# UDP Polygon An opiniated UDP listener and publisher ## Breaking Changes From 0.1.1 to 0.2.0 Previously, versions below 0.1.1 were converting the received datagram bytes into a string. However, starting from version 0.2.0 and onwards, the receive event now delivers the bytes directly. Additionally, the expected format for sending data now requires it to be encapsulated within a Vec for compatibility. The change was implemented because the previous implementation was found to be too restrictive. ## Requirements * the consumer requires tokio * a producer does not require anything extra * a producer with the timer flag enabled requires tokio ## Configuration There are many options on configuring your UDP client and server * TOML file ``` Toml [[bind_addresses]] ip = "" port = 5061 [destination_address] ip = "" port = 5060 ``` * Arguments ``` rust let config = Config::from_arguments( vec![(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 5061)], Some((IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 5060)), ); ``` * Enviroment variables ``` bash export BIND_ADDRS= export BIND_PORT=5061 export DEST_ADDRS= export DEST_PORT=5060 ``` ``` rust let config = Config::from_env(); ``` ## Send ``` rust polygon.send("Hello World".as_bytes().to_vec()); ``` ## Receive ``` rust let rx = polygon.receive(); loop { let maybe = rx.try_recv(); if let Ok(data) = maybe { println!("receiving... {data:?}"); } } ``` ## Basic Examples * send_fa (example by passing arguments) * receive_fa (example by passing arguments) * send_toml (example by using a toml file) * receive_toml (example by using a toml file) * send_receive (both sending and receiving) ## Timer flag Retransmits a message with specific delays ``` rust polygon.send_with_timer( "Hello World".as_bytes().to_vec(), Timers { delays: vec![500, 600, 1000, 1500], }, ); ``` retransmissions can be paused at any given time, even mid sending a message, effectively cancelling a retransmission ``` rust let mut polygon = Polygon::configure(config); let pause = Arc::clone(&polygon.pause_timer_send); *pause.lock().unwrap() = true; ``` or ``` rust let mut polygon = Polygon::configure(config); polygon.pause_timer_send() polygon.resume_timer_send() ``` this will make the send_with_timer to behave like a normal send (only it would still require tokio) ## Timer Examples * send_receive_with_timer