-- SYNTAX TEST "Packages/SQL/SQL.sublime-syntax" SELECT 'Foo '' Bar'; -- ^ constant.character.escape.sql SELECT "My "" Crazy Column Name" FROM my_table; -- ^ constant.character.escape.sql ;CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY); -- <- keyword.other.create --^^^^^ keyword.other.create -- ^^^^^ keyword.other -- ^^^ entity.name.function -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - entity.name.function create table some_schema.test2( id serial ); --^^^^ meta.create keyword.other.create -- ^^^^^ meta.create keyword.other -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - entity.name.function -- ^ punctuation.accessor.dot -- ^^^^^ entity.name.function -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - entity.name.function create table some_schema . test2 ( id serial ); --^^^^ meta.create keyword.other.create -- ^^^^^ meta.create keyword.other -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - entity.name -- ^ punctuation.accessor.dot -- ^^^^^ entity.name.function -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - entity.name.function create table "testing123" (id integer); --^^^^ meta.create keyword.other.create -- ^^^^^ meta.create keyword.other -- ^ - entity.name.function -- ^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - entity.name.function create table `dbo`."testing123" (id integer); --^^^^ meta.create keyword.other.create -- ^^^^^ meta.create keyword.other -- ^^^^^^^ - entity.name.function -- ^ punctuation.accessor.dot -- ^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - entity.name.function select * from some_table where exists(select * from other_table where id = some_table.id) -- ^^^^^^ keyword.operator.logical SELECT ( SELECT CASE field USING a -- <- keyword.other.DML WHEN 1 THEN -- comment's say that -- ^ comment.line.double-dash EXISTS( select 1) ELSE NULL END ) as result /* This is a multiline comment -- ^ source.sql comment.block.c */ /** * -- ^ punctuation.definition.comment.sql */ select <=> -- ^^^ keyword.operator.comparison.sql SELECT *, -- ^^^ keyword.other.DML.sql -- ^ variable.language.star.sql f.id AS database_id -- ^^ keyword.operator.assignment.alias.sql FROM foo WHERE f.a IS NULL -- ^^ keyword.other.DML.sql -- ^^ keyword.operator.logical.sql -- ^^^^ constant.language.sql AND f.b IS NOT NULL -- ^^^ keyword.operator.logical.sql -- ^^ keyword.operator.logical.sql -- ^^^ keyword.operator.logical.sql -- ^^^^ constant.language.sql