MTT for the UCX project. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following section describes the steps for running MTT for the UCX project. The scripts in this directory use the Slurm job scheduler to run the MTT job. 1. Clone the MTT repository: git clone 2. Set the path to the cloned directory: export MTT_HOME=$PWD/mtt 3. Set the location of the directory which will hold all the job's information. Please note that this directory should be shared on your file system. export MTT_SCRATCH_ROOT=/path/to/scratch/dir 4. Next is running the job. The following command uses 2 hosts: sbatch -N 2 -p slurm_partition run-ucx.slurm 5. An output file will be created: slurm-$SLURM_JOBID.out. Please view this file to moniter the progress of your MTT job. The mtt_ucx_oshmem.ini file will: ================================= 1) Clone the UCX project and build it. 2) Clone the needed ompi branch (which is specified with 'ompi_scm_url' in the ini file, and can be changed from the command line as well) and compile it with UCX. 3) Clone the tests in the ini file, build them against the ompi build and run them with the given parameters.