/* SYNTAX TEST "Packages/Objective-C/Objective-C++.sublime-syntax" */ Task natural_numbers() { int n = 0; while (true) { co_yield n; /* ^ keyword.control */ n++; } } Task foo() { co_return 42; /* ^ keyword.control */ /* ^ constant.numeric */ } Task bar() { co_await natural_numbers(); /* ^ keyword.control */ /* ^ variable.function */ } int main(){ int a=5,b=0; while(a-->0)++b; /* ^^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^ keyword.operator.comparison */ /* ^ constant.numeric */ /* ^^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ } ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Preprocessor ///////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef IGUARD_ /* <- keyword.control.import */ #define IGUARD_ /* <- keyword.control.import.define */ struct foo* alloc_foo(); /* <- storage.type */ /* <- - entity.name.type */ /* <- entity.name.function */ #endif /* <- keyword.control.import */ // The following example ensures that comments at the end of preprocessor // directives don't mess with context transitions int func() { /* ^ entity.name.function */ #if( EXTAL == 40000 ) /* 40 MHz */ /* ^ keyword.control.import */ #define PLL_RFD_PHI1 10 // PLL0_PH1 = 40MHz /* ^ keyword.control.import */ /* ^^ constant.numeric */ /* ^ comment.line */ #endif /* ^ keyword.control.import */ } /* <- meta.function meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ /* <- - meta.function meta.block */ int f(int x, \ /* ^ punctuation.separator.continuation */ int y); int g(int x = 5 \ /* ^ punctuation.separator.continuation */ , int y); #define MACRO_WITH_CURLY_BRACE { /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.preprocessor.macro */ /* <- keyword.control.import.define */ /* ^ entity.name.constant */ #define MACRO_WITH_CURLY_BRACE_2 } /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.preprocessor.macro */ /* <- keyword.control.import.define */ /* ^ entity.name.constant */ FOOBAR hello() { /* <- meta.function entity.name.function */ return 0; } EFIAPI UserStructCompare ( /* <- meta.function entity.name.function */ IN CONST VOID *UserStruct1, IN CONST VOID *UserStruct2 ) { const USER_STRUCT *CmpStruct1; /* <- meta.block storage.modifier */ CmpStruct1 = UserStruct1; return KeyCompare (&CmpStruct1->Key, UserStruct2); /* <- meta.block keyword.control */ /* ^ meta.block meta.function-call variable.function */ } LIB_RESULT foo() /* <- meta.function entity.name.function */ { return LIB_SUCCESS; } LIB_RESULT bar() /* ^ meta.function entity.name.function */ { return LIB_SUCCESS; } THIS_IS_REALLY_JUST_A_MACRO_AND_NOT_A_RETURN_TYPE /* <- meta.assumed-macro */ int main() { /* <- storage.type */ /* ^ meta.function entity.name.function */ return 0; } // This is a method/function with the return type on a separate line and so should not be a // constructor. FOOLIB_RESULT some_namespace::some_function(int a_parameter, double another_parameter) { /* <- meta.function meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^ entity.name.function - entity.name.function.constructor */ return FOOLIB_SUCCESS; } #pragma foo(bar, \ "baz", \ 1) /* <- meta.preprocessor */ #define MY_MACRO(a, b) /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.preprocessor.macro */ /* ^^^^^^ meta.preprocessor.macro.parameters */ /* ^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function.preprocessor */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ #define max(a, b, \ /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.preprocessor.macro */ \ /* ^^^^^^^^ meta.preprocessor.macro.parameters */ \ /* <- keyword.control.import.define */ \ /* ^ entity.name.function.preprocessor */ \ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ \ /* ^ variable.parameter */ \ /* ^ punctuation.separator */ \ /* */ \ /* <- comment.block */ \ c) ((a>b) ? (a>c?a:c) : (b>c?b:c)) /* <- meta.preprocessor.macro meta.group variable.parameter */ /* <- meta.preprocessor.macro meta.group punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^ keyword.operator.ternary */ /* ^ keyword.operator.ternary */ #if 0 #ifdef moo /* <- - keyword.control */ #endif /* <- - keyword.control */ #endif FOO() /* <- meta.assumed-macro variable.function.assumed-macro */ FOO /* <- meta.assumed-macro */ struct FOO1 FOO2 FOO3 Test { /* ^ meta.struct meta.assumed-macro */ /* ^ meta.struct meta.assumed-macro */ /* ^ meta.struct meta.assumed-macro */ Test(); Test() noexcept; Test() final; Test() noexcept final; ~Test(); ~Test() noexcept; ~Test() override noexcept; virtual ~Test(); virtual ~Test() noexcept; virtual ~Test() override noexcept; DLL_API Test(); /* <- meta.assumed-macro */ /* ^ meta.method.constructor */ DLL_API Test() noexcept; /* <- meta.assumed-macro */ /* ^ meta.method.constructor */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ DLL_API Test() final; /* <- meta.assumed-macro */ /* ^ meta.method.constructor */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ DLL_API Test() noexcept final; /* <- meta.assumed-macro */ /* ^ meta.method.constructor */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ DLL_API ~Test(); /* <- meta.assumed-macro */ /* ^ meta.method.destructor */ DLL_API ~Test() noexcept; /* <- meta.assumed-macro */ /* ^ meta.method.destructor */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ DLL_API ~Test() override noexcept; /* <- meta.assumed-macro */ /* ^ meta.method.destructor */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ DLL_API virtual ~Test(); /* <- meta.assumed-macro */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ meta.method.destructor */ DLL_API virtual ~Test() noexcept; /* <- meta.assumed-macro */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ meta.method.destructor */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ DLL_API virtual ~Test() override noexcept; /* <- meta.assumed-macro */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ meta.method.destructor */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ } struct X { X(); /* <- meta.group */ /*^ meta.group - meta.group meta.group */ }; #define DEPRECATED(msg) [[deprecated(msg)]] struct Test { DEPRECATED("bla") /* <- meta.assumed-macro variable.function.assumed-macro */ bool foo (bool run=true) {} /* ^ entity.name.function */ }; namespace Test { DEPRECATED("bla") /* <- meta.assumed-macro variable.function.assumed-macro */ bool foo (bool run=true) {} /* ^ entity.name.function */ } struct Test { DEPRECATED("bla") /* <- meta.assumed-macro variable.function.assumed-macro */ bool foo (bool run=true) {} /* ^ entity.name.function */ }; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Strings ///////////////////////////////////////////// char str1[] = "abc"; /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin */ /* ^ string.quoted.double */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.end */ char str2[] = u8"abc"; /* ^ storage.type.string */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin */ /* ^ string.quoted.double */ char16_t str3[] = u"abc"; /* ^ storage.type.string */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin */ /* ^ string.quoted.double */ char32_t str4[] = U"abc"; /* ^ storage.type.string */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin */ /* ^ string.quoted.double */ wchar_t str5[] = L"abc"; /* ^ storage.type.string */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin */ /* ^ string.quoted.double */ char str6[] = "\a|\b|\e|\f|\n|\r|\t|\v|\'|\"|\?"; /* ^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^ constant.character.escape */ char str7[] = "\0|\012"; /* ^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^^^ constant.character.escape */ char