use std::process::exit; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use tyractorsaur::prelude::{ Actor, ActorFactory, ActorMessage, ActorSystem, ActorContext, Handler, TyractorsaurConfig, }; struct MessageA {} impl ActorMessage for MessageA {} struct Benchmark { ctx: ActorContext, total_msgs: usize, name: String, count: usize, start: Instant, } struct BenchmarkFactory { total_msgs: usize, name: String, } impl ActorFactory for BenchmarkFactory { fn new_actor(&self, context: ActorContext) -> Benchmark { Benchmark::new(self.total_msgs,, context) } } impl Benchmark { pub fn new(total_msgs: usize, name: String, context: ActorContext) -> Self { Self { ctx: context, total_msgs, name, count: 0, start: Instant::now(), } } } impl Actor for Benchmark { fn on_system_stop(&mut self) { self.ctx.actor_ref.stop(); } } impl Handler for Benchmark { fn handle(&mut self, _msg: MessageA, context: &ActorContext) { if self.count == 0 { println!("Sleep 3 now"); sleep(Duration::from_secs((3) as u64)); println!("Sleep 3 end"); self.start = Instant::now(); } self.count += 1; let wip_print = self.total_msgs / 10; if self.count % wip_print == 0 { println!("{} Counter: {}",, self.count) } if self.count % self.total_msgs == 0 { let duration = self.start.elapsed(); println!( "{} It took {:?} to process {} messages",, duration, self.total_msgs ); } if self.count == self.total_msgs { context.system.stop(Duration::from_secs(60)); } } } fn main() { let actor_config = TyractorsaurConfig::new().unwrap(); let actor_system = ActorSystem::new(actor_config); let message_count = 10000000; let actor = actor_system .builder() .spawn("benchmark-single-actor", BenchmarkFactory { name: String::from("benchmark"), total_msgs: message_count as usize, }).unwrap(); println!("Actors have been created"); let start = Instant::now(); for _i in 0..message_count { let msg = MessageA {}; actor.send(msg); } let duration = start.elapsed(); println!("It took {:?} to send {} messages", duration, message_count); exit(actor_system.await_shutdown()); }