// These tests ensure that we can process request/responses and that we are receiving the // correct values provided in the rust layer. // If any of the tests fail, the thrown error will cause the respective rust // unit test to fail. fn process_common_request(check_context_method_and_id, check_body, request) { if check_context_method_and_id { if request.context.entries != () { throw(`context entries: expected: (), actual: ${request.context.entries}`); } if request.method != "GET" { throw(`query: expected: "GET", actual: ${request.method}`); } if type_of(request.id) != "string" { throw(`query: expected: "string", actual: ${type_of(request.id)}`); } } if check_body { if request.body.operation_name != () { throw(`operation name: expected: canned, actual: ${request.body.operation_name}`); } if request.body.query != () { throw(`query: expected: (), actual: ${request.body.query}`); } if request.body.variables != #{} { throw(`query: expected: #{}, actual: ${request.body.variables}`); } if request.body.extensions != #{} { throw(`query: expected: #{}, actual: ${request.body.extensions}`); } } if request.uri.host != () { throw(`query: expected: (), actual: ${request.uri.host}`); } if request.uri.path != "/" { throw(`query: expected: "/", actual: ${request.uri.path}`); } if request.uri.port != {} { throw(`query: expected: {}, actual: ${request.uri.port}`); } } fn process_router_request(request){ process_common_request(true, false, request); } fn process_supergraph_request(request) { if request.context.entries != () { throw(`context entries: expected: (), actual: ${request.context.entries}`); } if request.headers["content-type"] != "application/json" { throw(`header["content-type"]: expected: "application/json", actual: ${request.headers.content-type}`); } if request.method.to_string() != "POST" { throw(`query: expected: "POST", actual: ${request.method}`); } if request.body.operation_name != "canned" { throw(`operation name: expected: canned, actual: ${request.body.operation_name}`); } let expected_query = ` query TopProducts($first: Int) { topProducts(first: $first) { upc name reviews { id product { name } author { id name } } } } `; if request.body.query != expected_query { throw(`query: expected: ${expected_query}, actual: ${request.body.query}`); } if request.body.variables != #{"first": 2} { throw(`query: expected: #{"first": 2}, actual: ${request.body.variables}`); } if request.body.extensions != #{} { throw(`query: expected: #{}, actual: ${request.body.extensions}`); } if request.uri.host != "default" { throw(`query: expected: "default", actual: ${request.uri.host}`); } if request.uri.path != "/" { throw(`query: expected: "/", actual: ${request.uri.path}`); } } fn process_execution_request(request) { process_common_request(true, true, request); if request.query_plan != "" { throw(`query: expected: (), actual: ${request.query_plan}`); } } fn process_subgraph_request(request) { process_common_request(true, true, request); // subgraph doesn't have a context member process_common_request(false, true, request.subgraph); if request.subgraph_request_id == () { throw(`subgraph request must have a subgraph request id`); } } fn test_response_is_primary(response) { if !response.is_primary() { throw #{ status: 500, message: "should be primary" }; } } fn test_response_is_not_primary(response) { if response.is_primary() { throw #{ status: 500, message: "should not be primary" }; } } fn test_response_body(response) { if response.body.label != () { throw(`label: expected: (), actual: ${response.body.label}`); } if response.body.data != () { throw(`query: expected: (), actual: ${response.body.data}`); } if response.body.errors != [] { throw(`query: expected: [], actual: ${response.body.errors}`); } if response.body.extensions != #{} { throw(`query: expected: #{}, actual: ${response.body.extensions}`); } } fn test_response_status_code(response) { if type_of(response.status_code) != "http::status::StatusCode" { throw(`status_code: expected: "http::status::StatusCode", actual: ${type_of(response.status_code)}`); } if parse_int(response.status_code.to_string()) != 200 { throw(`status_code: expected: 200, actual: ${response.status_code}`); } if response.status_code != status_code_from_int(200) { throw(`status_code: expected: 200, actual: ${response.status_code}`); } } fn process_common_response(response) { if response.context.entries != () { throw(`context entries: expected: (), actual: ${response.context.entries}`); } if type_of(response.id) != "string" { throw(`query: expected: "string", actual: ${type_of(response.id)}`); } } fn test_parse_request_details(request){ if request.uri.host != "not-default" { throw(`query: expected: not-default, actual: ${request.uri.host}`); } if request.uri.path != "/path" { throw(`query: expected: "/path", actual: ${request.uri.path}`); } if request.uri.port != 8080 { throw(`query: expected: 8080, actual: ${request.uri.port}`); } } fn process_router_response(response) { test_response_is_primary(response); process_common_response(response); test_response_status_code(response); } fn process_router_chunked_response(response) { test_response_is_not_primary(response); process_common_response(response); } fn process_supergraph_response(response) { test_response_is_primary(response); process_common_response(response); test_response_body(response); } fn process_supergraph_deferred_response(response) { test_response_is_not_primary(response); process_common_response(response); test_response_body(response); } fn process_execution_response(response) { test_response_is_primary(response); process_common_response(response); test_response_body(response); } fn process_execution_deferred_response(response) { test_response_is_not_primary(response); process_common_response(response); test_response_body(response); } fn process_subgraph_response(response) { process_common_response(response); test_response_body(response); test_response_status_code(response); if response.subgraph_request_id == () { throw(`subgraph response must have a subgraph request id`); } } fn process_subgraph_response_om_forbidden(response) { throw #{ status: 403, message: "I have raised a 403" }; } fn process_subgraph_response_om_forbidden_graphql(response) { throw #{ status: 403, body: #{ errors: [#{ message: `I have raised a 403`, extensions: #{ code: "ACCESS_DENIED" } }] } }; } fn process_subgraph_response_om_200_graphql(response) { throw #{ status: 200, body: #{ data: #{ name: "Ada Lovelace" } } }; } fn process_subgraph_response_string(response) { throw "I have raised an error"; } fn process_subgraph_response_om_ok(response) { throw #{ status: 200, message: "I have raised a 200" }; } fn process_subgraph_response_om_missing_message(response) { throw #{ status: 400, }; }