//! Connect to a signal server, and run diagnostics on the TURN info. //! //! ## Results if run vs xirsys setup: //! //! ```text //! SIG_URL: ws:// //! SIG_ICE: PeerConnectionConfig { //! ice_servers: [ //! IceServer { //! urls: [ //! "stun:ws-turn6.xirsys.com:80", //! "turn:ws-turn6.xirsys.com:80", //! "turn:ws-turn6.xirsys.com:80?transport=tcp", //! "turns:ws-turn6.xirsys.com:443?transport=tcp", //! ], //! username: Some( //! "", //! ), //! credential: Some( //! "", //! ), //! }, //! ], //! } //! TURN_CHECK: TurnCheck { //! host: "ws-turn6.xirsys.com", //! user: "", //! cred: "", //! stun_port: 80, //! udp_port: 80, //! tcp_plain_port: 80, //! tcp_tls_port: 443, //! } //! CHECK_STUN: PeerConnectionConfig { ice_servers: [IceServer { urls: ["stun:ws-turn6.xirsys.com:80"], username: Some(""), credential: Some("") }] } //! ICE: [ //! ( //! "srflx", //! "", //! ), //! ] //! OKAY: CHECK_STUN //! CHECK_UDP: PeerConnectionConfig { ice_servers: [IceServer { urls: ["turn:ws-turn6.xirsys.com:80"], username: Some(""), credential: Some("") }] } //! ICE: [ //! ( //! "srflx", //! "", //! ), //! ( //! "relay", //! "", //! ), //! ] //! OKAY: CHECK_UDP //! CHECK_TCP_PLAIN: PeerConnectionConfig { ice_servers: [IceServer { urls: ["turn:ws-turn6.xirsys.com:80?transport=tcp"], username: Some(""), credential: Some("") }] } //! ICE: [ //! ( //! "srflx", //! "", //! ), //! ( //! "relay", //! "", //! ), //! ] //! OKAY: CHECK_TCP_PLAIN //! CHECK_TCP_TLS: PeerConnectionConfig { ice_servers: [IceServer { urls: ["turns:ws-turn6.xirsys.com:80?transport=tcp"], username: Some(""), credential: Some("") }] } //! ICE: [ //! ( //! "srflx", //! "", //! ), //! ( //! "relay", //! "", //! ), //! ] //! OKAY: CHECK_TCP_TLS //! ``` //! //! Results if run vs holochain setup: //! //! ```text //! SIG_URL: wss://signal.holo.host/ //! SIG_ICE: PeerConnectionConfig { //! ice_servers: [ //! IceServer { //! urls: [ //! "turn:turn.holo.host:443", //! ], //! username: Some( //! "test", //! ), //! credential: Some( //! "test", //! ), //! }, //! ], //! } //! WARN: stun not found (e.g. stun:my.stun:80) - this could be okay if your turn server is handling stun traffic //! WARN: udp plain port is 443, recommended to be 80 //! WARN: tcp plain not found (e.g. turn:my.turn:80?transport=tcp) - this could be okay if you want to jump straight to tcp tls //! ERROR: tpc tls not found (e.g. turns:my.turn:443?transport=tcp) - this is the most firewall pass-able transport and is recommended to be enabled //! TURN_CHECK: TurnCheck { //! host: "turn.holo.host", //! user: "test", //! cred: "test", //! stun_port: 443, //! udp_port: 443, //! tcp_plain_port: 443, //! tcp_tls_port: 443, //! } //! CHECK_STUN: PeerConnectionConfig { ice_servers: [IceServer { urls: ["stun:turn.holo.host:443"], username: Some("test"), credential: Some("test") }] } //! ICE: [ //! ( //! "srflx", //! "", //! ), //! ] //! OKAY: CHECK_STUN //! CHECK_UDP: PeerConnectionConfig { ice_servers: [IceServer { urls: ["turn:turn.holo.host:443"], username: Some("test"), credential: Some("test") }] } //! ICE: [ //! ( //! "srflx", //! "", //! ), //! ( //! "relay", //! "", //! ), //! ] //! OKAY: CHECK_UDP //! CHECK_TCP_PLAIN: PeerConnectionConfig { ice_servers: [IceServer { urls: ["turn:turn.holo.host:443?transport=tcp"], username: Some("test"), credential: Some("test") }] } //! ICE: [ //! ( //! "srflx", //! "", //! ), //! ( //! "relay", //! "", //! ), //! ] //! OKAY: CHECK_TCP_PLAIN //! CHECK_TCP_TLS: PeerConnectionConfig { ice_servers: [IceServer { urls: ["turns:turn.holo.host:443?transport=tcp"], username: Some("test"), credential: Some("test") }] } //! ICE: [ //! ( //! "srflx", //! "", //! ), //! ( //! "relay", //! "", //! ), //! ] //! OKAY: CHECK_TCP_TLS //! ``` fn init_tracing() { let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber::builder() .with_env_filter( tracing_subscriber::filter::EnvFilter::from_default_env(), ) .with_file(true) .with_line_number(true) .finish(); let _ = tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber); } #[tokio::main(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn main() { init_tracing(); let args = std::env::args().collect::>(); let sig_url = args.get(1).expect("required signal_url"); let sig_url = url::Url::parse(sig_url).unwrap(); println!("SIG_URL: {sig_url}"); let (sig_cli, _sig_rcv) = tx5_signal::Cli::builder() .with_url(sig_url) .build() .await .expect("expect can build tx5_signal::Cli"); let ice: tx5_go_pion::PeerConnectionConfig = serde_json::from_str( &serde_json::to_string(&sig_cli.ice_servers()).unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); println!("SIG_ICE: {ice:#?}"); let turn_check = check_ice(&ice); println!("TURN_CHECK: {turn_check:#?}"); stun_check(&turn_check).await; turn_udp_check(&turn_check).await; turn_tcp_plain_check(&turn_check).await; turn_tcp_tls_check(&turn_check).await; } #[derive(Debug)] struct TurnCheck { pub host: String, pub user: String, pub cred: String, pub stun_port: u16, pub udp_port: u16, pub tcp_plain_port: u16, pub tcp_tls_port: u16, } fn check_ice(ice: &tx5_go_pion::PeerConnectionConfig) -> TurnCheck { let mut found_stun = false; let mut found_udp_plain = false; let mut found_tcp_plain = false; let mut found_tcp_tls = false; let mut host = None; let mut user = None; let mut cred = None; let mut stun_port = None; let mut udp_port = None; let mut tcp_plain_port = None; let mut tcp_tls_port = None; for server in ice.ice_servers.iter() { if let Some(username) = server.username.as_ref() { user = Some(username.clone()); } if let Some(credential) = server.credential.as_ref() { cred = Some(credential.clone()); } for url in server.urls.iter() { let url = url::Url::parse(url).unwrap(); let scheme = url.scheme().to_string(); let transport = url .query_pairs() .find(|(k, _)| k == "transport") .map(|(_, v)| v.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "udp".to_string()); let url = url::Url::parse(&format!("fake://{}", url.path())).unwrap(); host = Some(url.host_str().unwrap().to_string()); let port = url.port().unwrap(); match (scheme.as_str(), transport.as_str()) { ("stun", _) => { stun_port = Some(port); found_stun = true; } ("turn", "udp") => { udp_port = Some(port); found_udp_plain = true; } ("turn", "tcp") => { tcp_plain_port = Some(port); found_tcp_plain = true; } ("turns", "tcp") => { tcp_tls_port = Some(port); found_tcp_tls = true; } oth => panic!("unexpected scheme/transport: {oth:?}"), } } } let turn_check = TurnCheck { host: host.unwrap(), user: user.unwrap(), cred: cred.unwrap(), stun_port: stun_port.unwrap_or_default(), udp_port: udp_port.unwrap_or_default(), tcp_plain_port: tcp_plain_port.unwrap_or_default(), tcp_tls_port: tcp_tls_port.unwrap_or_default(), }; if found_stun { if turn_check.stun_port != 80 { println!( "WARN: stun port is {}, recommended to be 80", turn_check.stun_port ); } } else { println!("WARN: stun not found (e.g. stun:my.stun:80) - this could be okay if your turn server is handling stun traffic"); } if found_udp_plain { if turn_check.udp_port != 80 { println!( "WARN: udp plain port is {}, recommended to be 80", turn_check.udp_port ); } } else { println!("ERROR: plain udp transport not found (e.g. turn:my.turn:80) - this is the lowest overhead transport and is recommended to be enabled"); } if found_tcp_plain { if turn_check.tcp_plain_port != 80 { println!