%YAML 1.2 # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2015 FichteFoll # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # # # This syntax definition # is based on http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html, # which also serves as a base for variables. # References have been included where appropriate. # # Acknowledgements: # - Most indentation is not checked, # except for block scalars, # where it is also not verified # (i.e. highlights even if less indentation used than required). # - Properties are sometimes incorrectly highlighted # for nested block collections (`- !!seq -`). --- name: YAML file_extensions: - yaml - yml - sublime-syntax first_line_match: ^%YAML( ?1.\d+)? # Technically the number is required, but we'll be a bit loose here scope: source.yaml ############################################################################## variables: # General s_sep: '[ \t]+' # actually s-separate-in-line c_indicator: '[-?:,\[\]{}#&*!|>''"%@`]' c_flow_indicator: '[\[\]{},]' ns_word_char: '[0-9A-Za-z\-]' ns_uri_char: '(?x: %[0-9A-Fa-f]{2} | [0-9A-Za-z\-#;/?:@&=+$,_.!~*''()\[\]] )' # Tag stuff c_tag_handle: (?:!(?:{{ns_word_char}}*!)?) ns_tag_char: '(?x: %[0-9A-Fa-f]{2} | [0-9A-Za-z\-#;/?:@&=+$_.~*''()] )' # ns-uri-char - "!" - c-flow-indicator ns_tag_prefix: |- # "!" ns-uri-char* | ns-tag-char ns-uri-char* (?x: ! {{ns_uri_char}}* | (?![,!\[\]{}]) {{ns_uri_char}}+ ) c_ns_tag_property: |- # c-verbatim-tag | c-ns-shorthand-tag | c-non-specific-tag (?x: ! < {{ns_uri_char}}+ > | {{c_tag_handle}} {{ns_tag_char}}+ | ! ) # Anchor & Alias ns_anchor_char: '[^\s\[\]/{/},]' ns_anchor_name: '{{ns_anchor_char}}+' # double-quoted scalar c_ns_esc_char: \\(?:[0abtnvfre "/\\N_Lp]|x[\dA-Fa-f]{2}|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8}) # plain scalar begin and end patterns ns_plain_first_plain_in: |- # c=plain-in (?x: [^\s{{c_indicator}}] | [?:-] [^\s{{c_flow_indicator}}] ) ns_plain_first_plain_out: |- # c=plain-out (?x: [^\s{{c_indicator}}] | [?:-] \S ) _flow_scalar_end_plain_in: |- # kind of the negation of nb-ns-plain-in-line(c) c=plain-in (?x: (?= \s* $ | \s+ \# | \s* : (\s|$) | \s* : {{c_flow_indicator}} | \s* {{c_flow_indicator}} ) ) _flow_scalar_end_plain_out: |- # kind of the negation of nb-ns-plain-in-line(c) c=plain-out (?x: (?= \s* $ | \s+ \# | \s* : (\s|$) ) ) # patterns for plain scalars of implicit different types # (for the Core Schema: http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#schema/core/) _type_null: (?:null|Null|NULL|~) # http://yaml.org/type/null.html _type_bool: |- # http://yaml.org/type/bool.html (?x: y|Y|yes|Yes|YES|n|N|no|No|NO |true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE |on|On|ON|off|Off|OFF ) _type_int: |- # http://yaml.org/type/int.html (?x: ([-+]? (0b) [0-1_]+) # (base 2) | ([-+]? (0) [0-7_]+) # (base 8) | ([-+]? (?: 0|[1-9][0-9_]*)) # (base 10) | ([-+]? (0x) [0-9a-fA-F_]+) # (base 16) | ([-+]? [1-9] [0-9_]* (?: :[0-5]?[0-9])+) # (base 60) ) _type_float: |- # http://yaml.org/type/float.html (?x: ([-+]? (?: [0-9] [0-9_]*)? (\.) [0-9.]* (?: [eE] [-+] [0-9]+)?) # (base 10) | ([-+]? [0-9] [0-9_]* (?: :[0-5]?[0-9])+ (\.) [0-9_]*) # (base 60) | ([-+]? (\.) (?: inf|Inf|INF)) # (infinity) | ( (\.) (?: nan|NaN|NAN)) # (not a number) ) _type_timestamp: |- # http://yaml.org/type/timestamp.html (?x: \d{4} (-) \d{2} (-) \d{2} # (y-m-d) | \d{4} # (year) (-) \d{1,2} # (month) (-) \d{1,2} # (day) (?: [Tt] | [ \t]+) \d{1,2} # (hour) (:) \d{2} # (minute) (:) \d{2} # (second) (?: (\.)\d*)? # (fraction) [ \t]* (?: Z | [-+] \d{1,2} (?: (:)\d{1,2})? )? # (time zone) ) _type_value: '=' # http://yaml.org/type/value.html _type_merge: '<<' # http://yaml.org/type/merge.html _type_all: |- (?x: ({{_type_null}}) | ({{_type_bool}}) | ({{_type_int}}) | ({{_type_float}}) | ({{_type_timestamp}}) | ({{_type_value}}) | ({{_type_merge}}) ) ############################################################################## contexts: prototype: - include: comment - include: property main: - include: directive - match: ^--- scope: entity.other.document.begin.yaml - match: ^\.