' SYNTAX TEST "Packages/ASP/HTML-ASP.sublime-syntax" '<- meta.tag.structure.any.html punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html - source.asp.embedded.html '^^^^ meta.tag.structure.any.html entity.name.tag.structure.any.html ' ^ meta.tag.structure.any.html punctuation.definition.tag.end.html <%@ TRANSACTION = Required %> '^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.language.processing-directive.asp ' ^ punctuation.separator.key-value.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.asp <% @language = VBScript ENABLESESSIONSTATE=False @@LCID=1033 ' ^^^^^^^^ constant.language.processing-directive.asp ' ^ punctuation.separator.key-value.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.language.processing-directive.asp ' ^ punctuation.separator.key-value.asp ' ^^^^ constant.language.processing-directive.asp ' ^ punctuation.separator.key-value.asp ' comments are not supported here '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - comment %> <% @ transaction ' ^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.language.processing-directive.asp = required '<- punctuation.separator.key-value.asp %> <% transaction=required %> ' ^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.asp - constant.language.processing-directive.asp '<- meta.tag ASP Test Page: <%=Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%> ' ^^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.asp - source.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ source.asp ' ^^^^^^^ support.class.asp ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ support.class.collection.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.asp - source.asp ' ^^^^^^^^ meta.tag <% '^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.asp 'this is a comment '^ punctuation.definition.comment.asp '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ comment.line.apostrophe.asp Option Explicit '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ keyword Class TestClass '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.asp meta.class.identifier.asp - meta.class.body.asp '^^^^^ storage.type.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.asp meta.class.identifier.asp entity.name.class.asp ' comment '^^^^^^^^^^ comment.line.apostrophe.asp '<- meta.class.body.asp - meta.class.identifier.asp Private m_NameVar '^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp - meta.method.identifier.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.asp Private m_CategoryVar Public Const a = 2e-3, b2="c""": const c = 4, const = '^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^ entity.name.constant.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.assignment.asp ' ^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp ' ^ punctuation.separator.variable-declaration.asp ' ^^ entity.name.constant.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.assignment.asp ' ^^^^^ string.quoted.double.asp ' ^ punctuation.terminator.statement.asp ' ^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^^^^^ invalid.illegal.name.asp - entity.name.constant.asp '<- - invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp Const d = &HAB '^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.asp ' ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.hexadecimal.asp Const e = "I am an unclosed string ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ string.quoted.double.asp ' ^ invalid.illegal.unclosed-string.asp '<- - invalid.illegal.unclosed-string.asp private sub Class_Initialize () '^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ support.function.magic.event.asp m_NameVar = "" '^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.asp ' ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.asp ' ^ punctuation.definition.string.end.asp ' ^^ string.quoted.double.asp ' ^ - string End Sub Public Property Get Name() '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp '^^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^ entity.name.function.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp - entity.name.function.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp Name = m_NameVar '<- meta.method.asp meta.method.body.asp - meta.method.identifier.asp End Property '^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp '^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.end.asp ' ^ - meta.method.asp - meta.method.body.asp - storage.type.function.end.asp public property let Name(nameParam) '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp '^^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^ entity.name.function.asp - storage.type.function.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp - entity.name.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^ variable.parameter.function.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp m_NameVar = nameParam End Property Public Property Get Category '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function.asp Category = m_CategoryVar '<- meta.method.asp meta.method.body.asp - meta.method.identifier.asp End Property Property Let Category(categoryParam '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp '^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.parameter.function.asp ' ^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-end-of-statement.asp m_CategoryVar = categoryParam '<- meta.method.asp meta.method.body.asp - meta.method.identifier.asp End Property '^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp '^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.end.asp ' ^ - meta.method.asp - meta.method.body.asp - storage.type.function.end.asp Private Property Set Category(categoryParam) Set m_CategoryVar = categoryParam End Property '^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.asp meta.class.body.asp meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp - meta.method.identifier.asp meta.method.identifier.asp - meta.method.body.