## UID UidStore Generate random uid strings containing letters, numbers, or base62 values. ### Functions to generate random UID's Generate a random string of a fixed length using any roman letter or numeral. let uid = random_string(8); Generate a random string of a fixed length using any roman letter or numeral except letters often confused by people due to difficult to read fonts. Excludes the letters 0 o O l L i I. let uid = human_random_string(8); Convert a number to a base62 encoded string: let uid = number_to_uid(1000); Convert a base62 encoded string to a number. Returns none if the string is not a valid base62 string. let uid = uid_to_number(1000).unwrap(); ### Generate random UID's guaranteed to be unique. If you are using a short UID, there is a high chance of collision. Use the UidStore to hold previous UID values to ensure a value is not generated twice. Generate a sequence of 10 character UID strings that are guaranteed to to be unique: let mut u = UidStore::new(); let uid = u.next(10); Generate a sequence of UID strings that are limited in size to fit within a unsigned integer type. let mut u = UidStore::new(); let uid = u.next_u16(); let uid = u.next_u32(); let uid = u.next_u64(); Generate a new uid if this uid is already in the bucket. let mut u = UidStore::new(); if let Some(uid) = u.make_unique("0123456789") { println!("New UID generated. {}", uid); }