all | use all the available transports. |
sm or shm | all shared memory transports. |
ugni | ugni_rdma and ugni_udt. |
rc | RC (=reliable connection), "accelerated" transports are used if possible. |
ud | UD (=unreliable datagram), "accelerated" is used if possible. |
dc | DC - Mellanox scalable offloaded dynamic connection transport |
rc_x | Same as "rc", but using accelerated transports only |
rc_v | Same as "rc", but using Verbs-based transports only |
ud_x | Same as "ud", but using accelerated transports only |
ud_v | Same as "ud", but using Verbs-based transports only |
cuda | CUDA (NVIDIA GPU) memory support: cuda_copy, cuda_ipc, gdr_copy |
rocm | ROCm (AMD GPU) memory support: rocm_copy, rocm_ipc, rocm_gdr |
tcp | TCP over SOCK_STREAM sockets |
self | Loopback transport to communicate within the same process |
For example:
- `UCX_TLS=rc` will select RC, UD for bootstrap, and prefer accelerated transports
- `UCX_TLS=rc,cuda` will select RC along with Cuda memory transports.