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.parameter.function.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp ' ^^^ storage.type.function.asp - keyword - storage.type.asp ' ^ meta.method.asp meta.method.body.asp - meta.method.identifier.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.end.asp ' ^ - meta.method Public Default Function Go rem no parens '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^ entity.name.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ comment.line.rem.asp Go = "going... going... gone!" '<- meta.method.asp meta.method.body.asp - meta.method.identifier.asp '^^ - invalid ' ^ keyword.operator.asp End Function '^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp '^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.end.asp ' ^ - meta.method Sub Test123:Call DoSomething:End Sub '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp '^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^ meta.method.identifier.asp entity.name.function.asp ' ^ punctuation.terminator.statement.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.body.asp ' ^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.end.asp ' ^ - meta.method Class SubClass ' nested classes are not allowed '<- - invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp '^^^^^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp ' ^^^^^^^^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp ' ^ comment.line.apostrophe.asp - invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp Sub Test1234 Set x = y '^^^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp End Sub '^^^^^^^ meta.class.asp meta.method.asp storage.type.function.end.asp code_in_class_definition_but_outside_of_a_method = "invalid" '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp ' ^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp End Class '^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.class.end.asp '^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.body.asp ' ^ - storage.type.class.end.asp - meta.class.body.asp Const blah = _ "blah"rem-"testing" ' ^^^^^^ string.quoted.double.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ comment.line.rem.asp - string Class TestClass2 Public Sub TestSub () Response.Write("wow") End Sub End Class '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.asp '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.identifier.asp - meta.class.body.asp - meta.class.identifier.asp meta.class.identifier.asp '^^^^^ storage.type.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.class.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.body.asp - meta.class.identifier.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp ' ^^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^ entity.name.function.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.parens - meta.method.identifier.asp meta.method.identifier.asp ' ^ meta.method.asp meta.method.body.asp - meta.method.identifier.asp ' ^^^^^^ storage.type.function.end.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^ meta.class.body.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.class.end.asp ' ^ - meta.class Const abc = 'fgfg '^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^^^ entity.name.constant.asp Private a, b '^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^ punctuation.separator.variable-declaration.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp Set a = new TestClass '^^^ keyword.other.set.asp - storage.type.function.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^^^ keyword.other.new.asp a.Name = blah '^ variable.other.asp ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp Function GetModifiedDate(path) ' test function '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp ' ^ punctuation.definition.comment.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ comment.line.apostrophe.asp ' ^ - meta.method.identifier.asp '^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^^^^ variable.parameter.function.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp On Error Resume Next '<- meta.method.body.asp - comment '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.asp Set fs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") '^^^ keyword.other.set.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^^^^^^ support.class.asp ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ support.function ' ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ string.quoted.double.asp - punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^ punctuation.definition.string.end.asp With fs '^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^ variable.other.asp ' ^ meta.with.block.asp Set rs = .GetFile(Server.MapPath(path)) ' ^ meta.with.block.asp punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^ meta.with.block.asp punctuation.accessor.dot.asp GetModifiedDate = rs.DateLastModified Set rs = Nothing '^^^ keyword.other.set.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^^^^^^^ storage.type.asp .Close '^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^^^^^ variable . Close '^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^ - invalid ' ^^^^^ variable End With '^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ - meta.with.block.asp Set fs = Nothing On Error Goto 0 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.asp ' ^ - storage.type.asp End Function '^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.end.asp modified = GetModifiedDate("demo_lastmodified.asp") ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable Sub Example () '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp '^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^ entity.name.function.asp ' ^ - entity.name.function.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.parens div = 4 ' ^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^ constant.numeric If 1
