# SYNTAX TEST "Git Rebase.sublime-syntax" # <- text.git.rebase comment.line punctuation.definition.comment pick d284bb2 Initial commit # <- meta.commit #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.commit # ^ - meta.commit # <- keyword.operator.commit.pick #^^^ keyword.operator.commit.pick # ^ - storage.type.commit # ^^^^^^^ constant.other.hash # ^ - constant.other.hash -meta.subject.git.commit # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.subject.git.commit # ^ - meta.subject.git.commit p 6746220 Second pick commit # no comment # <- meta.commit #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.commit # ^ - meta.commit # <- keyword.operator.commit.pick #^ - keyword.operator.commit # ^^^^^^^ constant.other.hash # ^ - constant.other.hash -meta.subject.git.commit # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.subject.git.commit # ^ - meta.subject.git.commit # ^^^^ - keyword p 6746220 Third pick commit # no comment # <- meta.commit #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.commit # ^ - meta.commit # ^ - keyword.operator.commit # ^ keyword.operator.commit.pick # ^ - keyword.operator.commit -constant.other.hash # ^^^^^^^ constant.other.hash # ^ - constant.other.hash -meta.subject.git.commit # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.subject.git.commit # ^ - meta.subject.git.commit # ^^^^ - keyword puck 6746220 Invalid command # <- meta.commit #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.commit # <- invalid.illegal.command-expected #^^^ invalid.illegal.command-expected # ^ - storage.type.commit -invalid.illegal.command-expected # ^^^^^^^ constant.other.hash # ^ - constant.other.hash -meta.subject.git.commit # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.subject.git.commit p 6746x20 Invalid hash # no comment # <- meta.commit #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.commit # <- keyword.operator.commit.pick #^ - storage.type.commit # ^^^^^^^ invalid.illegal.hash-expected # ^ - constant.other.hash -meta.subject.git.commit # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.subject.git.commit # ^ - meta.subject.git.commit a 6746x20 Invalid command and hash # no comment (#403) # <- meta.commit #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.commit # <- invalid.illegal.command-expected #^ - storage.type.commit # ^^^^^^^ invalid.illegal.hash-expected # ^ - constant.other.hash -meta.subject.git.commit # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.subject.git.commit # ^ punctuation.definition.reference.issue.git # ^^^^ meta.reference.issue.git constant.other.reference.issue.git # ^ - meta.subject.git.commit # p 6746220 Second pick commit # no comment # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ comment.line.git.rebase d d284bb2 Drop commit # ^ keyword.operator.commit.drop drop d284bb2 Drop commit # ^^^^ keyword.operator.commit.drop e d284bb2 Edit commit # ^ keyword.operator.commit.edit edit d284bb2 Edit commit # ^^^^ keyword.operator.commit.edit x d284bb2 Execute command # ^ keyword.operator.commit.exec exec d284bb2 Execute command # ^^^^ keyword.operator.commit.exec f d284bb2 Fixup commit # ^ keyword.operator.commit.fixup fixup d284bb2 Fixup commit # ^^^^^ keyword.operator.commit.fixup r d284bb2 Reword commit # ^ keyword.operator.commit.reword reword d284bb2 Reword commit # ^^^^^^ keyword.operator.commit.reword # Rebase 9e73d21..6746220 onto 9e73d21 (2 commands) # <- comment.line punctuation.definition.comment # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ comment.line meta.rebase-msg # ^^^^^^^ constant.other.hash # ^^ punctuation.separator.commit-range # ^^^^^^^ constant.other.hash # ^^^^^^^ constant.other.hash # # Commands: #^^^^^^^^^^^ comment.line.git.rebase # ^^^^^^^^ markup.heading.git.rebase # p, pick = use commit #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ comment.line # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.commands-help.pick #^ - keyword.operator # ^ keyword.operator.commit.pick # ^^ - keyword.operator # ^ punctuation.separator.sequence # ^^^^ keyword.operator.commit.pick # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - keyword.operator # ^ punctuation.separator.mapping.pair # ^^^^^^^^^^ - string.unquoted # ^^^^^^^^^^ string.unquoted # r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.commands-help.reword # ^ keyword.operator.commit.reword # ^^^^^^ keyword.operator.commit.reword # e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.commands-help.edit # ^ keyword.operator.commit.edit # ^^^^ keyword.operator.commit.edit # s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.commands-help.squash # ^ keyword.operator.commit.squash # ^^^^^^ keyword.operator.commit.squash # f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.commands-help.fixup # ^ keyword.operator.commit.fixup # ^^^^^ keyword.operator.commit.fixup # x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.commands-help.exec # ^ keyword.operator.commit.exec # ^^^^ keyword.operator.commit.exec # d, drop = remove commit # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.commands-help.drop # ^ keyword.operator.commit.drop # ^^^^ keyword.operator.commit.drop # # These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom. # # If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST. # # However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted. # # Note that empty commits are commented out