# Changelog ## [0.11.1] - * - Call `comemo::evict(0)` after each call of `typst::compile()`. Can be configured and turned off. - Deprecate `TypstTemplate[Collection]::compile_with_input_fast()` as it is not really faster. - Fix: update Cache of library after changing input ## [0.11.0] - * - `IntoCachedFileResolver` - wraps the file resolver in an in-memory cache - Add `TypstTemplate[Collection]::compile_with_input_fast()` that takes a mutable reference to `TypstTemplate[Collection]` - Inject input to sys: input without needing to reinitialize the whole library every time ## [0.10.0] - 2024-10-19 - Updated Typst dependency to version 0.12.0 - compile functions: - `tracer` argument removed - Return Type of is now wrapped in `Warned` type - Added optional in-memory-caching of sources and binary files for `FileSystemResolver` and `PackageResolver`, that is enabled by default. - `PackageResolver` has now the cache as generic type argument. - `PackageResolver` has to be build with the `PackageResolverBuilder` ## [0.9.0] - 2024-10-12 - Fix: Today function - Use Utc::now instead of Local::now - Support packages, that are installed locally. ([local typst package dir](https://github.com/typst/packages?tab=readme-ov-file#local-packages)) - Breaking: Support caching packages in file system (default: /typst/packages). Library users now have to specify, if they want to use in memory caching or the file system. Default is file system. Change ```rust let arc = Default::default(); let template = TypstTemplate::new(vec![font], TEMPLATE_FILE) .with_package_file_resolver(arc, None); ``` to ```rust let arc = Default::default(); let template = TypstTemplate::new(vec![font], TEMPLATE_FILE) .add_file_resolver(PackageResolver::new(PackageResolverCache::Memory(arc), None)); ``` You also can use the filesystem now, which is the default: ```rust let template = TypstTemplate::new(vec![font], TEMPLATE_FILE) .with_package_file_resolver(None); ```