1 Then ' if block '^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.between-if-and-then.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp - punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html ' ^^^ keyword.operator.logical.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp - punctuation.definition.tag.end.html ' ^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ meta.if.block.asp Exit Sub '^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ElseIf "abc>"<>"def= then " Then '^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.between-if-and-then.asp ' ^ string.quoted.double.asp - keyword.operator.asp ' ^^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^ string.quoted.double.asp - keyword.operator ' ^^^^ string.quoted.double.asp - keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ meta.if.block.asp ElseIf new TestClass Then ' ^^^ keyword.other.new.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^ variable Else '^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ meta.if.block.asp example = example - 1 ' ^ keyword.operator.asp example -= 1 ' ^^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp example = example \ 5 ' ^ keyword.operator.asp End If '^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ - meta.if.block.asp End Sub '^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.end.asp If 1 _ = 2 Then Call DoSomething ' ^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.if.line.asp - meta.if.block.asp ' ^^^^ keyword.other.call.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^ variable ' ^ - meta.if.line.asp Function IIf(expr, true_part, false_part) ' https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/219271 ' ^^^^ variable.parameter.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^ variable.parameter.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^ variable.parameter.function.asp If expr Then IIf = true_part Else IIf = false_part ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.if.line.asp ' ^^ - keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.if.line.asp ' ^ - meta.if.line.asp End Function If a is not nothing then a.b = a.b + 2 ' ^^^^^^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp ' ^^^^^^^ storage.type.asp ' ^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.between-if-and-then.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.if.line.asp ' ^ - meta.if.line.asp If not a is nothing then a.b = a.b + 2 ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.between-if-and-then.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.if.line.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^ variable ' ^ - meta.if.line.asp ' ^^^^^^ - invalid ' ^^ keyword.operator.logical.asp ' ^^^^^^^ storage.type.asp If a Then ' ^ meta.if.block.asp - meta.if.line.asp DoSomething ( invalid_token_inside_parens, 2, if ) ' ^^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.literal.asp '^^^^^^^^^^^ variable ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp ElseIf a = b Then AnotherSomething ' despite this being on the same line as the ElseIf, the End If is still required because the opening if statement was a block ' ^ meta.if.block.asp - meta.if.line.asp Else DoSomethingElse ' despite this being on the same line as the Else, the End If is still required because the opening if statement was a block '^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.if.block.asp End If ' ^ - meta.if.block.asp If a Then Call Dim str1_ REM example '^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^ - constant.numeric.asp ' ^ - punctuation.separator.continuation.line.asp ' ^^^ punctuation.definition.comment.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ comment.line.rem.asp str1 = "this is a ""hello-world""" & " " &"""" + "test" +_ 'continue on next line, comments not allowed here '<- - comment.line.rem.asp ' ^^ string.quoted.double.asp constant.character.escape.apostrophe.asp ' ^ string.quoted.double.asp - keyword.operator.asp ' ^^ string.quoted.double.asp constant.character.escape.apostrophe.asp - punctuation.definition.string.end.asp ' ^ string.quoted.double.asp punctuation.definition.string.end.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^^^ string.quoted.double.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^^^^ string.quoted.double.asp ' ^^ constant.character.escape.apostrophe.asp - punctuation.definition.string.end.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^ punctuation.separator.continuation.line.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ invalid.illegal.expected-end-of-line.asp - comment Chr(34) & vbCrLf _ + ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp ' ^^^^^^ support.type.vb.asp ' ^ punctuation.separator.continuation.line.asp ' ^ invalid.illegal.expected-end-of-line.asp value = 1/2 ' ^ keyword.operator.asp value = &HFF mod 3 ' ^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.asp ' ^^^ keyword.operator.asp Select Case call value:Case 1 '^^^^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^ meta.select.block.asp invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.literal.asp ' ^ meta.select.block.asp punctuation.terminator.statement.asp ' ^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp Case 2 '^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp '<- meta.select.block.asp Case Case vbNullString '^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ support.type.vb.asp Case Else '^^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp If value >= 4 and Value<=5 Then MsgBox("no end if required here") ' ^^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^^^^^^ support.function.vb.asp If Not (value Is Nothing) then valueis = vbFalse ' ^^^ keyword.operator.logical.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^^ keyword.operator.logical.