{3} scope: entity.other.document.end.yaml - include: node # Use this for debugging. It should not match anything. # - match: \S # scope: invalid.illegal.unmatched.yaml node: - include: block-node flow-node: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#style/flow/ # ns-flow-yaml-node(n,c) - include: flow-alias - include: flow-collection - include: flow-scalar flow-scalar: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#style/flow/scalar - include: flow-scalar-double-quoted - include: flow-scalar-single-quoted - include: flow-scalar-plain-in flow-collection: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#style/flow/collection - include: flow-sequence - include: flow-mapping block-node: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#style/block/ - include: block-scalar - include: block-collection - include: flow-scalar-plain-out # needs higher priority than flow-node, which includes flow-scalar-plain-in - include: flow-node block-collection: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#style/block/collection - include: block-sequence - include: block-mapping ###################################### directive: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#directive// - match: ^% scope: punctuation.definition.directive.begin.yaml push: - meta_scope: meta.directive.yaml # %YAML directive # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#directive/YAML/ - match: (YAML)[ \t]+(\d+\.\d+) captures: 1: keyword.other.directive.yaml.yaml 2: constant.numeric.yaml-version.yaml set: directive-finish # %TAG directive # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#directive/TAG/ - match: | (?x) (TAG) (?:[ \t]+ ({{c_tag_handle}}) (?:[ \t]+ ({{ns_tag_prefix}}) )? )? # handle and prefix are optional for when typing captures: 1: keyword.other.directive.tag.yaml 2: storage.type.tag-handle.yaml 3: support.type.tag-prefix.yaml set: directive-finish # Any other directive # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#directive/reserved/ - match: (?x) (\w+) (?:[ \t]+ (\w+) (?:[ \t]+ (\w+))? )? # name and parameter are optional for when typing captures: 1: support.other.directive.reserved.yaml 2: string.unquoted.directive-name.yaml 3: string.unquoted.directive-parameter.yaml set: directive-finish - match: '' set: directive-finish directive-finish: - match: (?=$|[ \t]+($|#)) pop: true - match: \S+ scope: invalid.illegal.unrecognized.yaml property: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#node/property/ - match: (?=!|&) push: - meta_scope: meta.property.yaml # &Anchor # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#&%20anchor// - match: (&)({{ns_anchor_name}})(\S+)? captures: 1: keyword.control.property.anchor.yaml punctuation.definition.anchor.yaml 2: entity.name.other.anchor.yaml 3: invalid.illegal.character.anchor.yaml pop: true # !Tag Handle # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#tag/property/ - match: '{{c_ns_tag_property}}(?=\ |\t|$)' scope: storage.type.tag-handle.yaml pop: true - match: \S+ scope: invalid.illegal.tag-handle.yaml pop: true flow-alias: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#alias// - match: (\*)({{ns_anchor_name}})([^\s\]},]\S*)? captures: 1: keyword.control.flow.alias.yaml punctuation.definition.alias.yaml 2: variable.other.alias.yaml 3: invalid.illegal.character.anchor.yaml flow-scalar-double-quoted: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#style/flow/double-quoted # c-double-quoted(n,c) - match: '"' scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.yaml push: # TODO consider scoping meaningful trailing whitespace for color # schemes with background color definitions. - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.yaml meta_include_prototype: false - match: '{{c_ns_esc_char}}' scope: constant.character.escape.double-quoted.yaml - match: \\\n scope: constant.character.escape.double-quoted.newline.yaml - match: '"' scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.yaml pop: true flow-scalar-single-quoted: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#style/flow/single-quoted # c-single-quoted(n,c) - match: "'" scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.yaml push: - meta_scope: string.quoted.single.yaml meta_include_prototype: false - match: "''" scope: constant.character.escape.single-quoted.yaml - match: "'" scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.yaml pop: true flow-scalar-plain-in-implicit-type: - match: | (?x) {{_type_all}} {{_flow_scalar_end_plain_in}} captures: # &implicit_type_captures 1: constant.language.null.yaml 2: constant.language.boolean.yaml # binary integer 4: constant.numeric.integer.binary.yaml 5: punctuation.definition.numeric.base.yaml # octal integer 6: constant.numeric.integer.octal.yaml 7: punctuation.definition.numeric.base.yaml # decimal integer 8: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.yaml # hexadecimal integer 9: constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.yaml 10: punctuation.definition.numeric.base.yaml # other integer 11: constant.numeric.integer.other.yaml # decimal float 13: constant.numeric.float.decimal.yaml 14: punctuation.separator.decimal.yaml # other float 15: constant.numeric.float.other.yaml 16: punctuation.separator.decimal.yaml # infinity float 17: constant.numeric.float.other.yaml 18: punctuation.separator.decimal.yaml # not a number 19: constant.numeric.float.other.yaml 20: punctuation.separator.decimal.yaml # timestamp 21: constant.other.timestamp.yaml 22: punctuation.separator.date.yaml 23: punctuation.separator.date.yaml 24: punctuation.separator.date.yaml 25: punctuation.separator.date.yaml 26: punctuation.separator.time.yaml 27: punctuation.separator.time.yaml 28: punctuation.separator.time.yaml 29: punctuation.separator.time.yaml # constants 30: constant.language.value.yaml 31: constant.language.merge.yaml flow-scalar-plain-out-implicit-type: - match: | (?x) {{_type_all}} {{_flow_scalar_end_plain_out}} captures: # *implicit_type_captures # Alias does not work, see https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues/967 1: constant.language.null.yaml 2: constant.language.boolean.yaml # binary integer 4: constant.numeric.integer.binary.yaml 5: punctuation.definition.numeric.base.yaml # octal integer 6: constant.numeric.integer.octal.yaml 7: punctuation.definition.numeric.base.yaml # decimal integer 8: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.yaml # hexadecimal integer 9: constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.yaml 10: punctuation.definition.numeric.base.yaml # other integer 11: constant.numeric.integer.other.yaml # decimal float 13: constant.numeric.float.decimal.yaml 14: punctuation.separator.decimal.yaml # other float 15: constant.numeric.float.other.yaml 16: punctuation.separator.decimal.yaml # infinity float 17: constant.numeric.float.other.yaml 18: punctuation.separator.decimal.yaml # not a number 19: constant.numeric.float.other.yaml 20: punctuation.separator.decimal.yaml # timestamp 21: constant.other.timestamp.yaml 22: punctuation.separator.date.yaml 23: punctuation.separator.date.yaml 24: punctuation.separator.date.yaml 25: punctuation.separator.date.yaml 26: punctuation.separator.time.yaml 27: punctuation.separator.time.yaml 28: punctuation.separator.time.yaml 29: punctuation.separator.time.yaml # constants 30: constant.language.value.yaml 31: constant.language.merge.yaml flow-scalar-plain-out: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#style/flow/plain # ns-plain(n,c) (c=flow-out, c=block-key) - include: flow-scalar-plain-out-implicit-type - match: '{{ns_plain_first_plain_out}}' push: - meta_scope: string.unquoted.plain.out.yaml meta_include_prototype: false - match: '{{_flow_scalar_end_plain_out}}' pop: true flow-scalar-plain-in: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#style/flow/plain # ns-plain(n,c) (c=flow-in, c=flow-key) - include: flow-scalar-plain-in-implicit-type - match: '{{ns_plain_first_plain_in}}' push: - meta_scope: string.unquoted.plain.in.yaml meta_include_prototype: false - match: '{{_flow_scalar_end_plain_in}}' pop: true flow-sequence: # http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#style/flow/sequence # c-flow-sequence(n,c) - match: \[ scope: punctuation.definition.sequence.begin.yaml push: - meta_scope: meta.flow-sequence.yaml - match: \] scope: punctuation.definition.sequence.end.yaml pop: true - match: ',' scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.yaml - include: flow-pair - include: flow-node flow-mapping: - match: \{ scope: punctuation.definition.mapping.begin.yaml push: - meta_scope: meta.flow-mapping.yaml - match: \} scope: punctuation.definition.mapping.end.yaml pop: true - match: ',' scope: punctuation.separator.mapping.yaml - include: flow-pair flow-pair: - match: \? scope: punctuation.definition.key-value.begin.yaml push: - meta_scope: meta.flow-pair.explicit.yaml - match: (?