( "WARN: tcp plain port is {}, recommended to be 80", turn_check.tcp_plain_port ); } } else { println!("WARN: tcp plain not found (e.g. turn:my.turn:80?transport=tcp) - this could be okay if you want to jump straight to tcp tls"); } if found_tcp_tls { if turn_check.tcp_tls_port != 443 { println!( "WARN: tcp tls port is {}, recommended to be 443", turn_check.tcp_tls_port ); } } else { println!("ERROR: tpc tls not found (e.g. turns:my.turn:443?transport=tcp) - this is the most firewall pass-able transport and is recommended to be enabled"); } turn_check } async fn gather_ice( config: tx5_go_pion::PeerConnectionConfig, ) -> Vec<(String, String)> { let mut out_ice = Vec::new(); { let out_ice = &mut out_ice; let _ = tokio::time::timeout( std::time::Duration::from_secs(10), async move { let (con, mut r) = tx5_go_pion::PeerConnection::new(config).await.unwrap(); let _dc = con .create_data_channel( tx5_go_pion::DataChannelConfig::default(), ) .await .unwrap(); let offer = con .create_offer(tx5_go_pion::OfferConfig::default()) .await .unwrap(); con.set_local_description(offer).await.unwrap(); #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] struct C { pub candidate: String, } while let Some(evt) = r.recv().await { if let tx5_go_pion::PeerConnectionEvent::ICECandidate( mut ice, ) = evt { let c: C = ice.as_json().unwrap(); let mut typ = "unknown".to_string(); { let mut t = c.candidate.split("typ"); if let Some(_) = t.next() { if let Some(r) = t.next() { let mut t = r.split(" "); if let Some(_) = t.next() { if let Some(r) = t.next() { typ = r.to_string(); } } } } } if typ != "unknown" && typ != "host" { out_ice.push((typ, c.candidate)); } } } }, ) .await; } out_ice } async fn stun_check(check: &TurnCheck) { let config = tx5_go_pion::PeerConnectionConfig { ice_servers: vec![tx5_go_pion::IceServer { urls: vec![format!("stun:{}:{}", check.host, check.stun_port)], username: None, credential: None, }], }; println!("CHECK_STUN: {config:?}"); let ice = gather_ice(config).await; println!("ICE: {ice:#?}"); let mut found_srflx = false; for (typ, _) in ice { if typ == "srflx" { found_srflx = true; } } if found_srflx { println!("OKAY: CHECK_STUN"); } else { println!("ERROR: unable to get srflx stun response within 10 seconds"); } } async fn turn_udp_check(check: &TurnCheck) { turn_check( "CHECK_UDP", tx5_go_pion::PeerConnectionConfig { ice_servers: vec![tx5_go_pion::IceServer { urls: vec![format!("turn:{}:{}", check.host, check.udp_port)], username: Some(check.user.clone()), credential: Some(check.cred.clone()), }], }, ) .await; } async fn turn_tcp_plain_check(check: &TurnCheck) { turn_check( "CHECK_TCP_PLAIN", tx5_go_pion::PeerConnectionConfig { ice_servers: vec![tx5_go_pion::IceServer { urls: vec![format!( "turn:{}:{}?transport=tcp", check.host, check.tcp_plain_port )], username: Some(check.user.clone()), credential: Some(check.cred.clone()), }], }, ) .await; } async fn turn_tcp_tls_check(check: &TurnCheck) { turn_check( "CHECK_TCP_TLS", tx5_go_pion::PeerConnectionConfig { ice_servers: vec![tx5_go_pion::IceServer { urls: vec![format!( "turns:{}:{}?transport=tcp", check.host, check.tcp_tls_port )], username: Some(check.user.clone()), credential: Some(check.cred.clone()), }], }, ) .await; } async fn turn_check(tag: &str, config: tx5_go_pion::PeerConnectionConfig) { println!("{tag}: {config:?}"); let ice = gather_ice(config).await; println!("ICE: {ice:#?}"); let mut found_relay = false; for (typ, _) in ice { if typ == "relay" { found_relay = true; } } if found_relay { println!("OKAY: {tag}"); } else { println!("ERROR: unable to get relay response within 10 seconds"); } }