#include #include #include #include #include "../include/uhppoted.hpp" #include "examples.hpp" using namespace std; void usage(); void help(); extern const uint32_t DEVICE_ID = 405419896; extern const uint32_t CARD_NUMBER = 8000001; extern const uint32_t CARD_INDEX = 7; extern const uint32_t EVENT_INDEX = 7; extern const uint8_t DOOR = 4; extern const uint8_t PROFILE_ID = 29; extern const string LOCALE = ""; const controller ALPHA = {.id = 405419896, .address = ""}; const controller BETA = {.id = 303986753, .address = ""}; typedef void(f)(uhppoted &, int, char **); typedef struct command { string cmd; string help; f *fn; } command; const vector commands = { { .cmd = "get-devices", .help = "Retrieves a list of UHPPOTE controller IDs findable on the local LAN.", .fn = getDevices, }, { .cmd = "get-device", .help = "Retrieves the basic device information for a single UHPPOTE controller.", .fn = getDevice, }, { .cmd = "set-address", .help = "Sets the controller IPv4 address, subnet mask and gateway address.", .fn = setAddress, }, { .cmd = "get-status", .help = "Retrieves a controller status.", .fn = getStatus, }, { .cmd = "get-time", .help = "Retrieves a controller current date/time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss).", .fn = getTime, }, { .cmd = "set-time", .help = "Sets a controller current date/time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss).", .fn = setTime, }, { .cmd = "get-listener", .help = "Retrieves a controller's configured event listener address.", .fn = getListener, }, { .cmd = "set-listener", .help = "Configures a controller's event listener address and port.", .fn = setListener, }, { .cmd = "get-door-control", .help = "Retrieves the control state and open delay for a controller door.", .fn = getDoorControl, }, { .cmd = "set-door-control", .help = "Sets the control mode and delay for a controller door.", .fn = setDoorControl, }, { .cmd = "open-door", .help = "Remotely opens a controller door.", .fn = openDoor, }, { .cmd = "get-cards", .help = "Retrieves the number of cards stored on a controller.", .fn = getCards, }, { .cmd = "get-card", .help = "Retrieves the card detail for card number from a controller.", .fn = getCard, }, { .cmd = "get-card-by-index", .help = "Retrieves the card detail for the card stored at an index on a controller.", .fn = getCardByIndex, }, { .cmd = "put-card", .help = "Adds or updates the card detail for card number stored on a controller.", .fn = putCard, }, { .cmd = "delete-card", .help = "Deletes a card from a controller.", .fn = deleteCard, }, { .cmd = "delete-cards", .help = "Deletes all cards from a controller.", .fn = deleteCards, }, { .cmd = "get-event-index", .help = "Retrieves the current event index from a controller.", .fn = getEventIndex, }, { .cmd = "set-event-index", .help = "Sets the current event index on a controller.", .fn = setEventIndex, }, { .cmd = "get-event", .help = "Retrieves the event at the index from a controller.", .fn = getEvent, }, { .cmd = "record-special-events", .help = "Enables/disables recording additional events for a controller.", .fn = recordSpecialEvents, }, { .cmd = "get-time-profile", .help = "Retrieves a time profile from a controller.", .fn = getTimeProfile, }, { .cmd = "set-time-profile", .help = "Adds or update a time profile on a controller.", .fn = setTimeProfile, }, { .cmd = "clear-time-profiles", .help = "Deletes all time profiles from a controller.", .fn = clearTimeProfiles, }, { .cmd = "add-task", .help = "Adds a scheduled task to a controller.", .fn = addTask, }, { .cmd = "refresh-tasklist", .help = "Refreshes a controller task list to activate added tasks.", .fn = refreshTaskList, }, { .cmd = "clear-tasklist", .help = "Clear a controller task list.", .fn = clearTaskList, }, }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { usage(); return -1; } string cmd(argv[1]); if (cmd == "help") { help(); return 0; } auto it = find_if(commands.begin(), commands.end(), [=](const command &v) { return v.cmd == cmd; }); if (it == commands.end()) { cerr << endl << " *** ERROR invalid command '" << cmd << "'" << endl; usage(); return -1; } try { uhppoted u("", "", "", 2500, {ALPHA, BETA}, true); it->fn(u, argc, argv); } catch (const exception &e) { cerr << endl << " *** ERROR " << e.what() << endl << endl; return -1; } return 0; } void usage() { cout << endl; cout << " Usage: example " << endl; cout << endl; cout << " Supported commands:" << endl; for (auto it = commands.begin(); it != commands.end(); it++) { cout << " " << it->cmd << endl; } cout << endl; } void help() { cout << endl; cout << " Usage: example " << endl; cout << endl; cout << " Commands:" << endl; for (auto it = commands.begin(); it != commands.end(); it++) { cout << " " << setw(18) << left << it->cmd << " " << it->help << endl; } cout << endl; } options parse(int argc, char **argv) { options opts = { .device_id = DEVICE_ID, .ip_address = "", .subnet_mask = "", .gateway = "", .listener = "", .card = CARD_NUMBER, .card_index = CARD_INDEX, .door = DOOR, .event_index = EVENT_INDEX, .time_profile_id = PROFILE_ID, }; long lval; int ix = 2; while (ix < argc) { const string arg = argv[ix++]; if (arg == "--controller" && ix < argc) { if ((lval = strtol(argv[ix++], NULL, 10)) > 0) { opts.device_id = lval; } } if (arg == "--ip-address" && ix < argc) { opts.ip_address = argv[ix++]; } if (arg == "--subnet-mask" && ix < argc) { opts.subnet_mask = argv[ix++]; } if (arg == "--gateway-address" && ix < argc) { opts.gateway = argv[ix++]; } if (arg == "--listener-address" && ix < argc) { opts.listener = argv[ix++]; } if (arg == "--card" && ix < argc) { if ((lval = strtol(argv[ix++], NULL, 10)) > 0) { opts.card = lval; } } if (arg == "--card-index" && ix < argc) { if ((lval = strtol(argv[ix++], NULL, 10)) > 0) { opts.card_index = lval; } } if (arg == "--door" && ix < argc) { lval = strtol(argv[ix++], NULL, 10); if (lval >= 1 && lval <= 4) { opts.door = (uint8_t)lval; } } if (arg == "--event-index" && ix < argc) { if ((lval = strtol(argv[ix++], NULL, 10)) > 0) { opts.event_index = lval; } } if (arg == "--time-profile" && ix < argc) { lval = strtol(argv[ix++], NULL, 10); if (lval >= 2 && lval <= 255) { opts.time_profile_id = (uint8_t)lval; } } } return opts; } void display(const std::string &tag, const std::vector &fields) { unsigned w = 0; for (auto ix = fields.begin(); ix != fields.end(); ix++) { string field = get<0>(*ix); w = field.length() > w ? field.length() : w; } cout << endl << tag << endl; for (auto ix = fields.begin(); ix != fields.end(); ix++) { auto field = get<0>(*ix); auto value = get<1>(*ix); auto type = value.type().name(); if (type == typeid(uint8_t).name()) { cout << " " << setw(w) << left << field << " " << static_cast(any_cast(value)) << endl; } else if (type == typeid(uint32_t).name()) { cout << " " << setw(w) << left << field << " " << any_cast(value) << endl; } else if (type == typeid(bool).name()) { cout << " " << setw(w) << left << field << " " << (any_cast(value) == 1 ? "Y" : "N") << endl; } else if (type == typeid(string).name()) { cout << " " << setw(w) << left << field << " " << any_cast(value) << endl; } else { cout << "invalid field type: field::" << field << ",type:" << type << endl; } } cout << endl; }