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp ' ^^ - keyword.operator ' ^^^^^^^ support.type.vb.asp '<- meta.select.block.asp End Select '^^^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ - meta.select.block.asp 'the underscore in this comment should be ignored _ as should the colon : ' ^ comment.line.apostrophe.asp - keyword - invalid - punctuation ' ^ comment.line.apostrophe.asp - keyword - punctuation - invalid Sub Test _ _ ' ^ punctuation.separator.continuation.line.asp _ '^^^ storage.type.function.asp _ ' ^^^^ entity.name.function.asp _ '^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp (_ _ ' ^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp _ ' ^ punctuation.separator.continuation.line.asp abc, ByRef def _ _ '^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp variable.parameter.function.asp _ ' ^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp punctuation.separator.parameter-declaration.asp _ ' ^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp storage.modifier.reference.asp _ ' ^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp variable.parameter.function.asp _ ' ^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp punctuation.separator.continuation.line.asp ) '^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp punctuation.section.parens.end.asp Dim x _ ,y() ' ^^ meta.array.definition.asp punctuation.section.array a) '^ invalid.illegal.stray-close-bracket.asp a( ReDim arr(2,b) '^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^^^ variable.other.asp ' ^^^^^ meta.array.definition.asp ' ^ constant.numeric ' ^ punctuation.separator.array.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp - invalid - constant.numeric ' ^ punctuation.section.array.end.asp ReDim arr(dim, other) ' ^^^ invalid.illegal ' ^ - invalid ' ^^^^^^^^ - invalid ReDim Dim(2,4) ' ^^^ invalid.illegal.name.asp '<- - invalid Dim a(0,&H5&) ' ^^^^^^^ meta.array.definition.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.array.begin.asp ' ^ constant.numeric ' ^ punctuation.separator.array.asp ' ^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.asp ' ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.hexadecimal.asp ' ^ punctuation.definition.numeric.hexadecimal.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.array.end.asp b = a Is Empty : Dim loop,nope : Dim foobar '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp - invalid.illegal.name.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - invalid ' ^ punctuation.terminator.statement.asp ' ^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^^^^ invalid.illegal.name.asp - variable.other.asp ' ^ punctuation.terminator.statement.asp ' ^^^ storage.modifier.asp Dim hello_world, 2 ' ^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp - variable ' ^ - invalid ReDim Preserve arr ( &HA,c) '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier.asp ' ^^^ variable.other.asp ' ^^^^^^^^ meta.array.definition.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.array.begin.asp ' ^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.asp ' ^ punctuation.separator.array.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.array.end.asp For x = LBound(a) to UBound(a) Step 2 'test '^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^^^^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp ' ^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ constant.numeric ' ^ meta.for.block.asp ' ^^^^^^ comment.line.apostrophe.asp a(x) = x * 10 '^ variable.other.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp - variable.other.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp - variable.other.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp Next '^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ - meta.for.block.asp End Sub Sub NoParens fg ' ^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp entity.name.function.asp ' ^^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp - meta.method.identifier.asp End Sub Function NoParams'() '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp ' ^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function.asp ' ^^^ comment.line.apostrophe.asp - entity.name.function.asp - invalid.illegal.unexpected-token-after-method-declaration.asp - punctuation.section.parens NoParams = InStr(1, "hello_'", "L", vbTextCompare) '<- meta.method.body.asp - invalid.illegal.unexpected-token-after-method-declaration.asp - meta.method.identifier.asp '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - invalid.illegal.unexpected-token-after-method-declaration.asp - meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp - invalid.illegal.expected-end-of-line.asp - comment.line.rem.asp ' ^^^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ support.type.vb.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp Test = True Xor False ' ^^^^ storage.type.asp ' ^^^ keyword.operator.logical.asp ' ^^^^^ storage.type.asp End Function Sub Test2 '^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp entity.name.function.asp hello = world '^ - entity.name.function.asp - meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp End Sub Call Test '^^^^ keyword.other.call.asp Call NoParams Sub Wow (test _ 'test ,def _ '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.asp meta.method.identifier.asp _ '^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^ entity.name.function.asp ' ^^^^^ invalid.illegal.expected-end-of-line.asp ) ' this bracket doesn't form part of the method declaration - the line above is missing a _ and contains non-whitespace '^ meta.method.body.asp - meta.method.identifier.asp - punctuation.section.parens.end.asp MsgBox "hi", vbOkCancel or vbExclamation or vbDefaultButton1, "title" ' ^^^^^^^^^^ support.type.vb.asp - variable.other.asp ' ^^ keyword.operator.logical.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ support.type.vb.