uairctl(1) # NAME uairctl - Command-line application for controlling uair # SYPNOSIS *uairctl* [options..] command # OPTIONS *-s, --socket* Specifies a socket file. *--help* Show help message and quit. # COMMANDS pause Pauses the timer. resume Resumes the timer. toggle Toggles the state of the timer. next Jumps to the next session. prev Jumps to the previous session. finish Instantly finishes the current session, invoking the session's specified command. jump [ID] Jumps to the session with the given id, [ID]. reload Reload the config file. If the new configuration contains a session with the same ID as that of the current session, this session is treated as the new current session, otherwise, the first session is treated as the new current session. The state of the timer (paused or resumed) or the remaining duration of the current session remains unchanged. fetch [FORMAT] Fetches information and displays it in the format specified by the format text [FORMAT]. Formatting of input text is done using the same format specifiers specified in FORMAT SPECIFIERS sections in uair(5). listen [-o | --override OVERRIDE] [-e | --exit] Output time continuously, while remaining in sync with the main 'uair' instance. Using the optional '-o' flag, a named override specified in uair config can be mentioned, which allows the listening instance to output time in a different format. See 'overrides' property in SESSION PROPERTIES section and the OVERRIDABLES section in uair(5) for more details. Using the optional '-e' flag, uairctl outputs the remaining time for the current session and exits immediately. # DESCRIPTION uairctl is a command line application for controlling uair. It can be binded to a keyboard shortcut for for quickly pausing and resuming the timer. # SEE ALSO *uair*(5) *uairctl*(1)