str8[] = "\x0a|\x41|\xA|\x000065"; /* ^^^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^^ constant.character.escape */ /* ^^^^^^^^ constant.character.escape */ char16_t str9[] = u"\u0063"; /* ^^^^^^ constant.character.escape */ char32_t str10[] = U"\U00000063"; /* ^^^^^^^^^^ constant.character.escape */ char str11[] = "\q"; /* ^^ invalid.illegal.unknown-escape */ scanf("%ms %as %*[, ]", &buf); /* ^^^ constant.other.placeholder */ /* ^^^ constant.other.placeholder */ /* ^^^^^^ constant.other.placeholder */ "foo % baz" /* ^ - invalid */ char rawStr1[] = R"("This is a raw string")"; /* ^ storage.type.string */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin */ /* ^ string.quoted.double */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.end */ char rawStr2[] = R"A*!34( )" )A*!34"; /* ^ storage.type.string */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin */ /* ^ string.quoted.double */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.end */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.end */ const char IncludeRegexPattern[] = R"(^[\t\ ]*#[\t\ ]*(import|include)[^"<]*(["<][^">]*[">]))"; /* ^ storage.type.string */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin */ /* ^^ - invalid */ /* ^^ - invalid */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.end */ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Storage Types ///////////////////////////////////////////// void* ptr; /* <- storage.type */ bool b; /* <- storage.type */ char ch; /* <- storage.type */ char16_t ch16; /* <- storage.type */ char32_t ch32; /* <- storage.type */ wchar_t wch; /* <- storage.type */ unsigned int ui; /* <- storage.type */ /* ^ storage.type */ signed long l; /* <- storage.type */ /* ^ storage.type */ short s; /* <- storage.type */ auto a = 2; /* <- storage.type */ decltype(s) dt; /* <- storage.type */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ float f; /* <- storage.type */ double d; /* <- storage.type */ typedef int my_int; /* <- storage.type */ /* ^ entity.name.type */ typedef struct Books { /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ - entity.name.type */ char title[50]; int book_id; } Book; /*^ entity.name.type */ typedef struct Books Book; /* ^ - entity.name.type.struct */ /* ^ entity.name.type.typedef */ using Alias = Foo; /* <- keyword.control */ /* ^^^^^ entity.name.type.using */ using Alias = NewLineFoo; /*^ - entity.name */ template using TemplateAlias = Foo; /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.type.using */ using std::cout; /* <- keyword.control */ /* ^ - entity.name */ using std:: cout; /*^ - entity.name */ class MyClass : public SuperClass { using This = MyClass; /* ^ keyword.control */ /* ^^^^ entity.name.type.using */ using MyInt /* ^ keyword.control */ = int32_t; using SuperClass::SuperClass; /* ^ keyword.control */ /* ^ - entity.name */ }; class MyClass : public CrtpClass { using typename CrtpClass::PointerType; /* ^ keyword.control */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ using CrtpClass< /* ^ keyword.control */ MyClass>::method; }; template class MyStack; /* <- storage.type.template */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic */ /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ constant.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic */ template class tupleTmpl; /* <- storage.type.template */ /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.template */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ template, typename... Rest> class tupleVariadic; /* <- storage.type.template */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^ punctuation.separator */ /* ^^^ keyword.operator.variadic */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ template void SomeClass::function(); /* ^^^ keyword.operator.variadic */ /* ^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ template inline struct Foo* baz() /* ^^^^^^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ - entity.name */ /* ^^^ meta.function entity.name.function */ {} template void classname::methodName() { /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ } template void funcName() { /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /* ^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ } bool A::operator<(const A& a) { return false; } /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^^^^^^^^^ meta.function meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ /* ^ meta.function.parameters punctuation.section.group.begin */ template bool A::operator<(const A& a) { return false; } /* ^ storage.type.template */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ /* ^ meta.function.parameters meta.group punctuation.section.group.begin */ template SomeType A::foobar(YetAnotherType&& asRValue) {} /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ template SomeType A::foobar(YetAnotherType&& asRValue) {} /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ template A::A(YetAnotherType&& asRValue) {} /* ^^^^^^^^^ meta.function meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ template A::A(YetAnotherType&& asRValue) {} /* ^^^^^^^^^ meta.function meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^ entity.name.function.constructor */ template A::~A(YetAnotherType&& asRValue) {} /* ^^^^^^^^^ meta.function meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^ entity.name.function.destructor */ template bool A::operator > (const A& other) { return false; } /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function entity.name.function */ template bool A::operator == (const A& other) { return false; } /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function entity.name.function */ typedef std :: vector > Table; /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ template /* ^ meta.template keyword.operator */ /* ^ meta.template keyword.operator */ /* ^ meta.template constant.numeric */ /* ^ meta.template keyword.operator */ /* ^ meta.template constant.language */ struct Foo { /* <- meta.struct - meta.template */ void bar(int a = 3, bool b = true) {} /* ^ - meta.template keyword.operator */ /* ^ - meta.template constant.numeric */ /* ^ - meta.template keyword.operator */ /* ^ - meta.template constant.language */ }; /* <- - meta.block - meta.struct - meta.template */ template /* ^^ meta.template punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ meta.template keyword.operator */ /* ^ meta.template constant.numeric */ class fixed_array : private std::array {}; constexpr std::size_t f() { return 128; } template /* ^^ meta.template punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ meta.template keyword.operator */ /* ^ meta.template variable.function */ /* ^^ meta.template meta.function-call punctuation */ /* ^ meta.template punctuation */ class fixed_array : private std::array {}; template class A { /* ... */ }; template class B { /* ... */ }; /* ^ meta.template keyword.operator */ /* ^ meta.template */ /* ^ meta.template punctuation */ /* ^ - meta.template */ template class C { /* ... */ }; // templates inside templates... it's templates all the way down template class P> class X { /* ... */ }; /* ^ meta.template punctuation */ /* ^ meta.template meta.template punctuation */ /* ^^^^^ meta.template meta.template storage.type */ /* ^ meta.template meta.template punctuation */ /* ^^^^^ meta.template storage.type */ /* ^ meta.template punctuation */ X xa; // OK X xb; // OK in C++14 after CWG 150 // Error earlier: not an exact match X xc; // OK in C++14 after CWG 150 // template declarations spanning multiple lines template /* <- meta.template storage.type */ < /* <- meta.template punctuation.section.generic.begin */ class T, class U = T > class B { /* ... */ }; // template declarations spanning multiple lines template < /* <- meta.template punctuation.section.generic.begin */ std::size_t Count = f() /* ^^ meta.template punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ meta.template keyword.operator */ /* ^ meta.template variable.function */ /* ^^ meta.template meta.function-call punctuation */ > /* <- meta.template punctuation.section.generic.end */ class fixed_array : private std::array {}; template static bool decode(const Node& node, T& sequence) { if (!node.IsSequence()) return false; sequence.clear(); for (const auto& item : node) { sequence.push_back(item.template as()); /* ^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ storage.type - variable.other */ /* ^ variable.function */ /* ^ punctuation */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ punctuation */ } return true; } #include template struct A {}; template struct B {}; struct C {}; A> f(std::function>()> g) { /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^ variable.parameter */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^ punctuation.section.block.begin */ return g(); } int main() { std::function foo1; /* ^ - variabe.function */ std::function()> foo2; /* ^ - variable.function */ auto f = [](std::function>()> g) { return g(); }; /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^ punctuation.section.block.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.block.end */ return 0; } /* <- - invalid.illegal */ // Example from section 14.2/4 of // http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3690.pdf struct X { template X* alloc(); template static X* adjust(); }; template void f(T* p) { // Be optimistic: scope it as a template member function call anyway. T* p1 = p->alloc<200>(); // ill-formed: < means less than T* p2 = p->template alloc<200>(); // OK: < starts template argument list /* ^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ storage.type - variable.other */ /* ^ variable.function */ // Be optimistic: scope it as a template member function call anyway. T::adjust<100>(); // ill-formed: < means less than T::template adjust<100>(); // OK: < starts template argument list /* <- - variable.function */ /*^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ storage.type - variable.other */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call */ /* ^ variable.function */ } struct X { void template(); // <-- not allowed to be a function! /* ^ - entity.name.function */ }; void f() { X x; x.template(); // <-- should not be scoped as variable.function! /* ^ - variable.function */ x /**/ . /**/ foo <5> /**/ () /**/ ; /*^^^^ comment.block */ /* ^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^^^ meta.method-call variable.function */ /* ^ meta.method-call - variable.function */ /* ^ meta.method-call punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ meta.method-call punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^ meta.method-call - punctuation - comment.block */ /* ^^^^ meta.method-call comment.block */ /* ^ meta.method-call - comment.block - punctuation */ /* ^^ meta.method-call punctuation - comment.block */ /* ^ - meta.method-call */ }; template C f(T t) { return C { g>(t) }; /* ^ variable.function */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ } template C> f(T t) { return C> { g>(t) }; /* ^ variable.function */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ } struct A { int foo; }; int main() { A a; a.foo = a.foo < 0 ? 1 : 2; /* ^ - punctuation.section.generic */ } /* <- - invalid.illegal */ template struct A::value && !is_std_char_type::value>> { using x = conditional_t; /* ^^ keyword.operator */ }; /* <- - invalid.illegal */ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Storage Modifiers ///////////////////////////////////////////// alignas(16) char array[256]; /* <- storage.modifier */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ const int XYZ = 2; /* <- storage.modifier */ constexpr int ABC = 3 + 5; /* <- storage.modifier */ thread_local int x; /* <- storage.modifier */ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Control Keywords ///////////////////////////////////////////// static_assert(x >= 0); /* <- keyword.operator */ noexcept(f()); /* ^^^ meta.function-call */ /* <- keyword.operator */ if (x < 5) /* <- keyword.control */ {} else /* <- keyword.control */ {} switch (x) /* <- keyword.control */ { case 1: /* <- keyword.control */ break; /* <- keyword.control.flow.break */ default: /* <- keyword.control */ break; /* <- keyword.control.flow.break */ } do /* <- keyword.control */ { if (y == 3) continue; /* <- keyword.control.flow.continue */ } while (y < x); /*^ keyword.control */ switch (a) { case 1: break; /* ^ punctuation.separator */ case 100 - 10: break; /* ^ punctuation.separator */ default: break; /* ^ punctuation.separator */ } goto label; /* <- keyword.control.flow.goto */ try /* <- keyword.control */ { throw std :: string("xyz"); /* <- keyword.control.flow.throw */ /* ^^^^^^ variable.function */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ } catch (...) /* <- keyword.control */ { } int* ptr = new int(2); /* ^ keyword.control */ delete ptr; /* <- keyword.control */ return 123; /* <- keyword.control.flow.return */ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Operator Keywords ///////////////////////////////////////////// int x = alignof(char); /* ^ keyword.operator.word */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ int x = sizeof(char); /* ^ keyword.operator.word */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Cast Keywords ///////////////////////////////////////////// const_cast(2.0); /* <- keyword.operator.word.cast */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ dynamic_cast(2.0); /* <- keyword.operator.word.cast */ reinterpret_cast(2.0); /* <- keyword.operator.word.cast */ static_cast(2.0); /* <- keyword.operator.word.cast */ auto var = *reinterpret_cast>*>(v); /* ^ keyword.operator.word.cast */ /* ^ - variable.function */ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Language Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////// bool t = true; /* ^ constant.language */ bool f = false; /* ^ constant.language */ int* p = nullptr; /* ^ constant.language */ char ch[] = __func__; /* ^ constant.language */ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Support Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////// std::cout << __FILE__ << '\n'; /* ^ support.constant */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ std :: cout << __FUNCTION__ << '\n'; /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ support.constant */ std::cout << __LINE__ << '\n'; /* ^ support.constant */ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Numeric Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////// dec1 = 1234567890; /* ^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ dec2 = 1'924'013; /* ^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ dec3 = 124ul; /* ^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal */ /* ^^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ dec4 = 9'204lu; /* ^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal */ /* ^^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ dec5 = 2'354'202'076LL; /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal */ /* ^^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ oct1 = 0123_567; /* ^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.octal */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^^^^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ oct2 = 014'70; /* ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.octal */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ hex1 = 0x1234567890ABCDEF; /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ hex2 = 0X1234567890ABCDEF; /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ hex3 = 0x1234567890abcdef; /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ hex4 = 0xA7'45'8C'38; /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ hex5 = 0x0+0xFL+0xaull+0xallu+0xfu+0xf'12_4_uz; /* ^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^^^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^^^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^^^^^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ hex2 = 0xc1.01AbFp-1; /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.hexadecimal */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ bin1 = 0b010110; /* ^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.binary */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ bin2 = 0B010010; /* ^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.binary */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ bin3 = 0b1001'1101'0010'1100; /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.binary */ /* ^^ punctuation.definition.numeric.base */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ f = 1.1+1.1e1+1.1e-1+1.1f+1.1e1f+1.1e-1f+1.1L+1.1e1L+1.1e-1L; /* ^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ f = 1.e1+1.e-1+1.e1f+1.e-1f+1.e1L+1.e-1L; /* ^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ f = 1.+1.f+1.L+1..; /* ^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal */ /* ^^ invalid.illegal.syntax */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ f = 1e1+1e1f+1e1L; /* ^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ f = .1+.1e1+.1e-1+.1f+.1e1f+.1e-1f+.1L+.1e1L+.1e-1L; /* ^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ /* ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ f = 1'843'290.245'123; /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ f = 2'837e1'000; /* ^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ f = 23e-1'000; /* ^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ units1 = 134h + 123.45h; /* ^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^^^ - constant */ /* ^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ units2 = 147min + 147.min; /* ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal */ /* ^^^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^^^ - constant */ /* ^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^^^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ units3 = 357s + 34.7s; /* ^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^^^ - constant */ /* ^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.decimal */ /* ^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ units4 = 234_custom + 10e-1_custom; /* ^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal */ /* ^^^^^^^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^^^ - constant */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.float.decimal */ /* ^^^^^^^ storage.type.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator - constant */ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////// // function prototype void abcdWXYZ1234(); /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ /* ^^ meta.function.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ // function definition void abcdWXYZ1234() /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ /* ^^ meta.function.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ { /* <- meta.function meta.block punctuation.section.block.begin */ } /* <- meta.function meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ struct foo **alloc_foo(); /* ^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /* ^^ meta.function.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ - entity.name.struct */ /* ^^ keyword.operator */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ long func /* ^^^^ meta.function entity.name.function */ (int x, void *MYMACRO(y) ) { /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters meta.group */ /* <- meta.function.parameters meta.group punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ variable.parameter */ /* ^ -entity.name.function */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call */ /* ^^^ meta.group meta.function-call meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ // Ensure < and > aren't parsed as a generic if (foo < bar && baz > bar ) { /* ^ keyword.operator.comparison */ /* ^ keyword.operator.comparison */ label: /* ^ entity.name.label */ /* ^ punctuation.separator */ do { break; } while(true); } if (version.major == 10 && version.minor < 11) /* ^ keyword.operator.comparison */ { } } /* <- meta.function meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ MACRO1 RETURN_TYPE /* <- - entity.name.function */ func_name() { /* < entity.name.function */ } MACRO1 void * MACRO2 myfuncname () { /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ keyword.operator */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ struct Args { /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ entity.name.struct */ void* hello; void* foobar; Args() /* ^ entity.name.function.constructor */ : hellp(nullptr), /* ^ punctuation.separator.initializer-list */ foobar(nullptr) { } }; struct Args args2; /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ - entity */ class LocalFoo MYMACRO /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ entity.name.class */ /* ^ - entity */ { LocalFoo() {} /* ^ entity.name.function.constructor */ } class LocalFoo test; /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ - entity */ } static const uint32_t * const MACRO funcname(); /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ support.type */ /* ^ keyword.operator */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ void FooBar :: baz(int a) /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^^^ entity.name.function */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ variable.parameter */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ { } /* A comment. */ void FooBar :: baz(int a) /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^^^ entity.name.function */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ variable.parameter */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ { } // prevent leading comment from function recognition /**/ HRESULT A::b() /* ^ meta.function */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ { return S_OK; } FooBar::FooBar(int a) /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /*^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ /* ^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^^^ storage.type */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ { } FooBar :: FooBar(int a) & = /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ /* ^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^^^ storage.type */ /* ^ variable.parameter */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^ keyword.operator */ /* ^ keyword.operator.assignment */ default; /*^^^^^ meta.function storage.modifier */ FooBar::~FooBar /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ () { } /* <- meta.function.parameters meta.group punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* <- meta.function.parameters meta.group punctuation.section.group.end */ /*^^^^ meta.function */ ThisIsAReallyReallyLongClassNameThatRequiresWrappingCodeInTheMiddleOfAPath:: ThisIsAReallyReallyLongClassNameThatRequiresWrappingCodeInTheMiddleOfAPath() /* <- meta.function meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ : var_name(nullptr) { } bool FooBar::operator==() {} /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ /* ^^ meta.function.