use rppal::gpio; use rppal::hal; use rppal::spi; use std::env; #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] enum Error { #[error("unknown")] Unknown, #[error("SPI")] Spi(#[from] rppal::spi::Error), } fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let spi = spi::Spi::new( spi::Bus::Spi0, spi::SlaveSelect::Ss0, 3_000_000, spi::Mode::Mode0, )?; let gpio = gpio::Gpio::new()?; let delay = hal::Delay::new(); let reset = gpio.get(27)?.into_output(); let busy = gpio.get(17)?.into_input(); let dc = gpio.get(22)?.into_output(); let mut display = uc8159::Display::<_, _, _, _, _, Error>::new( spi, delay, reset, busy, dc, uc8159::Config { border_color: uc8159::Color::White, }, ); display.fill(uc8159::Color::White); let image_path = env::args_os().nth(1).ok_or_else(|| { anyhow::anyhow!("Expected one command line arg with a path to an image file") })?; let image = image::io::Reader::open(image_path)? .decode()? .resize( display.width() as u32, display.height() as u32, image::imageops::FilterType::Nearest, ) .to_rgb8(); let palette = uc8159::Palette::new(1.0); eprintln!("palette: {:?}", palette); let padding_x = 0.max((display.width() - image.width() as usize) / 2); let padding_y = 0.max((display.height() - image.height() as usize) / 2); for (x, y, &image::Rgb([r, g, b])) in image.enumerate_pixels() { display.set_pixel( padding_x + x as usize, padding_y + y as usize, palette.closest_color(r, g, b), ); }; Ok(()) } impl From<()> for Error { fn from(_: ()) -> Self { Error::Unknown } }