# Composed from subgraphs with hash: a9236eee956ed7fc219b2212696478159ced7eea schema @link(url: "https://specs.apollo.dev/link/v1.0") @link(url: "https://specs.apollo.dev/join/v0.5", for: EXECUTION) { query: Query } directive @join__directive(graphs: [join__Graph!], name: String!, args: join__DirectiveArguments) repeatable on SCHEMA | OBJECT | INTERFACE | FIELD_DEFINITION directive @join__enumValue(graph: join__Graph!) repeatable on ENUM_VALUE directive @join__field(graph: join__Graph, requires: join__FieldSet, provides: join__FieldSet, type: String, external: Boolean, override: String, usedOverridden: Boolean, overrideLabel: String, contextArguments: [join__ContextArgument!]) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION directive @join__graph(name: String!, url: String!) on ENUM_VALUE directive @join__implements(graph: join__Graph!, interface: String!) repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE directive @join__type(graph: join__Graph!, key: join__FieldSet, extension: Boolean! = false, resolvable: Boolean! = true, isInterfaceObject: Boolean! = false) repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE | UNION | ENUM | INPUT_OBJECT | SCALAR directive @join__unionMember(graph: join__Graph!, member: String!) repeatable on UNION directive @link(url: String, as: String, for: link__Purpose, import: [link__Import]) repeatable on SCHEMA input join__ContextArgument { name: String! type: String! context: String! selection: join__FieldValue! } scalar join__DirectiveArguments scalar join__FieldSet scalar join__FieldValue enum join__Graph { SUBGRAPH1 @join__graph(name: "Subgraph1", url: "none") SUBGRAPH2 @join__graph(name: "Subgraph2", url: "none") } scalar link__Import enum link__Purpose { """ `SECURITY` features provide metadata necessary to securely resolve fields. """ SECURITY """ `EXECUTION` features provide metadata necessary for operation execution. """ EXECUTION } type Query @join__type(graph: SUBGRAPH1) @join__type(graph: SUBGRAPH2) { t: T } type T @join__type(graph: SUBGRAPH1, key: "id") @join__type(graph: SUBGRAPH2, key: "id") { id: ID! v1: Int v2: Int v3: Int v4: Int }