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ support.type.vb.asp End Sub Dim [], [ažė+, (], [dim], [a(4)] ' ^^ variable.other.asp ' ^ punctuation.separator.variable-declaration.asp - meta.variable-definition.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.asp - keyword - punctuation ' ^^^^^ variable.other.asp ' ^ punctuation.separator.variable-declaration.asp ' ^^^^^^ variable.other.asp - meta.array.definition.asp - punctuation.section.array [dim] = 5 ^ 2 '^^^^^ variable.other.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp Function [abcdef()hij] (blah) '^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function.asp ' ^ - entity.name.function.asp ' ^^^^ variable.parameter.function.asp [abcdef()hij] = blah '^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.asp ' ^^^^ variable.other.asp End Function '^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.end.asp Response.Write [abcdef()hij]("hello") ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp End If ' nothing to end '^^^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp ' check that the incomplete if gets dropped off after the end of the line '<- - meta.between-if-and-then.asp invalid.illegal.unexpected-end-of-statement.asp For Each cookie In Request.Cookies '<- - meta.between-if-and-then.asp '^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^^^ variable.other.asp ' ^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ meta.for.block.asp Response.Write(vbCrLf & cookie) '^^^^^^^^ support.class.asp ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^^^^^^ support.type.vb.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^^^^^^ variable.other.asp If x = y Then Exit For '^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^ meta.if.line.asp ' ^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ - meta.if.line.asp Response.Write("----" & vbCrLf) '^^^^^^^^ support.class.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp abc = x >< y ' ^^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp abc = x <> y ' ^^ keyword.operator.asp Next '^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ - meta.for.block.asp If '^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ meta.between-if-and-then.asp ' the above if statement has no "Then" '^ - meta.between-if-and-then.asp Do '^^ meta.do.block.asp keyword.control.flow.asp Exit Do '^^^^^^^ meta.do.block.asp keyword.control.flow.asp Loop '^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ - meta.do.block.asp Do Exit Do Loop Until x = y '^^^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^ - meta.do.block.asp Do Exit Do Loop While x <> y '^^^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^ variable.other.asp ' ^ - meta.do.block.asp - meta.while.block.asp While True '^^^^^ meta.while.block.asp keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^ storage.type.asp - variable.other.asp Wend '^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ - meta.while.block.asp Application.Lock '^^^^^^^^^^^ support.class.asp - variable.other.asp ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^^^^ support.function.asp - variable.other.asp Application("NumVisits") = Application("NumVisits") + 1 '^^^^^^^^^^^ support.class.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp Application.Unlock '^^^^^^^^^^^ support.class.asp ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^^^^^^ support.function.asp %> This application page has been visited <%= Application("NumVisits") %> times! <% Sub Application_OnStart() '^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function.asp support.function.magic.event.asp Application("NumVisits") = 0 ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.begin.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp End Sub '^^^^^^^ storage.type.function.end.asp Sub Application_OnStartup() ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function.asp - support.function.magic.event.asp End Sub Sub Func_With_Explicit_Arrays(ByRef array_variable(), blah ()) ' ^ punctuation.section.array.begin.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.array.end.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - invalid ' ^ punctuation.separator.parameter-declaration.asp ' ^^^^ variable.parameter.function.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.array.begin.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.array.end.asp ' ^ punctuation.section.parens.end.asp End Sub Sub Another_Test()rem '^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.parens ' ^^^^ comment.line.rem.asp - meta.method.identifier.asp Const ForAppending = 8 '^^^^^ meta.method.body.asp storage.modifier.asp Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' ^^^^^^ variable.other.asp Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("d:\logfile.c", ForAppending, True) ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.asp Dim Line ' ^^^^ variable.other.asp Line = 0 '^^^^ variable.other.asp Do While Line < 2000 '^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.do.block.asp - meta.while.block.asp ' ^^^^ variable.other.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^^^^ constant.numeric objTextFile.WriteLine("long l" & Line & " = " & Line) '^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^ variable Line = Line + 1 Dim WshShell 'http://stackoverflow.com/a/2237479/4473405 Set WshShell=Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run "waitfor /T " & numberOfSecond & "SignalThatWontHappen", , True do until Line = Line '^^^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^ variable.other.asp ' ^^^^ variable.other.asp '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.do.block.asp meta.do.block.asp - invalid ' this code will never run loop '^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp Loop '^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ - meta.do.block.asp objTextFile.Close Set objTextFile = Nothing Set objFSO = Nothing End _ Sub ' ^^^ storage.type.function.end.asp - meta.method.identifier.asp a=3.4*.5*6.