direction: twothousand_forty_eight::direction::Direction) { if !state.gamestate.allowed_moves.contains(&direction) { state.message = format!("Move to direction {:?} not allowed.", direction); //return; } let mut new_history = state.history.clone(); new_history.moves.push(direction); let history_string: String = (&new_history).into(); match history_string.parse::() { Ok(history) => match GameState::from_reconstructable_ruleset(&history) { Ok(gamestate) => { state.gamestate = gamestate; state.message = String::new(); state.history = history; if state.gamestate.score_max > state.hiscore { state.hiscore = state.gamestate.score_max; } } Err(e) => { state.message = format!("{:?}", e); } }, Err(e) => { state.message = format!("{:?}", e); } } } fn revert_move(state: &mut State) { if state.history.moves.is_empty() { state.message = "No moves to revert.".to_string(); return; } let mut new_history = state.history.clone(); new_history.moves.pop(); let history_string: String = (&new_history).into(); match history_string.parse::() { Ok(history) => match GameState::from_reconstructable_ruleset(&history) { Ok(gamestate) => { state.gamestate = gamestate; state.message = String::new(); state.history = history; if state.gamestate.score_max > state.hiscore { state.hiscore = state.gamestate.score_max; } state.message = String::from("Reverted move."); } Err(e) => { state.message = format!("{:?}", e); } }, Err(e) => { state.message = format!("{:?}", e); } } } /// Render the application. This is where you would draw the application UI. This example just /// draws a greeting. fn render_app(frame: &mut ratatui::Frame>, state: &State) { let gamestate = &state.gamestate; let chunks = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .margin(2) .constraints( [ Constraint::Length(1), Constraint::Length(1), Constraint::Length(1), Constraint::Length(1), Constraint::Length(1), Constraint::Min(6), ] .as_ref(), ) .split(frame.size()); let boardchunks = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .constraints([Constraint::Max(23), Constraint::Min(1)].as_ref()) .split(chunks[5]); let title = Paragraph::new(format!( "2048 {}x{}", gamestate.board.width, gamestate.board.height )) .style(ratatui::style::Style::default().fg(ratatui::style::Color::Yellow)); frame.render_widget(title, chunks[0]); let score = Paragraph::new(format!( "Score: {}{}", state.gamestate.score_max, if state .gamestate .allowed_moves .contains(&twothousand_forty_eight::direction::Direction::BREAK) { " (can break)" } else { "" } )); frame.render_widget(score, chunks[1]); let hiscore = Paragraph::new(format!("High Score: {}", state.hiscore)); frame.render_widget(hiscore, chunks[2]); let seed = Paragraph::new(format!("Seed/State: {}", gamestate.board.rng_state,)); frame.render_widget(seed, chunks[3]); let message = Paragraph::new(format!("{}", state.message)); frame.render_widget(message, chunks[4]); let board = Table::new(gamestate.board.tiles.iter().map(|row| { Row::new( row.iter() .map(|tile| match tile { Some(tile) => { if tile.value > 0 { // Align center return Cell::from(format!("{}", tile.value)) .style(get_tile_style(tile)); } Cell::from(".") } None => Cell::from(""), }) .collect::>(), ) })) .column_spacing(1) .block( Block::default() .border_type(ratatui::widgets::BorderType::Rounded) .borders(Borders::all()) .padding(ratatui::widgets::Padding::horizontal(1)), ) .widths(&[ Constraint::Length(4), Constraint::Length(4), Constraint::Length(4), Constraint::Length(4), ]); frame.render_widget(board, boardchunks[0]); } fn get_tile_style(tile: &twothousand_forty_eight::board::tile::Tile) -> ratatui::style::Style { // only terminal colors are supported, ensure contrast between fg and bg // 2, 4 should be white on black // 8, 16 should be yellow on black // 32, 64 should be light red on black // 128, 256 should be red on black // 512, 1024 should be light blue on black // 2048, 4096 should be blue on black // 8192, 16384 should be green on black // 32768, 65536 should be white on black match tile.value { 2 | 4 => ratatui::style::Style::default() .fg(ratatui::style::Color::White) .bg(ratatui::style::Color::Black), 8 | 16 => ratatui::style::Style::default() .fg(ratatui::style::Color::Yellow) .bg(ratatui::style::Color::Black), 32 | 64 => ratatui::style::Style::default() .fg(ratatui::style::Color::LightRed) .bg(ratatui::style::Color::Black), 128 | 256 => ratatui::style::Style::default() .fg(ratatui::style::Color::Red) .bg(ratatui::style::Color::Black), 512 | 1024 => ratatui::style::Style::default() .fg(ratatui::style::Color::LightBlue) .bg(ratatui::style::Color::Black), 2048 | 4096 => ratatui::style::Style::default() .fg(ratatui::style::Color::Blue) .bg(ratatui::style::Color::Black), 8192 | 16384 => ratatui::style::Style::default() .fg(ratatui::style::Color::Green) .bg(ratatui::style::Color::Black), 32768 | 65536 => ratatui::style::Style::default() .fg(ratatui::style::Color::White) .bg(ratatui::style::Color::Black), _ => ratatui::style::Style::default() .fg(ratatui::style::Color::White) .bg(ratatui::style::Color::Black), } }