=[},\]]) # Empty mapping keys & values are allowed pop: true - include: flow-pair - include: flow-node - match: :(?=\s|$|{{c_flow_indicator}}) scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.mapping.yaml set: flow-pair-value # Attempt to match plain-in scalars and highlight as "entity.name.tag", # if followed by a colon - match: | (?x) (?= {{ns_plain_first_plain_in}} ( [^\s:{{c_flow_indicator}}] | : [^\s{{c_flow_indicator}}] | \s+ (?![#\s]) )* \s* : (\s|$) ) push: # TODO Use a merge type here and add "pop: true" and "scope: entity.name.tag.yaml"; # https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues/966 - meta_scope: meta.flow-pair.key.yaml - include: flow-scalar-plain-in-implicit-type - match: '{{_flow_scalar_end_plain_in}}' pop: true - match: '{{ns_plain_first_plain_in}}' set: - meta_scope: string.unquoted.plain.in.yaml entity.name.tag.yaml meta_include_prototype: false - match: '{{_flow_scalar_end_plain_in}}' pop: true - include: flow-node - match: :(?=\s|$|{{c_flow_indicator}}) # Empty mapping keys allowed scope: meta.flow-pair.yaml punctuation.separator.key-value.mapping.yaml push: flow-pair-value flow-pair-value: - meta_content_scope: meta.flow-pair.value.yaml - include: flow-node - match: (?=[},\]]) pop: true block-scalar: # http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#style/block/scalar # c-l+literal(n) | c-l+folded(n) - match: (?:(\|)|(>))([1-9])?([-+])? # c-b-block-header(m,t) captures: 1: keyword.control.flow.block-scalar.literal.yaml 2: keyword.control.flow.block-scalar.folded.yaml 3: constant.numeric.integer.decimal.indentation-indicator.yaml 4: storage.modifier.chomping-indicator.yaml push: - meta_include_prototype: false - match: ^([ ]+)(?! ) # match first non-empty line to determine indentation level # note that we do not check if indentation is enough set: - meta_scope: string.unquoted.block.yaml meta_include_prototype: false - match: ^(?!\1|\s*$) pop: true - match: ^(?=\S) # the block is empty pop: true - include: comment # include comments but not properties - match: .+ scope: invalid.illegal.expected-comment-or-newline.yaml block-sequence: # http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#style/block/sequence # l+block-sequence(n) - match: (-)(?!\S) scope: punctuation.definition.block.sequence.item.yaml block-mapping: # http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#style/block/mapping # l+block-mapping(n) - include: block-pair block-pair: - match: \? scope: punctuation.definition.key-value.begin.yaml push: - meta_scope: meta.block-mapping.yaml - match: (?=\?) # Empty mapping keys & values are allowed pop: true - match: ^ *(:) captures: 1: punctuation.separator.key-value.mapping.yaml pop: true - match: ':' scope: invalid.illegal.expected-newline.yaml pop: true - include: block-node # Attempt to match plain-out scalars and highlight as "entity.name.tag", # if followed by a colon - match: | (?x) (?= {{ns_plain_first_plain_out}} ( [^\s:] | : \S | \s+ (?![#\s]) )* \s* : (\s|$) ) push: - include: flow-scalar-plain-out-implicit-type - match: '{{_flow_scalar_end_plain_out}}' pop: true - match: '{{ns_plain_first_plain_out}}' set: - meta_scope: string.unquoted.plain.out.yaml entity.name.tag.yaml meta_include_prototype: false - match: '{{_flow_scalar_end_plain_out}}' pop: true - match: :(?=\s|$) scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.mapping.yaml comment: # http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#comment// - match: | # l-comment (?x) (?: ^ [ \t]* | [ \t]+ ) (?=\#) captures: push: - match: '#' scope: punctuation.definition.comment.line.number-sign.yaml set: - meta_scope: comment.line.number-sign.yaml - match: \n|\z pop: true ...