; n2d_d32.ash -- ucl_nrv2d_decompress_le32 in 32-bit assembly ; ; This file is part of the UCL data compression library. ; ; Copyright (C) 1996-2004 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer ; All Rights Reserved. ; ; The UCL library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; ; The UCL library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with the UCL library; see the file COPYING. ; If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ; 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ; ; Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer ; ; http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/ucl/ ; ; ------------- DECOMPRESSION ------------- ; Input: ; esi - source ; edi - dest ; ebp - -1 ; cld ; Output: ; eax - 0 ; ecx - 0 %ifndef jmps %define jmps jmp short %endif %ifndef jmpn %define jmpn jmp near %endif CPU 386 %macro getbit_n2d 1 %if %1==1 add ebx, ebx jnz %%gotbit %endif mov ebx, [esi] sub esi, byte -4 adc ebx, ebx %%gotbit: %endmacro %undef getbit %define getbit getbit_n2d %ifdef __N2DSMA10__ jmps dcl1_n2d decompr_literals_n2d: movsb %else; __N2DFAS10__ jmps dcl1_n2d align 8 ; __N2DFAS11__ decompr_literalb_n2d: mov al, [esi] inc esi mov [edi], al inc edi %endif; __N2DDEC10__ decompr_loop_n2d: add ebx, ebx jnz dcl2_n2d dcl1_n2d: getbit 32 dcl2_n2d: %ifdef __N2DSMA20__ jc decompr_literals_n2d xor eax, eax inc eax %else; __N2DFAS20__ %ifndef UPX102 mov al, [edi] ;; force data cache allocate (PentiumPlain or MMX) %endif jc decompr_literalb_n2d mov eax, 1 %endif; __N2DDEC20__ loop1_n2d: getbit 1 adc eax, eax %ifdef __N2DSMA30__ getbit 1 jc loopend1_n2d %else; __N2DFAS30__ add ebx, ebx jnc loopcontinue1_n2d jnz loopend1_n2d getbit 32 jc loopend1_n2d loopcontinue1_n2d: %endif; __N2DDEC30__ dec eax getbit 1 adc eax, eax jmps loop1_n2d loopend1_n2d: xor ecx, ecx sub eax, byte 3 jb decompr_prev_dist_n2d shl eax, 8 mov al, [esi] inc esi xor eax, byte -1 jz decompr_end_n2d sar eax, 1 ; shift low-bit into carry mov ebp, eax jmps decompr_ebpeax_n2d decompr_prev_dist_n2d: getbit 1 decompr_ebpeax_n2d: adc ecx, ecx getbit 1 adc ecx, ecx jnz decompr_got_mlen_n2d inc ecx loop2_n2d: getbit 1 adc ecx, ecx %ifdef __N2DSMA40__ getbit 1 jnc loop2_n2d %else; __N2DFAS40__ add ebx, ebx jnc loop2_n2d jnz loopend2_n2d getbit 32 jnc loop2_n2d loopend2_n2d: %endif; __N2DDUMM1__ %ifdef __N2DSMA50__ inc ecx inc ecx %else; __N2DFAS50__ add ecx, byte 2 %endif; __N2DDEC50__ decompr_got_mlen_n2d: cmp ebp, -0x500 adc ecx, byte 1 %ifdef __N2DSMA60__ %ifndef UPX102 push esi %else mov edx, esi %endif lea esi, [edi+ebp] rep movsb %ifndef UPX102 pop esi %else mov esi, edx %endif jmpn decompr_loop_n2d %else; __N2DFAS60__ lea edx, [edi+ebp] cmp ebp, byte -4 %ifndef UPX102 mov al, [edi+ecx] ;; force data cache allocate (PentiumPlain or MMX) %endif jbe decompr_copy4_n2d loop3_n2d: mov al, [edx] inc edx mov [edi], al inc edi dec ecx jnz loop3_n2d jmpn decompr_loop_n2d ; __N2DFAS61__ align 4 decompr_copy4_n2d: mov eax, [edx] add edx, byte 4 mov [edi], eax add edi, byte 4 sub ecx, byte 4 ja decompr_copy4_n2d add edi, ecx jmpn decompr_loop_n2d %endif; __N2DDEC60__ decompr_end_n2d: ; __NRV2DEND__ ; vi:ts=8:et