Alexander Barker Anthony Liguori original version of the keycode_to_scancode function in x11/input_helper.c Iván Munsuri Ibáñez contributed patches to include support for media keys and objective-c callbacks in x11/input_hook.c contributed hook_create_screen_info property for Windows and Darwin Fabrice Bellard xfree86_keycode_to_scancode_table lookup in x11/input_helper.c Marc-André Moreau original version of windows/input_helper.c original version of windows/input_helper.h Markus G. Kuhn keysym_unicode_table lookup table in x11/input_helper.c original version of the unicode_to_keysym function in x11/input_helper.c original version of the keysym_to_unicode function in x11/input_helper.c Alex updated objc_msgSend for newer XCode versions in darwin/input_hook.c added support for cmake