#!/bin/bash # Lock file path lockfile=/tmp/sync-txoo-local.lock # Open the lock file for writing, and get file descriptor 200 for it. exec 200>"$lockfile" # Try to acquire an exclusive lock on the file descriptor 200. if ! flock -n 200 ; then echo "Script is already running. Exiting." exit 1 fi # Sync with a local web server and render an index page args="$@" for net in bitcoin testnet; do if [ -e ~/.txoo/$net/public ]; then changes=$(rsync -ai ~/.txoo/$net/public/ /var/www/html/txoo/$net/) if [ ! -z "$changes" ]; then /usr/local/bin/render-txoo /var/www/html/txoo/$net/ fi fi done # The lock is automatically released when the script ends.