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^^ meta.block */ /* ^ punctuation.section.block.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.block.end */ myns::FooBar::~FooBar() { } /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /* ^^ meta.function.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^^^ meta.block */ /* ^ punctuation.section.block.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.block.end */ /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.toc-list.full-identifier */ /* ^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ extern "C" void test_in_extern_c_block() /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /* ^^ meta.function.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ { /* <- meta.function meta.block punctuation.section.block.begin */ } /* <- meta.function meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if 0 void test_in_extern_c_block() /* ^ comment.block */ { } #else /* temporary C++ preprocessor block */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* <- meta.preprocessor */ /* <- keyword.control.import */ # ifndef _Bool /* <- meta.preprocessor */ /* <- keyword.control.import */ typedef bool _Bool; /* semi-hackish: C++ has no _Bool; bool is builtin */ /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ entity.name.type.typedef */ # endif /* <- meta.preprocessor */ /* <- keyword.control.import */ #endif /* <- meta.preprocessor */ /* <- keyword.control.import */ void test_in_extern_c_block() /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /* ^^ meta.function.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ { /* <- meta.function meta.block punctuation.section.block.begin */ } /* <- meta.function meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* ^ - meta.extern-c */ gener func_returning_generic(int a); /* ^ entity.name.function */ std::vector func_returning_path_generic(int a); /* ^ punctuation.section.generic */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ void f() { static_assert(false, "oops"); /* ^ keyword.operator.word */ } long double operator "" _km (long double x); /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Namespace ///////////////////////////////////////////// namespace myNameSpace {} /* <- keyword.control */ /* ^ entity.name.namespace */ namespace new_name = current_name; /* <- keyword.control */ using namespace NAME __attribute__((visibility ("hidden"))); /* <- keyword.control */ /* ^ keyword.control */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ string */ using namespace /* <- keyword.control */ /* ^ keyword.control */ using namespace myNameSpace; /* <- keyword.control */ /* ^ keyword.control */ void func() { using namespace NAME __attribute__((visibility ("hidden"))); /* ^ keyword.control */ /* ^ keyword.control */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ string */ } namespace ns :: abc /* Neither this comment... */ /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.namespace */ /* ^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.namespace */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ comment.block */ // ...nor this comment is highlighted /* <- comment.line */ { /* <- meta.namespace meta.block punctuation.section.block.begin */ void nsfunc() { /* ^ entity.name.function */ } } /* <- meta.namespace meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ namespace tl { /*^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.namespace */ /* ^ keyword.control */ namespace { /* ^ keyword.control */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.namespace meta.namespace */ /* ^ meta.block meta.block punctuation.section.block.begin */ void nested_func(){} /* ^ entity.name.function */ } } MACRONAME namespace ns3 {} /* ^ keyword.control */ extern "C++" // ^ storage.modifier // ^^^^^ string.quoted.double { namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default) //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.namespace // ^ keyword.control // ^ entity.name.namespace // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call // ^^^^^^^^^ meta.group // ^ keyword.control {} } #define MY_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace greatapp { #define MY_NAMESPACE_END } MY_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class X { private: /* <- storage.modifier */ int a; protected: /* <- storage.modifier */ int b; public: /* <- storage.modifier */ int c; }; MY_NAMESPACE_END MY_NAMESPACE_BEGIN int foo(); MY_NAMESPACE_END /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ meta.function entity.name.function */ /* ^^^ punctuation */ // Uncomment this some day // MY_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class X : public std::true_type {}; MY_NAMESPACE_END ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Classes, structs, unions and enums ///////////////////////////////////////////// class BaseClass; /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.class */ /* ^ - meta.class meta.class */ /* ^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.class.forward-decl */ class BaseClass // comment /* <- storage.type */ /* ^ entity.name.class */ { public : /* <- storage.modifier */ tupleTmpl max(tupleGen a, tupleGen b); /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ variable.parameter */ /* ^ punctuation.separator */ /* ^ variable.parameter */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ protected: /* <- storage.modifier */ private: /* <- storage.modifier */ static int a = 1 << 4; /* <- storage.modifier */ /* ^^ keyword.operator.arithmetic */ static int x; /* <- storage.modifier */ virtual void doSomething() const = 0; /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method */ /* ^ - meta.method meta.method */ /* ^^ meta.method.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* <- storage.modifier */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ constant.numeric */ template void func(){} /* ^^^^^^^^ meta.method */ /* ^^ meta.method.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^^ meta.block */ /* ^ punctuation.section.block.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.block.end */ /* ^^^^ entity.name.function */ template void func(){} /* ^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method */ /* ^^^^ entity.name.function */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^^ meta.method.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^^ meta.block */ /* ^ punctuation.section.block.