#![allow(unused)] use axum::{ extract::Request, middleware::{self, Next}, response::Response, routing::get, Router, }; use reqwest::Client; use tyco::{context, FutureExt, TypedContext}; use self::trace_id::TraceId; mod trace_id { use super::*; pub const HEADER_NAME: &str = "trace-id"; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct TraceId(pub String); impl TraceId { pub fn new(v: impl ToString) -> Self { Self(v.to_string()) } pub fn from_axum_request(req: &Request) -> Option { let value = req .headers() .get(HEADER_NAME) .and_then(|x| x.to_str().ok()) .map(|x| x.to_owned())?; Some(Self(value)) } } context!(TraceId); } // Extraction middleware async fn extract_tracing_id(req: Request, next: Next) -> Response { let trace_id = TraceId::from_axum_request(&req); next.run(req).with_opt(trace_id).await } async fn handler() { // Initiate "background" task, which make request to external resource tokio::spawn(make_request().with_current::()); } async fn make_request() { let trace_id = TraceId::current(); println!("Current {trace_id:?}"); let client = Client::new(); let mut req = client.get("https://example.com/"); if let Some(x) = trace_id { req = req.header(self::trace_id::HEADER_NAME, x.0); } let resp = req.send().await; // do something with response } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let app = Router::new() .route("/", get(handler)) .layer(middleware::from_fn(extract_tracing_id)); let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap(); axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap(); }