*0.25 ' ^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp ' ^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp ' ^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp ' ^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp a=a+0.8 ' ^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp ExampleSub 3.4,.5,6.,&HA,&H2,7*2.1e2,9,-3.402823E+38, 3.402823E38 ,1.401298E-45,Round(4.94065645841247E-324),a2,2a,123.456.789.321.654.321 ' ^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp ' ^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp ' ^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp ' ^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.asp ' ^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.asp ' ^ constant.numeric ' ^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp ' ^ constant.numeric ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp ' ^^^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal.asp ' ^^ - constant.numeric ' ^ - constant.numeric ' ^^^^^^^^ - constant.numeric response.write(test..b) ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp [abc=123:def] = 4 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.asp - punctuation - keyword - constant Randomize Timer '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ storage.type.asp a=Abs(-6)*Rnd()*2+Fix(2.75) + Int(3.14)/Sin(30)+Cos(20)+Tan(40)+Sqr(4)+Log(6)+Sgn(3) ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp b=Oct(12) & Hex(12) ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp c = CSng("123") + CDbl("123") + CInt("123")+CLng("123") ' ^^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^^^ support.function.vb.asp d = Time ' ^^^^ support.function.vb.asp e = Date() ' ^^^^ support.function.vb.asp submit = 2 '^^^^^^ variable.other.asp - storage.type.function.asp function_hello = 2 '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.asp - storage.type.function.asp %> '^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.asp ' ^ - source.asp.embedded.html This file was last modified on: <%response.write(modified) '^ - source.asp.embedded.html ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.asp ' ^ source.asp.embedded.html ' ^^^^^^^^ support.class.asp ' ^^^^^ support.function.asp %>


'^^^ text.html.asp meta.tag.block.any.html - source.asp.embedded.html <%='test %> '^^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.asp - source.asp ' ^^^^^^ comment.line.apostrophe.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.asp - comment ' ^^^ - source.asp.embedded.html <%= "this" + Chr(32) + "that" %> '^^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.asp - source.asp.embedded.html ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ source.asp.embedded.html ' ^^^^^^ string.quoted.double.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^^^ support.function.vb.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.asp - source.asp <% Class ClassContainingMethodsWithReservedWords Sub [Select]() '^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function.asp ' ^ - entity.name.function.asp End Sub Sub [End]() '^^^ storage.type.function.asp ' ^^^^^ entity.name.function.asp ' ^ - entity.name.function.asp End Sub End Class Set ccmwrw = new ClassContainingMethodsWithReservedWords ccmwrw.Select() ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^^^^^^ variable.other.member.asp - invalid - keyword ' ^^ - variable - invalid - keyword ccmwrw. Select() ' spaces are not allowed after the . ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^ - invalid ' ^^^^^^ variable.other.member.asp - invalid - keyword ' ^^ - variable - invalid - keyword ccmwrw.End ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^^^ variable.other.member.asp - invalid - keyword ' ^ - invalid - variable ccmwrw .End ' ^ invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.asp ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^^^ variable.other.member.asp - invalid - keyword ' ^ - invalid ccmwrw.[End] () ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^^^^^ variable.other.member.asp - invalid - keyword ' ^^^ - variable - invalid - keyword ccmwrw. [End] () ' ^ punctuation.accessor.dot.asp ' ^ - invalid - variable ' ^^^^^ variable.other.member.asp - invalid - keyword ' ^^^ - variable - invalid - keyword _ 'a line continuation char can be followed by just a comment on the next non blank line ' ^ punctuation.definition.comment.asp ' ^^^^^^ comment.line.apostrophe.asp t = [unclosed variable identifier ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.asp Dim test '<- storage.modifier.asp - variable rem the syntax on the next line will cause an unterminated string constant error '^^^^^^ comment.line.rem.asp test = "hello%> ' ^^^^^^ source.asp.embedded.html string.quoted.double.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.asp - string.quoted.double.asp ' ^ - source.asp.embedded.html <% [%>
' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.asp ' ^^ text.html.asp meta.tag.inline.any.html entity.name.tag.inline.any.html <% Sub InventiveMethodNameHere(list) %> ' ^^^ meta.method.identifier.asp storage.type.function.asp ' ^ text.html.asp source.asp.embedded.html meta.method.asp meta.method.body.asp ' ^^ text.html.asp punctuation.section.embedded.end.inside-block.asp <% End Sub %> ' ^^^^^^^ text.html.asp source.asp.embedded.html meta.method.asp storage.type.function.end.asp ' ^ - meta.method.asp