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.block.end */ template BaseClass(){} /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method */ /* ^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.constructor */ /* ^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ ~BaseClass() {} /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.destructor */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ BaseClass operator [] () /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method */ /* ^^ meta.method.parameters */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ {} BaseClass operator= /* ^^^^^^^^^ meta.method */ /* ^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ () {} /* ^^^^^ meta.method */ /* ^^ meta.method.parameters */ /* ^^ meta.block */ }; class DerivedClass : public ::BaseClass // Comment /* ^ entity.other.inherited-class */ /* ^ comment.line */ { ~DerivedClass() override; /* <- meta.method.destructor */ /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method */ /*^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.destructor */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ virtual void doSomething() const override final; /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ protected: /*^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier */ DerivedClass() override /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method */ /*^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.constructor */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ : a(a), /* ^^^^^^^ meta.method.constructor.initializer-list */ base_id_(BaseClass::None().ToInt()), /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.constructor.initializer-list */ /* ^ variable.other.readwrite.member */ /* ^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call */ /* ^^^^ variable.function */ /* ^ punctuation - meta.method-call */ /* ^^^^^^^ meta.method-call */ /* ^^^^^ variable.function */ /* ^ punctuation.separator */ bounds_(NULL), /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.constructor.initializer-list */ bit_field_(0) { /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method.constructor.initializer-list */ char * a = "sprintf"; char * b = sprintf("Testing %s", a); /* ^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call */ /* ^^^^^^^ support.function.C99 */ base_id_->foobar(1, "foo"); /* ^^ punctuation.accessor - meta.method-call */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method-call */ /* ^^^^^^ variable.function */ base_id_->~BaseClass(); /* ^^ punctuation.accessor - meta.method-call */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method-call */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^ variable.function */ } /* ^ meta.method meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ /* <- - meta.class.constructor.initializer-list */ typedef std::vector qux; /* ^^^ entity.name.type.typedef */ }; template class class1 : class2 /* ^^^^^^ entity.name.class */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic */ /* ^^^^^^ entity.other.inherited-class */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic */ {} class FooBar { /* ^ meta.class meta.block punctuation.section.block.begin */ explicit FooBar(int a); /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.method */ /* ^^^^^^^^ storage.modifier */ /* ^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ FooBar() =default; /* ^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ /* ^ keyword.operator.assignment */ /* ^^^^^^^ storage.modifier */ FooBar(void) =default; /* ^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ /* ^^^^ storage.type */ /* ^ keyword.operator.assignment */ /* ^^^^^^^ storage.modifier */ // If a constructor name is on a line without the opening (, it is not // highlighted as a method/constructor. This prevents a bunch of false // positives, including data types as they are being typed into a struct. FooBar /* ^ - entity.name.function */ (); virtual ~FooBar(); /* ^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ #ifndef DEBUG ~FooBar(); /* ^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ #endif void insert () {} /* ^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ explicit operator bool /* ^^^^ entity.name.function */ () {} FooBar::~FooBar(); /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ void FooBar:: Baz() { /* <- entity.name.function */ } auto f(int a) -> decltype(a.begin()) override final; /* ^^ punctuation.separator */ /* ^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^^^^^ variable.function */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ auto g() -> std::vector override final { /* ^^ punctuation.separator */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ this->g(1); /* ^ variable.language */ } private: /*^^^^^ storage.modifier */ VISIBILITY_MACRO /* ^ - entity.name.function */ myns::subns::MyDataType /* ^ - entity.name.function */ and_now_method_name(); /* ^ entity.name.function */ VISIBILITY_MACRO /* ^ - entity.name.function */ std::shared_future> /* ^ - entity.name.function */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ and_now_method_name2(); /* ^ entity.name.function */ enum /* ^^^^ meta.enum storage.type */ { /* ^ meta.enum punctuation.section.block.begin */ A = 1, B = 20 / 5 } /* ^ meta.enum punctuation.section.block.end */ /* ^ - meta.enum */ friend int func(int a, int b); /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ - entity.name.function */ /* ^ - meta.function-call */ friend int func(int a, int b) { /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ /* ^ - meta.function-call */ /* ^ meta.class meta.block meta.method meta.block punctuation.section.block.begin */ int a = 1; } /* ^ meta.class meta.block meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ /* ^ - meta.class meta.block meta.block */ friend class ::FooBar; /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.type /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ - entity */ friend bool operator != (const X& lhs, const X& rhs) { /* ^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ int a = 1; } /* ^ meta.class meta.block meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ /* ^ - meta.class meta.block meta.block */ #if 0 /* ^ constant.numeric */ int disabled_func() { /* ^ comment.block */ } #endif #if 1 /* ^ constant.numeric */ int enabled_func() {} /* ^ entity.name.function */ #else int disabled_func() { /* ^ comment.block */ } #endif MACRO_NOT_CONSTRUCTOR(FooBar); /* ^ meta.function-call variable.function - entity.name.function */ MACRO_NOT_CONSTRUCTOR2(FooBar, /* ^ meta.function-call variable.function - entity.name.function */ FriendClass); } /* <- meta.class meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ /* <- - meta.class meta.block */ struct X { Y f() override noexcept final; /*^ entity.name.function */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ ::Y g() override noexcept final; /* <- punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ }; class X { public: ::Y g() override noexcept final; /* <- punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ }; union Y { ::Y g() override noexcept final; /* <- punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ }; class Child : public Parent { ::anotherClass Func() override; /* <- punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ } class Adapter2 : public Abstraction, private Scenario { /* ^ punctuation.separator */ } class Adapter : public Abstraction #if defined ASPECTO_MACRO /* ^^^ keyword.control.import */ , public Scenario /* ^ punctuation.separator */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ entity.other.inherited-class */ #endif /* ^^^^^^ keyword.control.import */ { } struct Base {}; class Derived final : Base {}; /* ^ storage.modifier */ struct Derived final : Base {}; /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* C++11 "uniform initialization" in initializer lists */ class Foo { public: Foo() : var1(1), var(2), var3{3}, var4(4) {} /* ^ meta.method.constructor.initializer-list */ /* ^ - meta.function-call - variable.function */ private: int var1, var2, var3, var4; }; class X { int a, b, i, j; public: const int& r; X(int i) : r(a) // initializes X::r to refer to X::a /* ^ meta.method.constructor.initializer-list punctuation */ /* ^ meta.method.constructor.initializer-list punctuation */ , b{i} // initializes X::b to the value of the parameter i /* ^ meta.method.constructor.initializer-list punctuation */ /* ^ meta.method.constructor.initializer-list punctuation */ , i(i) // initializes X::i to the value of the parameter i /* ^ meta.method.constructor.initializer-list punctuation */ /* ^ meta.method.constructor.initializer-list punctuation */ , j(this->i) // initializes X::j to the value of X::i /* ^ meta.method.constructor.initializer-list punctuation */ /* ^ meta.method.constructor.initializer-list punctuation */ , j /*^ variable */ (this->i) /* <- meta.method.constructor.initializer-list punctuation */ { } /* ^ punctuation - meta.method.constructor.initializer-list */ /* ^ punctuation - meta.method.constructor.initializer-list */ }; struct A { static_assert(0 < 1, ""); /* ^ keyword.operator.word */ /* ^ meta.function-call */ /* ^ keyword.operator.comparison */ A(); /*^ meta.method.constructor entity.name.function.constructor */ void f(); /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ meta.method entity.name.function */ /* ^ punctuation.terminator */ }; /* <- punctuation.section.block.end - invalid.illegal */ struct bar { /*^^^^^^^^^^ meta.struct */ /*^^^^ storage.type */ /* ^^^ entity.name.struct */ /* ^ meta.block punctuation.section.block.begin */ bar() /* ^^^^^ meta.method */ /* ^^^ entity.name.function */ {} } /* <- meta.struct meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ /* <- - meta.struct meta.block */ enum baz { /*^^^^^^^^ meta.enum */ /* <- meta.enum storage.type */ /* ^^^ entity.name.enum */ /* ^ meta.block punctuation.section.block.begin */ FOO = 1, /* ^ keyword.operator.assignment */ /* ^ constant.numeric */ BAR = 2, BAZ = 3, #if 0 /* ^ constant.numeric */ QUX = 4, /* ^ comment.block */ #endif } /* <- meta.enum meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ /* <- - meta.enum meta.block */ int main(void) { struct UI_BoundingBox decorativeBox = {10, titleHeight-3, width-20, height-10}; /* ^ - entity.name */ /* ^ - entity.name */ } struct foo MACRO { /* ^ entity.name.struct */ /* ^ - entity.name */ } // Partially-typed struct foo /* ^ entity.name */ struct UI_MenuBoxData /* <- storage.type */ /* ^ entity.name.struct */ { struct UI_BoundingBox position; /* ^ - entity.name */ /* ^ - entity.name */ enum UI_BoxCharType borderType; /* ^ - entity.name */ /* ^ - entity.name */ unsigned int paddingX; unsigned int paddingY; struct UI_ScrollBoxText boxContents[]; /* ^ - entity.name */ /* ^ - entity.name */ }; enum class qux : std::uint8_t /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum */ /*^^^^^^^^ storage.type */ /* ^^^ entity.name.enum */ /* ^ punctuation.separator */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.other.inherited-class */ { /* <- meta.block punctuation.section.block.begin */ FOO = 1, BAR = 2, /* ^ keyword.operator.assignment */ /* ^ constant.numeric */ BAZ = 3 } /* <- meta.enum meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ /* <- - meta.enum meta.block */ enum LineEnding : uint32_t; /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.enum */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.enum.forward-decl */ /* ^ punctuation.separator */ /* ^^^^^^^^ entity.other.inherited-class */ /* ^ - meta.enum */ union foobaz { /* <- meta.union storage.type */ /* ^^^^^^ entity.name.union */ /* ^ meta.block punctuation.section.block.begin */ } /* <- meta.union meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ /* <- - meta.union meta.block */ // Class name that looks like a possible macro class SP {} /* ^^ entity.name.class */ class MyClass MACRO MACRO2 /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ entity.name.class */ /* ^ - entity */ /* ^ - entity */ {} // Class using macro to handle __declspec() on Windows class SK_API SkBitmap {} /* ^ entity.name.class */ class __declspec(property(get=foo)) SkBitmap {} /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ variable.parameter */ /* ^ entity.name.class */ class __declspec(align(8)) SkBitmap {} /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ constant.numeric */ /* ^ entity.name.class */ class __declspec(dllimport) SkBitmap {} /* ^ constant.other */ /* ^ entity.name.class */ // Make sure not to match macros that have "too few characters". template class Sample { public: // The T here should not be consumed as a macro. T operator() (const foo x) { /* <- entity.name.function */ /*^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ return T; } int operator == (const int x) { /*^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ return 0; } // The T here should not be consumed as a macro. T operator()(int a) { /* <- entity.name.function */ /*^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ return T; } // The T here should not be consumed as a macro. T operator[](int a) { /* <- entity.name.function */ /*^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ return T; } }; class Namespace::MyClass MACRO1 MACRO2 : public SuperClass /* ^^^^^^^ entity.name.class */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^ - entity.name */ { }; struct Namespace::MyStruct /* ^^^^^^^^ entity.name.struct */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ { }; union Namespace::MyUnion /* ^^^^^^^ entity.name.union */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ { }; enum class Namespace::MyEnum /* ^^^^^^ entity.name.enum */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ { }; class Namespace:: MyClass MACRO1 /* <- entity.name.class */ /* ^ - entity.name */ { }; struct Namespace:: MyStruct MACRO1 /* <- entity.name.struct */ /* ^ - entity.name */ { }; union Namespace:: MyUnion MACRO1 /* <- entity.name.union */ /* ^ - entity.name */ { }; enum class Namespace:: MyEnum MACRO1 /* <- entity.name.enum */ /* ^ - entity.name */ { }; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Test preprocessor branching and C blocks ///////////////////////////////////////////// int foo(int val, float val2[], bool val3 = false) /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function.parameters meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^^^ variable.parameter */ /* ^ punctuation.separator */ /* ^^^^ variable.parameter */ /* ^^ meta.brackets */ /* ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end */ /* ^ punctuation.separator */ /* ^^^^ storage.type */ /* ^^^^ variable.parameter */ /* ^ keyword.operator.assignment */ /* ^^^^^ constant.language */ { myClass *result; result->kk = func(val); /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ if (result == 0) { return 0; #if CROSS_SCOPE_MACRO /* <- keyword.control.import */ } else if (result > 0) { return 1; #endif /* <- keyword.control.import */ } /* ^ meta.block meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ /* ^ - meta.block meta.block */ #ifndef DEBUG if (check_debug()) { val /= 2; #endif val += 1; #ifndef DEBUG } /* ^ meta.function meta.block meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ /* ^ - meta.block meta.block */ #endif #ifdef FOO /* <- keyword.control.import */ int foobar /* ^^^^^^ - entity.name.function */ ; if (val == -1) { /* ^ meta.block meta.block punctuation.section.block.begin */ #else /* <- keyword.control.import */ if (val == -2) { /* ^ meta.block meta.block punctuation.section.block.begin */ #endif /* <- keyword.control.import */ val += 1; } /* ^ meta.block punctuation.section.block.end */ /* ^ - meta.block meta.block */ return -1; } /* <- meta.function punctuation.section.block.end */ /* <- - meta.function */ #if 0 /* ^ constant.numeric */ int disabled_func() { /* ^ comment.block */ } #endif #if 1 /* ^ constant.numeric */ int enabled_func() {} /* ^ entity.name.function */ #else int disabled_func() { /* ^ comment.block */ } #endif #if 1 int a = 1; #if 0 /* ^ constant.numeric */ int b = 2; /* ^ comment.block */ #else int c = 3; #endif #else int d = 4; /* ^ comment.block */ #endif BOOL GetTextMetrics( HDC hdc, LPTEXTMETRIC lptm ) { #ifdef UNICODE /* <- keyword.control.import */ return GetTextMetricsW( /* ^ variable.function */ #else /* <- keyword.control.import */ return GetTextMetricsA( /* ^ variable.function */ #endif /* <- keyword.control.import */ hdc, lptm ); /* ^ meta.function-call */ /* ^ - meta.function-call */ } /* <- - meta.function */ /* <- - meta.block */ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Matching various function definitions ///////////////////////////////////////////// const int foo = 1; /* ^ - entity.name.function */ int a; /* ^ - entity.name.function */ int /* comment */ * myfunc /* <- storage.type */ /* ^ comment.block */ /* ^ keyword.operator */ /* ^^^^^^ entity.name.function */ (int * a) /* <- punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ keyword.operator */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ { } void MyClass3:: foo() { /* <- entity.name.function */ } MyClass3:: ~MyClass3() { /* <- entity.name.function */ } struct A { #ifdef X static_assert(false, "asdf"); /* ^ keyword.operator.word */ #endif void f() { #ifdef X static_assert(false, "asdf"); /* ^ keyword.operator.word */ #endif } void f() { static_assert(false, "asdf"); /* ^ keyword.operator.word */ } }; void f() { static_assert(false, "asdf"); /* ^ meta.function meta.block */ /* ^ keyword.operator.word */ } void f() { #ifdef X static_assert(false, "asdf"); /* ^ meta.function meta.block */ /* ^ keyword.operator.word */ #endif } Glib::ustring Node::_getDragTip(GdkEventMotion */*event*/); /* ^^^^^^^^^ comment */ MACRO1 void * MACRO2 myfuncname () { /* ^ storage.type */ /* ^ keyword.operator */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ label: /* ^ entity.name.label */ /* ^ punctuation.separator */ do { break; } while(true); switch (a) { case 1: break; /* ^ punctuation.separator */ case 100 - 10: break; /* ^ punctuation.separator */ default: break; /* ^ punctuation.separator */ } } static const uint32_t * const MACRO funcname(); /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ support.type */ /* ^ keyword.operator */ /* ^ storage.modifier */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ MACRO int /* ^ storage.type */ funcname2 /* ^ entity.name.function */ () { } MACRO_CALL(int) macro_prefixed_func(){} /*^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call */ /* ^^^^^ meta.group */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.group.end */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ int* return_type_pointer_no_space(){} /* ^ entity.name.function */ int& return_type_ref_no_space(){} /* ^ entity.name.function */ // Make sure there isn't an incorrect match here since this is not a valid // function definition int32 /* <- - entity.name.function */ () {} _declspec(deprecated("bla")) void func2(int) {} /* <- meta.function-call variable.function */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ __declspec(deprecated("bla")) void func2(int) {} /* <- storage.modifier - variable.function */ /* ^ storage.modifier - variable.function */ /* ^ string.quoted.double punctuation */ /* ^ string.quoted.double - punctuation */ /* ^ string.quoted.double - punctuation */ /* ^ string.quoted.double punctuation */ /* ^^ punctuation - invalid */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ __notdeclspec(deprecated("bla")) void func2(int) {} /* <- meta.function-call variable.function */ /* ^ entity.name.function */ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Paths/identifiers ///////////////////////////////////////////// void sayHi() { std::cout << "Hi!\n"; /* ^ punctuation.accessor */ Print(3); /* ^ variable.function */ func_call(foo /* ^ meta.function-call */ ); if (::std::foo()) {} /* ^^^ variable.function */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor */ foobaz(); /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call */ /* ^^^^^^ variable.function */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^^ meta.group */ foobaz<>(); /* ^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call */ /* ^^^^^^ variable.function */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^^ meta.group */ foobaz<0>(); /* ^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call */ /* ^^^^^^ variable.function */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.begin */ /* ^ constant.numeric */ /* ^ punctuation.section.generic.end */ /* ^^ meta.group */ ::myns::foo(); /* ^^ punctuation.accessor.double-colon */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor.double-colon */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call */ /* ^^^ variable.function */ /* ^^^ storage.type */ myns::FooClass{42}; /* ^^ punctuation.accessor.double-colon */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call */ /* ^^^^^^^^ variable.function */ ::myns::BarClass{}; /* ^^ punctuation.accessor.double-colon */ /* ^^ punctuation.accessor.double-colon */ /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.function-call */ /* ^^^^^^^^ variable.function */ /* ^^^ storage.type */ int a[5]; /* ^^^ meta.brackets */ /* ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin */ /* ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end */ std::cout << ">> Hi!\n"; /* ^^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.c */ } ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Objective-C Interface ///////////////////////////////////////////// @interface Person : NSObject /* <- storage.type punctuation.definition.storage.type */ /*^ storage.type */ @property (readonly) NSString *firstName; /* <- keyword.other punctuation.definition.keyword */ /*^ keyword.other */ @property (readonly, nullable, class) NSString *lastName; /* <- keyword.other punctuation.definition.keyword */ /* ^ keyword.other.property.attribute */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.objc */ /* ^ keyword.other.property.attribute */ /* ^ punctuation.separator.objc */ /* ^ keyword.other.property.attribute. */ /* ^ punctuation.section.scope.end */ @end /* <- storage.type punctuation.definition.storage.type */ /*^ storage.type */ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K like %@", /*^ support.class */ /* ^ keyword.operator */ /* ^ meta.bracketed punctuation.section.scope.begin */ /* ^ support.function.any-method */ /* ^^ string.quoted.double punctuation.definition.string.begin */ attributeName, attributeValue]; /* ^ meta.bracketed punctuation.section.scope.end */ @implementation Person - (void)debugOutput:(NSString *)format, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2) /* ^ punctuation.separator */ /* ^^^ keyword.operator.variadic */ /* ^ variable.function */ {} @end ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Includes ///////////////////////////////////////////// #import /* <- meta.preprocessor.import keyword.control.import.import */ #include /* <- meta.preprocessor.include keyword.control.import.include */ #include "foobar.h" /* <- keyword.control.import.include */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin */ /* ^^^^^^^^ string.quoted.double.include */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.end */ #include /* <- keyword.control.import.include */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin */ /* ^^^^^^^ string.quoted.other.lt-gt.include */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.end */ #ifdef _GLIBCXX_INCLUDE_NEXT_C_HEADERS #include_next /* <- keyword.control.import.include */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin */ /* ^^^^^^ string.quoted.other.lt-gt.include */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.end */ #endif #include /* <- keyword.control.import.include */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.begin */ /* ^^^^^^^^ string.quoted.other.lt-gt.include */ /* ^ punctuation.definition.string.end */