FROM {{ base_image }}:{{ image_version }} LABEL org.opencontainers.image.title="{{ name }}" LABEL org.opencontainers.image.version="{{ image_version }}" LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description="{{ description }}" LABEL io.artifacthub.package.readme-url= LABEL io.artifacthub.package.logo-url= ARG RECIPE={{ recipe }} {%- if running_gitlab_actions() %} ARG COPY /usr/share/ublue-os/ {%- endif %} # Copy the bling from ublue-os/bling into tmp, to be installed later by the bling module # Feel free to remove these lines if you want to speed up image builds and don't want any bling COPY /rpms /tmp/bling/rpms COPY /files /tmp/bling/files COPY /usr/bin/yq /usr/bin/yq COPY /ko-app/cosign /usr/bin/cosign COPY config /tmp/config/ # Copy modules # The default modules are inside ublue-os/bling COPY /modules /tmp/modules/ # Custom modules overwrite defaults COPY modules /tmp/modules/ RUN echo "#!/usr/bin/env bash" >> /tmp/ RUN echo 'get_yaml_array() { readarray "$1" < <(echo "$3" | yq -I=0 "$2"); }; export -f get_yaml_array' >> /tmp/ RUN chmod +x /tmp/ ARG CONFIG_DIRECTORY="/tmp/config" ARG IMAGE_NAME="{{ name }}" ARG BASE_IMAGE="{{ base_image }}" {%- macro run_modules(module) %} {%- if module.type %} {%- if module.type == "containerfile" %} {%- for c in module.containerfiles %} {{ print_containerfile(containerfile = c ) }} {%- endfor %} {%- else %} RUN chmod +x /tmp/modules/{{ module.type }}/{{ module.type }}.sh RUN source /tmp/ && OS_VERSION="$(grep -Po '(?<=VERSION_ID=)\d+' /usr/lib/os-release)" /tmp/modules/{{ module.type }}/{{ module.type }}.sh '{{ print_module_context(module = module) }}' {%- endif %} {%- elif module["from-file"] %} {%- set extra_module = get_module_from_file(file = module["from-file"]) %} {%- for m in extra_module.modules %} {{ self::run_modules(module = m) }} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} {%- endmacro run_modules %} {%- for module in modules %} {{ self::run_modules(module = module) }} {%- endfor %} RUN rm -rf /tmp/* /var/* && ostree container commit