PROJECT_NAME := ukma_url_parser .PHONY: run test format clippy check clean build run: cargo run -- parse urls.txt credits: cargo run -- credits test: cargo test format: cargo fmt clippy: cargo clippy -- -D warnings check: format clippy test build: cargo build --release clean: cargo clean doc: cargo doc --open help: @echo Available commands: @echo make run - Run program with urls.txt file @echo make test - Start all tests @echo make format - Format code with cargo fmt @echo make clippy - Run static program analysis with cargo clippy @echo make check - Format code with fmt, analyse with clippy and run all tests @echo make build - Build a project @echo make clean - Clean build files @echo make doc - Generate docs and open it in a browser @echo make help - Print this help message @echo make credits - Provide information about an author of a crate