'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.tag.block.any.html ' ^^^^^^^^^ meta.tag.block.any.html ' ^^^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.class.html entity.other.attribute-name.class.html ' ^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.class.html string.quoted.double.html ' ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.class.html string.quoted.double.html ' ^ - string ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class-name.html ' ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class-name.html ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ source.asp.embedded.html ' ^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^ meta.between-if-and-then.asp storage.type.asp ' ^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^ meta.if.block.asp ' ^ meta.if.block.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.inside-block.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.inside-block.asp ' ^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.asp - meta.if.block.asp ' ^ punctuation.definition.tag.end.html


'^^^ meta.tag.block.any.html ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.tag.block.any.html '^ punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html ' ^ entity.name.tag.block.any.html ' ^^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ string.quoted.double.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.asp ' ^^ meta.attribute-with-value.id.html entity.other.attribute-name.id.html ' ^^^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.id.html string.quoted.double.html meta.toc-list.id.html ' ^ punctuation.definition.tag.end.html ' ^ - meta.tag.block.any.html <% If True Then Do %> id="test2"> '^^^^^^ meta.tag.inline.any.html '^ punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html ' ^^^^ entity.name.tag.inline.any.html ' ^^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.inside-block.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ string.quoted.double.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.inside-block.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.tag ' ^^ meta.attribute-with-value.id.html entity.other.attribute-name.id.html ' ^^^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.id.html string.quoted.double.html meta.toc-list.id.html ' ^ punctuation.definition.tag.end.html ' ^^^^^^^ meta.tag.inline.any.html - meta.tag.after-embedded-asp.any.html ' ^^ punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html ' ^^^^ entity.name.tag.inline.any.html ' ^ punctuation.definition.tag.end.html <% Loop End If %> '^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp class="test" <% End If %> id="test3"> '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.tag.inline.any.html ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.tag.inline.any.html '^ punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html ' ^^^^ entity.name.tag.inline.any.html ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.asp ' ^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^^^^ meta.between-if-and-then.asp storage.type.asp ' ^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.inside-block.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.class.html ' ^^^^^ entity.other.attribute-name.class.html ' ^ punctuation.separator.key-value.html ' ^ string.quoted.double.html punctuation.definition.string.begin.html ' ^^^^ string.quoted.double.html meta.class-name.html ' ^ string.quoted.double.html punctuation.definition.string.end.html ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.inside-block.asp ' ^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.asp ' ^^ meta.attribute-with-value.id.html entity.other.attribute-name.id.html ' ^^^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.id.html string.quoted.double.html meta.toc-list.id.html ' ^ punctuation.definition.tag.end.html class="test" '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.tag ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.class.html ' ^^^^^ entity.other.attribute-name.class.html ' ^ punctuation.separator.key-value.html ' ^ string.quoted.double.html punctuation.definition.string.begin.html ' ^^^^ string.quoted.double.html meta.class-name.html ' ^ string.quoted.double.html punctuation.definition.string.end.html <% End If %> '^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.inside-block.asp ' ^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.asp id="test4"> '^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.tag '^^ meta.attribute-with-value.id.html entity.other.attribute-name.id.html ' ^^^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.id.html string.quoted.double.html meta.toc-list.id.html ' ^ punctuation.definition.tag.end.html ' ^^^^^^^ meta.tag.inline.any.html - meta.tag.after-embedded-asp.any.html ' ^^ punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html ' ^^^^ entity.name.tag.inline.any.html ' ^ punctuation.definition.tag.end.html <% If True Then %> '^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.inside-block.asp " id="test5"> '^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.tag.inline.any.html ' ^ string.quoted.double.html punctuation.definition.string.begin.html ' ^^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.inside-block.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.inside-block.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.tag ' ^ string.quoted.double.html punctuation.definition.string.end.html ' ^^ meta.attribute-with-value.id.html entity.other.attribute-name.id.html ' ^^^^^ meta.attribute-with-value.id.html string.quoted.double.html meta.toc-list.id.html ' ^ punctuation.definition.tag.end.html ' ^^^^^^^ meta.tag.inline.any.html - meta.tag.after-embedded-asp.any.html ' ^^ punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html ' ^^^^ entity.name.tag.inline.any.html ' ^ punctuation.definition.tag.end.html <% End If %> '^^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.inside-block.asp ' ^^^^^^ keyword.control.flow.asp ' ^^ punctuation.section.embedded.end.asp <% = hi = 2 ' will output a boolean expression - True or False %> ' ^ punctuation.section.embedded.begin.asp ' ^^^^^^^^^^ source.asp.embedded.html ' ^^ variable.other.asp ' ^ keyword.operator.asp ' ^ constant.numeric ' ^ comment '<- - comment - source.asp.embedded.html '^^^^^^^ meta.tag.structure.any.html